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wpe1.jpg (1758 bytes)Barry Chamish is an Israeli journalist who has done a great deal of research into corruption of Israel's government--from outside forces and from within.

"Barry had three novels and one book of short stories published in Canada from 1971-75. He moved to Israel, got an MA at Hebrew University and started army service. In 1982 he fought in the Lebanon War. After that Barry pursued a writing career with vigor and published pieces in well over 500 publications, including The Atlantic, National Review, Hollywood Reporter, New York Newsday, etc. In 1992, his career took a sharp unexpected turn. Barry's book, The Fall of Israel, was published in Britain by Canongate Publishers. It was a stinging expose of Israeli political corruption. Following the book's  success, a newsletter was established with Joel Bainerman called Inside Israel. Originally founded to reveal corruption, over time we discovered the reason for the criminality of the Israeli political system: it had been co-opted at the top by elements of the New World Order, especially the Council on Foreign Relations. This knowledge led to deeper investigation and ultimately to the publication of two more books, Traitors and Carpetbaggers In The Promised Land and Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin 

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by Barry Chamish

In the April '09 issue of Vanity Fair, I met a soul sister who tried to warn the Jews that Bernie Madoff was a fraud who would destroy their community;

Laura Goldman of Tel Aviv-based LSG Capital decided not to invest with Madoff. She even sent anti-Madoff articles to members of the Palm Beach Country Club. "I was expecting a thank you, all I got back in return was a hostile response. Some of the Madoff investors said I was behaving unprofessionally and was bad-mouthing a competitor. Oh, they were nasty. Nasty! They said the publications were jealous of Bernie. They were being anti-Semitic. People called me an anti-Semite. I'm not only a Jew, I live in Israel."

She found out, the way I did, that there is something psychologically diseased about the Jewish mind. You live in Israel, you expose a crook, and the Jews defend the crook and call you, an anti-Semite. There is no standard definition in the annals of psychology to explain the sickness. But as their community is being destroyed by their own, the Jews stand up for the wreckers. And any Jew who tries to warn the Jews, is a Jew hater.

And the hatred for the exposer doesn't verge on psychotic, it is mass insanity.

It's just too easy to destroy the Jews. You murder a third of them and they learn nothing from their history except jingoes. NEVER AGAIN! Yeah, right.

Madoff stole $55b of his $65b right from the Jews, and that included many of the most established Jewish charities. And as $55b, half of Israel's annual GDP, is lost for good, and as thousands (13,000 Madoff "clients") go homeless and penniless, who remembers Laura Goldman, the "anti-semite," who did what she could to bail them out while there was still time?

No one, of course. Most of the victims will go to the penury lines believing she was just a loud-mouthed Jew hater who accidentally got one thing right.

Dumbest morons of any people, these Jews!

Now from our point of view, shall I try again? Sure, why not. It's a nice day.

Does anyone recall my piece about Yad Vashem, the official Jerusalem Holocaust memorial, rehabilitating Rudolph Kastner, the representative of Labor Zionism, who let Eichmann murder 850,000 Hungarian Jews while saving 3,500 friends and advocates? It happened in the past year. If you don't know what a butcher he was, read the classic expose of him, Perfidy, by Ben Hecht. I'm too whipped to rehash the ghastly story.

Now Yad Vashem has a new project to whitewash; the rehabilitation of Pope Pius 12, the Holocaust pope:

Foundation Announces Plan to Initiate Process

NEW YORK, JULY 2, 2009 ( A foundation announced plans to nominate Pope Pius XII for the "Righteous Among the Nations" honor, traditionally given to non-Jews who risked their lives to save Jews during the Holocaust.
Gary Krupp, Jewish Papal Knight, president of the New York-based Pave the Way Foundation, an organization that promotes interreligious dialogue, affirmed this Wednesday in a statement to ZENIT. He reported that the foundation has the nomination guidelines from the Righteous Among the Nations Department of the Holocaust Museum Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, and will open the case soon. Krupp stated that the foundation has "devoted years to gathering original documentation and video testimony on this controversial papacy and we believe we have uncovered enough pertinent material to now begin to seek the notarized written testimonies to officially begin this judicial procedure [with] Yad Vashem."

The president, himself a Jew, explained, "In most cases of those who have been honored as Righteous Among the Nations, the honoree has directly acted to save individual lives all while risking his or her own life to do so."
He continued: "The actions of Eugenio Pacelli [Pope Pius XII] do not fit this general description. However, we can establish the direct intercession of the Pope to act resulting in saving hundreds of thousands of Jewish lives. "But obviously because of the nature of the high office he held, Pacelli would almost never have been in direct contact with those he saved."

Krupp reported one exception, when the Pontiff personally interceded "on behalf of his best friend Dr. Guido Mendes, an Orthodox Jewish boyhood friend," sending the family to Palestine in 1938.

The president added, "We can also establish that the life-saving actions of Pacelli were carried out under the threat of death."

Now my readers know what a dire threat the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) is to the future of Judaism and Israel, and I'll be damned if I'm going to retell this horrendous tale again. If you want to learn something, buy my books at Just know, that the leader of Israel, thus supposedly the Jewish world, was a CFR member in 1988. And he's every bit as dangerous as Madoff.
2803. NEMAN RICHARD A,, 1988 annual rpt 
2804. NETANYAHU BENJAMIN,, 1988 annual rpt 

Now Jews, back to the charitable country club, get a good tan, marry a gentile, ignore your heritage, and accept that a Jewish anti-Semite once again tried to disturb your dinner with the Adelmans and their lovely children Josh and Wendy.


This week I was interviewed by my usual gentile radio hosts. (Add press guests). But I did two Jewish shows, Howard Riell, and in Hebrew: %d7%91%d7%90%d7%a8%d7%99-%d7%97%d7%9e%d7%99%d7%a9/
Hebrew listeners, tell you friends, and add:



A reader tried to download the first chapter of my new book THE conPROMISED LAND from my website. He wanted to play it in the car. This is not doable. SO...if you want the CD of Chapter One, read by Paul Henry of the talented Henry family, I'll send it to you on CD. Just $20, in the US, a bit higher due to postage elsewhere.


One of the members of this list is sending me endless copies of a very valuable book, The Vatican's Holocaust by Avro Manhattan.

It tells the horrifying story of the worst religious holocaust of the 20th century led by Pope Pius 12. 237 pages, filled with rare photos. And...It's yours for free. The only cost will be postage, envelopes, gas to the post office, say $6 in the States. Overseas the postage will be higher but the book itself is free.

Send me your mailing address and I'll get it to you.

I'll add my two Vatican DVDs, one recorded in Jerusalem, the other in Atlanta if you ask, a bit more money BUT without profit.

Don't let this pass you by. I repeat, a great, educational FREE BOOK. Just for you. Barry


I offer a pay as you can news service that my subscribers love. I receive hidden but very real news almost no one else is reporting. The sources are worldwide, and usually accurate. Then I send the best to you. Let me know if you can take as many as 10 e-mails a week in your in box. Then pay me fairly as you can. Honest, it's worth it. write me at to join. Two more happy subscribers since last week.

Thanks to for some of the info.

THE conPROMISED LAND can be ordered direct from the publisher


by Barry Chamish

On July 10, Pres. Obama attends the final session of the G8 gathering in Rome and then meets the "ex"-Nazi pope Benedict XVI. There, a proclamation will be forthcoming, outlining the end of Israel. PM Netanyahu has been running around Paris and Rome trying to short-circuit the fateful event but to no avail. At this meeting, the world, EU, UN, Quartet, CFR...all the real decision makers, will give Israel the final ultimatum...Clear the "settlements," divide Jerusalem, because, if not, Israel will suffer the wrath of a total war; economic, financial, and finally, a military attack on the country. BY EVERYONE.

Preparing for the end, the Vatican's highest ranking agent in Israel, Pres. Shimon Peres, opened a major religious gathering, though his only god dwells in the netherworld. Watch as he leads his people out of Judaism to the world below:

.........The two-day Congress of World and Traditional Religions will open Wednesday in the Kazakh capital. It is the third such congress hosted by Nazarbayev in Astana - previous ones were in 2003 and 2006 - and is part of a broader effort to position Kazakhstan as a meeting ground for discussing religious differences.

Both of Israel's chief rabbis will be in attendance, alongside a cardinal who leads interfaith issues in the Vatican...

Expectations are high ahead of the meeting because among the confirmed guests are representatives of the ayatollahs' regime in Teheran.

The impressive spectrum expected at the gathering is precisely what Nazarbayev has sought to create. It is an effort to make Kazakhstan's unique religious openness - "a land without a drop of anti-Semitism," Peres called the country during the visit - a lever for influencing the region.

Iranians walk out on Peres during interfaith Astana parley
Jul. 1, 2009 

Carrying out their threat, the Iranian representatives staged a walkout
during President Shimon Peres's keynote address at the interfaith conference
in Astana, Kazakhstan on Wednesday morning, refusing to return as long as
the Israeli leader spoke.

"We have come to listen to religious leaders," a member of the Iranian
delegation told The Jerusalem Post, "and Peres is not a religious leader."

When asked if he would speak to the attending Israeli chief rabbis or any of
the American rabbis present, Mehdi Mostafavi, an adviser to Iranian
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, said: "We'll see."

Iranian representatives only discovered Monday the extent of Israeli
participation in the interfaith conference that began Wednesday in Astana,
including the keynote address to be delivered by Peres, The Jerusalem Post

While Mostafavi had told the Post at the conference that religion could be a
factor for peace, the Iranian delegation has been threatening to leave in
the middle of Peres's speech.

Representatives of the host, Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev, were
insisting in discussions with the Iranians that a walkout on Peres would
amount to a walkout on Nazarbayev.

With 60 business figures and government officials in Peres's entourage, this
is very much a working visit. But after the space technology agreement
signed Tuesday and agriculture, communications and construction projects
launched in high-level meetings, the visit will turn away from hard-nosed
business and diplomacy to what organizers hope will be the gentler
discussion about how religion can be brought to bear on the problems of the

Both of Israel's chief rabbis will be in attendance, alongside a cardinal
who leads interfaith issues in the Vatican.

"Israel needs a country like Kazakhstan. This is Islam you can live with,
Islam you can join with to advance human progress, Islam that respects other
peoples," Industry and Trade Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer told The
Jerusalem Post on Tuesday.

Ben-Eliezer is one of three cabinet ministers accompanying Peres on a
week long state visit to Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, the first such visit by a
top Israeli leader.

The impressive spectrum expected at the gathering is precisely what
Nazarbayev has sought to create. It is an effort to make Kazakhstan's unique
religious openness - "a land without a drop of anti-Semitism," Peres called
the country during the visit - a lever for influencing the region.

"Religions have a deep effect on politics," Peres said in a joint press
conference with Nazarbayev in Astana on Tuesday. "If they could be mobilized
to the cause of peace, that would have a very large impact on the political situation."

As my longterm readers might recall, Kazakhstan was long infiltrated by Israel, beginning with Pres. Chaim Herzog and his Asian "financier," the late Shaul Eisenberg, in the 90s. So much has been done since then to corrupt the place and destroy its traditional values! As a reader wrote before the latest parlay, "What do you make of search Document Library CP_EU look for Common Purpose OSCE document. Khazakstan is a contributor to OSCE and has the new city of Astana complete with massive pyramids etc - architect Norman Foster. Is this the new Israel of the false Jews?"
My readers and practically no one else, may understand that ancient tradition is being overcome by the likes of Peres and the gang. Judaism and Islam go, a nasty Christian inter-faith belief comes in their stead. And everyone builds barricades and shelters to celebrate the new world arisen.


Now read about a strange and illegal new phenomena and how I fit in:

New Tel Aviv bar bans IDF soldiers in uniform, settlement products

A new vegan bar opened last week in Tel Aviv that bans Israel Defense Forces
soldiers in uniform and boycotts products made in West Bank settlements.

The Rogatka - "slingshot" - bar was opened by an "anarchist collective" who
once ran the Salon Mazal bar; it is located on Yitzhak Sadeh street in
central Tel Aviv.

The new ideologically-devoted bar will not seek to make a profit, and the
founders say they hope it will bring together left-wing activists,
environmentalists, and other fellow travelers, under the banner of cheap
drinks and fair trade products.

The bar's ban on soldiers in uniform and the carrying of weapons, along with
its boycott on products made in the settlements, derive from what employees
see as the connection between all forms of oppression, from the slaughter of
animals to sexism to occupation.

And now, here is me. I was invited to speak at Cafe Mazal a few years ago. The place was jammed to the walls and windows and the lecture was photographed widely for the Israeli internet. Now obviously, I don't support this kind of discrimination that would be like banning Blacks from a bar in Nigeria. The point is, I had an attentive and very large crowd on my evening there and they bought books and talked to me for hours after my speech ended.
This has been my professional life, though it's not me personally. Both the far Left and Right respect my

research, while deep hatred increases as I try to drift to the middle. And I have more personal proof just this week.
I was invited to a wedding that began with the groom's family, or, the establishment in the midst of the middle. There I was slandered, despised and dismissed. Next came the wedding and the bride's family, who, except for their belief in Israel's self-defence, were the kind of folks that would would be right at home in the alternative thinking of Cafe Mazal. I had to bend over backwards to recover from the groom's side of the marriage, but they knew my work, and were willing to listen to it, if not accept it outright.

It's not easy being mostly right and being put in the position of having to prove it all the time. It wears on the personal nerves.

But if this is going to carry on, I need your help, all 3,100 of you on my newsgroup and many, many more who know me by my radio interviews and the websites who publish me.

I know times are tough, but in the past few months I have not been paid for my work. People are running out of cash, but I never exploit you. I have sent out over 120 free books and only some half have paid my expenses:

One of the members of this list is sending me endless copies of a very valuable book, The Vatican's Holocaust by Avro Manhattan.
It tells the horrifying story of the worst religious holocaust of the 20th century. I asked him to send me a copy before I went to bat for it. I was astounded. 237 pages, filled with rare photos. And...It's yours for free. The only cost will be postage, envelopes, gas to the post office, say $6 in the States. Overseas the postage will be higher but the book itself is free.

Send me your mailing address and I'll get it to you. I've sent out almost 100 copies already, but, reminder, half have not paid the minimal costs. Be fair, I'm falling behind on this free offer.

I'll add my two Vatican DVDs, one recorded in Jerusalem, the other in Atlanta if you ask, a bit more money BUT without profit.

And I run a terrific special paid newsgroup. Again, only two have dropped out, but half have not paid a penny:

I offer a pay as you can news service that my subscribers love. I receive hidden but very real news almost no one else is reporting. The sources are worldwide, and usually accurate. Then I send the best to you. Let me know if you can take as many as 10 e-mails a week in your in box. Then pay me fairly as you can. Honest, it's worth it. write me at to join. Three more happy subscribers since last week.

And I've sent out too many copies of my new book with, again, about half who paid me back:

THE conPROMISED LAND can be ordered direct from the publisher

Dear readers, I've always been kind to you. Now it's time to keep me going. Remember my address:

Barry Chamish
POB 840157
Saint Augustine, FL 32080


by Barry Chamish

More and more Israeli news sites are publishing me, and by logical inference, are agreeing with me. Here are just a few highly insightful addresses for you to visit to actually get the real news, called by too many, the paranoid view .                           

But for today, let us look closely at one site which has, publicly admitted that I'm right on the paranoid view that the Israeli secret service, the Shabak, is working with the other side to get rid of those mischievous pesky protesters opposed to Oslo, Barcelona, Saudi Plan, Roadmap, two-state solution, or whatever they call it this week. On June 5 and 6, 3 car "accidents" in the same spot attempted to eliminate the nastiest of the protesters. And Dr. Daisy Stern of:

     ...exposes the hideous plan;

( Henya Meshulam, a Jewish teen from Hevron, was killed Friday afternoon in a car crash near the city of Efrat. The accident occurred when an Arab driver failed to give the right of way to the vehicle in which Henya was a passenger, and crashed into the side of the car.

Several people were injured in the crash.

One day earlier, Israeli citizen David Matar was wounded under similar circumstances near the site of Friday's fatal crash. Matar suffered broken bones when an Arab driver crashed into his car.

Driving the car with the Meshulam girl was Ya'akov Cytryn who is
in bad condition in the hospital - he's a brother of
Shimshon, son of Shmuel Cytryn.  Shmuel and Shimshon were
also targeted by the Shabak's Arabs on their way to Be'er Sheva for a
court hearing. The proceedings went against Shmuel so for awhile so
both father & son were in jail...

ANAT COHEN, who is definitely a WOMAN LEADER IN HEVRON, in her own right - she is one of the SISTERS OF GILAD ZAR, after whom Chavat Gilad is named, and which is on the CHOPPING BLOCK AS WE SPEAK -

from INN:

"Peace Now, the far-left organization that tracks the development of the Jewish locations for the purpose of eradicating them, reports that Ramat Gilad is located 600 meters east of Karnei Shomron and has either 8 or 15 residents, as well as 9 structures. However, three years ago, Arutz-7 reported that Ramat Gilad has eight families, including one with 11 children; their mother is the sister of terror-victim Gilad Zar, for whom the neighborhood is named. Like other outposts, the neighborhood has received all the necessary permits, save for final authorization from the Defense Minister.


Blogmeister, Dr Stern, correctly reaches the logical conclusion that three attacks took place in the same spot in two days against the top rung of anti-Oslo protesters and that was statistically remote from being a coincidence. In fact, she calls the death of Henya Meshulum, not accidental, but murder.

We have her precis of Anat Cohen, but the two other drivers were:
David Matar, husband of Nadia Matar, head of the only long-run anti-Oslo group, the Women In Green.
Yaacov Cytryn son of Shmuel Cytryn, a central character of my book Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin. It was he who first publicly and correctly accused Avishai Raviv, close buddy of the Rabin murder patsy Yigal Amir, of being a Shabak agent, a month and a half before the assassination.  For this he was arrested without charge and placed in solitary confinement for much of his 9 month incarceration. His son Shimshon was caught in another Shabak sting led by agent Itamar Ben Gvir and came close to spending much of the rest of his life on trumped up charges of attempting to murder an Arab. Yaacov was his brother and I have been informed that he is not consolable over Henya's death. An understandable but wrong reaction. It was not his driving that caused her death, but his being the intended target.
      I know his grandparents well and I wrote them the following:

When I was almost killed, I got out of Israel. Your grandson survived, thank G-d, but when he recovers, take your family out of Israel forever.

This is from someone who cares about you. They have targeted me and I left my family behind. Your family has long been targeted and next time they'll kill someone.

Please save your lives. Get out of Israel. My sympathy to you. Barry

WARNING by Dorothy Margraf
This is information that is very disturbing, controversial and may be considered antisemitic by those who wish to only present a positive view of all Jews, Israel and Jewish history.  Over at Israel Forum I was again slandered by the resident writer who works to keep Jews from learning about the New Age movement.  The topics were Barry Chamish, Rabbi Antelman, the Sabbatean movement and the Frankists.  Chamish contends that the Sabbatean movement did not die off, grew and has attained a position of power.  What isn't strange is that if Chamish is correct, both the Sabbateans and New Agers target the religion of Judaism.  There have been many times I've disagreed with the things Chamish has written, actually getting quite angry, less so about what Rabbi Antelman has written.  But then Chamish has written so much more the law of averages would say I wouldn't agree with everything.  I know I am taking a chance alienating some of you by sending this out, but I'm willing to take that chance.   If you want to be taken off my email list as a result of this email, just let me know.  At the very least you will have learned that Barry Chamish has written many books and has a following in Israel and other places around the world.  He has paid a very heavy price for saying these things and more.  More than one attempt on his life was made in Israel, once after a very strange automobile accident which was followed by very strange activity in the hospital to which he was taken.  At this point in his life he is afraid of going back to Israel. 

So much goes on behind the scenes.  The more I read Cuddy's books, the more I realize that so many people have dirtied their hands in an attempt to control others rather than respect them.  Jews are no exception.  They have members in their community who should never have been trusted, who need to be exposed.  Because I'm Jewish I'm more concerned that some Jews have been involved than in knowing who from England, Italy, France, the Vatican, the Masonic community, etc. has been involved.  In particular the attempts to destroy the Jewish and Christian religious communities have a long history.  If you are easily disturbed, only want to hear the positive about Jews and Israel, don't like conspiracy theories or are just short on time, skip this.  You'll live without  the information.

Earlier the topics of Barry Chamish, Shabbtai Zvi, the Sabbateans, Jacob Frank and the Frankists came up.  As usual redcake deliberately distorted information and slandered Chamish, Rabbi Antelman and me. 

I contacted Chamish and asked him for a reply.  He sent a link to an MP3 he did on the topics.

I'm sure there will be major disagreements with the information he presents, but at least there will be disagreements with what he actually says and not what a slanderer says he says.  The information is historical and not sensational.  There is no presentation of the lurid activities of the movements although I wish he had not made the comment he did about the woman politician.  However, it is no worse than the lack of condemnation of redcake by the readers here.  Those who sit passively by day after day, ignoring his immoral behavior are passively condoning it, saying in effect that Jews who participate at this website are not bothered by a Jew who lies and slanders.  How much more respectable it would be if redcake had been told to disagree all he needs to but to clean up his act and not give Jews a bad name.   It's never too late.
Books 1 - 100 of 633 on sabbatean
It is dishonest to state that because one writes about the topic, one must be antisemitic.  This list is only for books.  Additional material is not counted.  To attempt to sweep information under the rug when it doesn't fit an agenda is academically dishonest.  As I see it, Jews who have made common cause with political New Age are no different than the Sabbateans.  They leave Judaism behind and convert to another religion, one with much better political connections in their own mind.  If they convert to a Jew hating religion, they are no better than Jews who join White Power groups.  To pretend they don't exist or to refuse to even whisper their names because of the shame it brings on the larger community is cowardly.  If Chamish is correct, the target of the Sabbateans is the Jewish religious community.  Surprise, surprise, that's a target of the New Age community.
An article by Chamish, with pictures.
Here Chamish talks about Rabbi Antelman's writings.
More Sabbatean history.

Ask yourself why did the followers of Menachem Begin have to flee Israel after the War for Independence when Labor Zionists took over, even though their movement did little to fight the war, wanted to make a deal with Britain and actually fired on a ship and Jews bringing in arms to fight the war. 

Ask yourself why the Jewish establishment has done so little to expose the antisemitism of the New Age movement.  The information has been available for 30 years now on the latest growth of the movement.  It was available when the movement was started.  Information was given to the ADL and Weisenthal.  They can make a big hooha about a small terror group in the South, but somehow the big network is just not noticed.

While looking up the above information, I came across a very interesting relevant coincidence.  It appears the Sabbatean movement is alive but generally secretive.

The Sabbatean Movement and the Judaism of Universal Tikkun
The Influence of the Sabbateanism
The New Donmeh
Donmeh FAQs

"To this day, pockets of radical Kabbalists throughout the world, but particularly in Asia Minor, covertly worship Sabbatai as the Promised Messiah and an incarnation of the Godhead. However, to my knowledge, and in my experience of Sabbatianism (which spans over 40 years), DONMEH-L  is the only collective of Sabbatian/Frankist "fellow travellers" West of Turkey, and certainly the only one on the Internet.

"I realize that this is a vast and complex subject, but I also believe that the legacies of Sabbatai Zevi and my namesake, Yakov Leib Frank, have too much to contribute to the modern world to remained shrouded in scholarly captivity."


One of the members of this list is sending me endless copies of a very valuable book,  The Vatican's Holocaust by Avro Manhattan.
It tells the horrifying story of the worst religious holocaust of the 20th century. I asked him to send me a copy before I went to bat for it. I was astounded. 237 pages, filled with rare photos. And...It's yours for free. The only cost will be postage, envelopes, gas to the post office, say $6 in the States. Overseas the postage will be higher but the book itself is free.

Send me your mailing address and I'll get it to you. I've sent out almost 100 copies already, but, reminder, half have not paid the minimal costs. Be fair, I'm falling behind on this free offer.

I'll add my two Vatican DVDs, one recorded in Jerusalem, the other in Atlanta if you ask, a bit more money BUT without profit.

Don't let this pass you by. I repeat, a great, educational  FREE BOOK. Just for you. E-mail me or write:

Barry Chamish
POB 840157
Saint Augustine, FL  32080

THE conPROMISED LAND can be ordered direct from the publisher

If you have ordering problems or just want the book signed, write me at    Here's one reader's response:

Dear Barry,
I am going to mail you a letter with a small "thank you gift" for the WONDERFUL work on THE ConPROMISED LAND.
You have no idea how much the inscription has meant to us .
We cherish it and LOVE YOU!
The ConPromised Land has it all....all the way to 2009 for updates.
EVERYTHING so clear that only a blind man or a willfully ignorant person could not understand your message and TRUE ALERTS!
Again...your sense of humor is delightful and your message is OH SO TRUE and A MUST READ!
All the greatest of Chamish in ONE BOOK!
So grateful

BALTIMORE - Due to circumstances beyond my control, my New Jersey stay has been switched to just Baltimore. Sorry to those who wanted to meet me. Instead, I arrive at LaGuardia on June 25 and head to Baltimore for five days. If you're in the area, write me quickly and we'll meet.


by Barry Chamish

The pope had a lousy time in Israel. The plans for Pres. Peres to hand him sovereignty over six places in the land were shattered thanks, in no small part, to my longterm readers like Dr. Daisy Stern, Bob Kunst and Prof. Hillel Weiss. They successfully informed the Israeli public of Peres' Vatican perfidy. And as for the Peres/Papal land seizure, curses, foiled again! The pope was plenty ticked by his disappointment and immediately blamed Israel for his crummy tour:

13:27 , 05.21.09

Vatican seeks answers for low turnout for pope's Jerusalem mass

Roman Catholic Church officials say they would like an explanation from Israel for the poor turnout at Pope Benedict XVI's open-air mass in Jerusalem last week.

Monsignor Antonio Franco, the papal nuncio in the Holy Land, said Thursday that church officials are still trying to figure out what happened. He says he's received reports that worshipers with tickets were turned away at the entrance while others received their tickets too late. Some 5,000 worshippers expected at the May 12 mass next to the Garden of Gethsemane but no more than 3,000 people arrived. (Reuters)

So while the pope was stuck in his dead end Israeli jaunt, a new road to get what he wants was presented to the world:

Rome to host Mideast council

Permanent forum to be based at Ara Pacis, symbol of peace

(ANSA) - Jerusalem, May 19 - Rome is to host a permanent council for Israeli-Palestinian reconciliation, the city's mayor, Gianni Alemanno, announced on Tuesday.

Speaking after a meeting with Israeli President Shimon Peres, Alemanno said the council would be located at Rome's 2,000-year-old symbol of peace, the Ara Pacis. ''The idea is to set up a permanent office at the Ara Pacis, providing a permanent, complete council tasked with working towards reconciliation,'' said the mayor. Alemanno said he would also discuss the idea with Palestinian National Authority President Mahmoud Abbas later on Tuesday.

The mayor said he hoped to launch the council on April 21, 2010, the birthday of Rome's mythical founding, in an event attended by political and religious leaders. Saying he was hopeful Pope Benedict XVI would be there, Alemanno explained that Peres had ''underlined the importance of involving leading world figures in such an initiative, which Rome is ideally placed to do''. According to Alemanno, a similar idea was raised over a year ago but was shelved during the change of government in May 2008.

Peres has reportedly said he will write to Premier Silvio Berlusconi to personally request his support for the initiative. Alemanno's announcement about the Rome council comes at the end of a visit that has seen him trying to forge closer ties with the area.

On Monday he joined his Jerusalem counterpart Nir Barkat for a ceremony in which a small square near Jerusalem's Italian synagogue was renamed 'Piazza Roma'.

The traditionally Jewish quarter of Rome will soon see one of its squares renamed Piazza Jerusalem. During his visit Alemanno also confirmed that the Palestinian National Authority is to get a permanent embassy in Rome.

The Palestinian embassy has moved around for the last ten years but will now be located ''in a prestigious building'' in the city's San Giovanni neighbourhood, the mayor said. The Ara Pacis, meaning Altar of Peace, was commissioned in 13 BC to celebrate peace throughout the Roman Empire under the Emperor Augustus. It was completed in 9 BC, 23 years before Augustus's death at the age of 76 in 14 AD.

My friend Michael from Australia called this week, just returned from his pilgrimage to Israel. He followed the pope's journey in part, visiting Nazareth's Church Of The Annunciation where the pope said a few good words on May 14. He was shocked by, well, here are his words and photo:

This is the photo taken in the Church of the Annunciation, Nazareth in
late-April 2009.

However Pope B16 did pray on 14th May under this mural, which clearly
contains the all-seeing eye or the Eye of Horus.

For another look:

The Church of the Annunciation was dedicated by Pope Paul VI on his trip to Israel in 1964 and completed in 1969. It was built over the ruins of previous churches which chose this spot as the holy place where the angel Gabriel found Mary in a grotto and informed her that she would soon give birth to Jesus. The mural appears to feature Jesus, Gabriel and Mary together, a miracle since Jesus wasn't alive at the time.

But it isn't the mural that is so damning of Vatican symbolism as the adjunct above it. Secured to the wall directly above the head of Jesus, is an all seeing eye, resting on, apparently, eagle wings. Although Roman legions marched under banners of eagle wings, some early Christians adopted the wings, turning them now into their symbol for the ascension. But NO Christians, then or now, and certainly not Jesus, had any use for the occult symbolism of the Eye of Horus.

ALL-SEEING EYE: A universal symbol representing spiritual sight, inner vision, higher knowledge, insight into occult mysteries. Look at your $1 bill.

EYE in top Triangle of the PYRAMID: Masonic symbol for the all-seeing eye of god - an mystical distortion of the omniscient (all-knowing) Biblical God.

Above main mural of Nazareth's Church of the Annunciation is not just the all seeing eye, but it is ensconced within a pyramid. The eye and pyramid are the most prominent artwork of the church. The stare directly above the pope, or anyone standing at the main altar, down through Jesus, forcing the worshipers to be reminded that it is mysticism which rules the universe, and definitely not God.


One of the members of this list is sending me 60 copies of a very valuable book, The Vatican's Holocaust by Avro Manhattan.
It tells the horrifying story of the worst religious holocaust of the 20th century. I asked him to send me a copy before I went to bat for it. I was astounded. 237 pages, filled with rare photos. And...It's yours for free. The only cost will be postage, envelopes, gas to the post office, say $6 in the States. Overseas the postage will be higher but the book itself is free.

Send me your mailing address and I'll get it to you.

I'll add my two Vatican DVDs, one recorded in Jerusalem, the other in Atlanta if you ask, a bit more money BUT without profit.

Don't let this pass you by. I repeat, a great, educational FREE BOOK. Just for you. Barry

I offer a pay as you can news service that my subscribers love. I receive hidden but very real news almost no one else is reporting. The sources are worldwide, and usually accurate. Then I send the best to you. Let me know if you can take as many as 10 e-mails a week in your in box. Then pay me fairly as you can. Honest, it's worth it. write me at to join. Three more happy subscribers since last week.

Chapter 1 of the new audio book format of The conPromised Land is up on your website. It's on the top of this link:

If you liked this teaser:

THE conPROMISED LAND can be ordered direct from the publisher

If you have ordering problems or just want the book signed, write me at 


by Barry Chamish

Here is a short overview of the Netanyahu-Obama press conference from someone who has attended other such rigged Presidential events in Israel.

We begin in 1978 at the press conference of Prime Minister Begin and Vice President Walter Mondale outside Begin's office in Jerusalem. Back then, the "sophisticated" rigging hadn't begun in earnest and I got to ask Mondale a question. Anwar Sadat had visited Jerusalem the year before and I had followed his tour as a press aide for John Keesler of the Miami Sun. Since then, President Carter made sure that Sadat got everything he demanded and Israel got nothing physical in return.

Now back then I didn't know the game was fixed or that Carter was a member of the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) or that Mondale was not only a CFR member but also a founding partner of the new sister organization The Tri-Lateral Commission. If I had only known I would have framed my question differently. What I saw was an ever-smiling dope who clearly despised Begin, but portrayed himself as the friendly uncle here for a visit with his good pal, the leader of Israel. That, I saw through and asked him, "Are you more sympathetic to the Israeli or Egyptian negotiating position?" or words to that exact effect.

Wally dropped his smile, and answered the inexperienced reporter, as if dismissing him outright, "We don't take sides. We are objective."

Yeah, sure you were. Within a year Israel had signed away every inch of the Sinai and received a "peace" treaty abrogated by Egypt in half a generation. Today, Egypt doesn't have to risk its soldiers fighting Israel; it just supplies Hamas with Sinai-smuggled weapons and lets them do the dirty work.

But to understand what Netanyahu had to endure in his conference with Obama, we must go to Yitzhak Rabin's joint press conference in Jerusalem with Pres. Bill Clinton of the CFR. As fate would playfully have it, I made friends at the event with a Canadian Christian journalist, who lived in Samaria, recently departed, Grant Livingstone. After the horrific conference was over, he drove me home and thereafter became a close confident and supporter of my work.
Grant overcame the odds and triumphed before Clinton and the world.

The Oslo "peace" Accord was signed the year before and Rabin, without exaggeration, was thoroughly hated by a majority of his people. And that would have to be hidden at all costs. This press conference was staged to remove all signs of Israeli opposition to Rabin, Clinton and Oslo. I sat in the second row, one row back and two away from Secretary of State Warren Christopher (CFR). I looked at his otherworldly face, noticed his ghastly wingtip shoes, and determined he was an alien from a far off galaxy. Of course, that was my imagination. Only much later did we determine that it was true.

As Rabin and Clinton entered the room, not one Israeli got off his chair, but the entire White House press corps rose to their feet and gave them both an extended and phoney standing ovation, as they must have been instructed to do. These clowns were pre-chosen to be the "reporters" for Clinton's trip.

There were two mikes set up for reporters and I saw two Israel tv hacks stand behind each one. I got the message and stood behind one, second in line behind tv "reporter" Emmanuel Halperin. Grant saw what I did and got up to be third in line. My question would be about the Syrian diplomatic process, and Grant wouldn't tell me what he was planning to ask. So while Clinton and Rabin read their prepared statements, I edited my question to the basics on, as I recall, a found napkin.
Then the press questions began and not one was aimed at the open mikes. Instead, Clinton would point at a reporter, name him, and take the "unexpected" questions. "Yes Mary, do you have a question?" he asked. And the tiny old hag asked, "Yes, Mr. President. How would you characterize your trip so far?" And that was the toughest question he fielded all night. I drifted off as the endless session continued. "Helen Thomas here. Mr. President, how did you sleep last night," I imagined in the blur of trivia.

Rabin was asked one, maybe two questions but I caught what I thought was obvious to everyone. He was drunk. His feet swaggered, he slurred his words, and he held onto the podium for balance. It was a highly disturbing sight. And though it WAS noticed after, no one wrote a word of upsetting journalism about Rabin's drunken performance.
Clinton's arm must have been worn out from fielding marshmallows because finally, he agreed to accept questions from the mike. At the opposite mike, an Israeli reporter threw Rabin a softball. After his longwinded inebriated reply, the conference host announced that the next question would be the last. I turned to Grant and said, "We've been set up."

He pushed Halperin away and asked Clinton, " As a Christian, aren't you afraid of the final price you'll pay for forcing Israel to cede land to murderers?"

Silence, followed by a shocked murmur that spread through the White House "reporters!" Clinton's face turned crimson. Hesitating, he started to answer just as the host announced that the press conference was over. Grant unrigged the show.

The whole nation was watching the conference and as we walked to his car people recognized him, congratulated him and actually applauded him. And not a word was written about the man nor the question that blew apart the choreographed press fiasco of Oslo, Rabin and Clinton.

The Obama-Netanyahu conference was even more staged than this. The room was small, the reporters handpicked and left standing for the cameras, for whatever psychological advantage there is in that. Netanyahu and Obama sat in a one on one "friendly" discussion. Netanyahu was clearly previously threatened and his face was ashen, but Obama was not in a nice mood either.

He wanted to start on giving away the ship to the Palestinians, while Netanyahu desired an Iran first diplomacy. But, he reiterated, Israel will not surprise America with an attack. Like it could. To get to Iran, Israeli planes would have to overfly American-held Iraq, or America's ally Saudi Arabia, at which point it would find itself in a dogfight with the American Air Force. Big concession.

They both stared each other down as each spoke and they found excuses to be in agreement on anything available. But they fooled no one. It's endgame for Israel time and Netanyahu tried to delay Obama's final diplomacy. But so did Begin, and Carter forced him to betray his ideals. But so did Rabin, and Clinton got him to betray Israel's basic security.

Now it's Netanyahu's turn and give it time, Obama will make him betray his country or Israel is doomed to be friendless in this world.

That was the not so rigged message of the Obama-Netanyahu choreographed press conference.


You can now HEAR chapter one of my new book, The conPromised Land, recorded by the talented Henry family.

If you liked this teaser:

THE conPROMISED LAND can be ordered direct from the publisher

If you have ordering problems or just want the book signed, write me at 

I offer a pay as you can news service that my subscribers love. I receive hidden but very real news almost no one else is reporting. The sources are worldwide, and usually accurate. Then I send the best to you. Let me know if you can take as many as 10 e-mails a week in your in box. Then pay me fairly as you can. Honest, it's worth it. write me at to join. Two more happy subscribers since last


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If you use a digital multi-meter (DMM), then there should be a special setting on the Ohms range for testing diodes. Often the setting is marked with a diode symbol: Click Here For ASCII Version of this symbol. was the one place Barry's article got through.

From Barry: AT&T has BLOCKED my sending the following article. IT HAS BEEN


by Barry Chamish

Twelve years ago, I wrote the following famous edict:

Barry Chamish:  Vatican plot against ISRAEL 1997

In March 1994, the newspaper Chadashot revealed a most remarkable secret of the Middle East "peace" process. A friend of Shimon Peres, the French intellectual Marek Halter, claimed in an interview that in May 1993, he delivered a letter from Peres to the pope. Within, Peres promised to internationalize Jerusalem, granting the UN political
control of the Old City of Jerusalem, and the Vatican hegemony of the holy sites within. The UN would give the PLO a capital within its new territory and East Jerusalem would become a kind of free trade zone of world diplomacy.

Halter's claim was backed by the Italian newspaper La Stampa which added that Arafat was apprised of the agreement and it was included in the secret clauses of the Declaration Of Principles signed in
Washington in September 1993.

In March 1995, the Israeli radio station Arutz Sheva was leaked a cable from the Israeli Embassy in Rome to Peres's Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem confirming the handover of Jerusalem to the Vatican. This cable was printed on the front page of the radical leftwing Israeli newspaper, Haaretz two days later. A scandal erupted and numerous
rabbis who had invited Peres for Passover services cancelled their invitations in protest of his treachery. Peres reacted by claiming that the cable was real but that someone had whited out the word, "not;" the cable really said that Israel would "not" hand Jerusalem over to the holy pontiff.

Illustrating the sorry political state of Israel's rabbis, they accepted this cockamamie excuse and re-invited Peres to their tables. However, in the widely distributed minutes of a meeting with Clinton in 1997, Peres reiterated his diplomacy, ending with the words, "as I had previously promised the Holy See."

So what did the Swami Barry report? That Foreign Minister Shimon Peres had cooked up a deal offering the Vatican sovereignty over East Jerusalem and its holy sites. That the UN would secure and police the Vatican enclave. And that the PLO would be granted a national capital in the Vatican's East Jerusalem territory.

So let's see if my reporting panned out. Oh, you know it did to the smallest detail, but let's read this week's news from Jerusalem anyway:

'Peres wants to yield sites to Vatican'

President Shimon hand over Israeli Peres is willing to sovereignty of key Christian holy sites to the Vatican, a proposition that is reportedly opposed by Interior Minister Eli Yishai and that has ruffled feathers among other senior government officials, Army Radio reported on Monday.

Beit Hanassi could not be reached for comment on Monday, as it does not issue statements to the press while the president is abroad.

According to the radio report, the president is exerting pressure on the government to give up sovereignty over six sites, including the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth, the Coenaculum on Mount Zion, Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, and the Church of the Multiplication on the Kinneret.

The report quoted Beit Hanassi as saying that talks had been going on long enough, and that the time had come to compromise with the Vatican and come to an agreement.

On Sunday, according to the report, Beit Hanassi requested that the Interior Ministry sign documents ceding sovereignty. However, Yishai refused.

"Every concession like this limits the Israeli government's ability to function as a sovereign government in the area," the interior minister was quoted as saying. Former Meretz chairman Yossi Beilin, however, was quoted as saying
that Israel had not behaved satisfactorily in recent dealings with the Vatican.

"We need to compromise with them," he said.

( Ten-year-long negotiations between Israel and the Vatican appear to be drawing to a close, with concerns rising that Israel will cede control of the building housing King Davids Tomb in Jerusalem.

The Bilateral Permanent Working Commission a team of negotiators representing Israel and the Vatican released an upbeat press release at the end of last week, speaking of "meaningful progress," "great cordiality," and a mutual commitment to reaching a final agreement "as soon as possible.

Tellingly, a plenary meeting has been announced for this Thursday, April 30, at the Foreign Ministry. The meeting will be chaired by the two states deputy foreign ministers, Danny Ayalon and Monsignor Pietro Parolin. It is widely believed that the agreement will be signed then.

Church Demands Parts of Mt. Zion

The two states have been negotiating a treaty since March 1999 on matters having to do with Church-owned or Church-claimed property in Israel. Among the most significant issued under negotiations is the Vaticans demand for the Last Supper room, located on the second floor of the ancient Mt. Zion building that also houses the tombs of Kings
David, Solomon, and Hezekiah.

In addition, the Vatican is claiming areas around the Kinneret Sea, as well as in Caesaria and Jerusalem.

Hints and implications in the Vatican and Catholic press have long indicated that the negotiations are expected to end successfully, from the Catholic vantage point, in time for Pope Benedicts visit to Israel two weeks from now.

Blueprint of an Agreement

A Foreign Ministry official confirmed in 2005 that a blueprint of a possible agreement with the Vatican has been received. The proposed contract, as Arutz-7 reported at the time, read as follows:

"The State of Israel hands over to the Holy See the use of the Cenacle [the room of the event known as the Last Supper, above King David's tomb - ed.], of the access path to it, and of the spaces adjacent to it... It is the Holy See's intention to inform the Bishops - and through them the world's Priests - that the Catholic Church has been given the use of the Cenacle, inviting them to visit the Holy Place together with their faithful... The Holy See hands over this use of the Cenacle to the Custody of the Holy Land [which acts on behalf of the Holy See]... [which] will keep the Cenacle open from 6 AM to 8 AM for the celebration of the Holy Mass... Official liturgical celebrations of non-Catholic Churches can take place only upon prior written permission by the Custody of the Holy Land."

The proposed agreement also stipulated that the Holy See will preserve the historic character of the site and keep it open to pilgrims and tourists, and that Israel will provide for the safety of the site. The Foreign Ministry official said at the time that Israel is not prepared to relinquish its jurisdiction over this area. The world will find out later this week whether this position is still valid.

After Peres meets with Obama in Washington on May 6:

U.S. President Barack Obama told Jordan's King Abdullah two weeks ago to meet with leading Muslim Arab countries and persuade them to accept changes in the Saudi 2002 Initiative, according to the London-based Arabic language Al-Quds Al-Arabi newspaper.

The report reflects the presidents swift action on the Middle East since he was elected last November.

President Obamas major proposed alteration in the Saudi peace plan is for Arab countries to grant citizenship to approximately five million Arabs who are descendants of former Israelis while allowing them the right to move to a new Palestinian Authority country.

The Saudi plan calls for them to be allowed to immigrate to Israel, a suggestion that virtually every Israeli leader categorically rejects. President Obama also reportedly told the king that he wants the United Nations flag raised over holy sites in eastern Jerusalem, where the PA would have total sovereignty under the Saudi plan.

The presidents master plan calls for Arab countries to set a timetable for raising the Israeli flag in their capitals, a sign of recognition of the Jewish State. Simultaneously, the PA flag would be raised in Jerusalem neighborhoods, a move that would virtually make the Fatah-led government the de facto government in a significant
portion of the Jewish capital.

Battle for Jerusalem

Iyar 14, 5769, 08 May 09 04:39
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu (INN)

The PA considers their demand for Jerusalem to be non-negotiable, and Asian Online this week reported that President Obama told visiting King Abdullah of Jordan two weeks ago that the United Nations flag should fly over holy places in the city.

And with the battle lines now clearly drawn, Israel's Vatican, the Chief Rabbinate, issued a public edict forbidding Israel to give the Holy See or his cronies one inch of our land.

Chief Rabbinate Forbids Transferring Sites to Vatican

Iyar 12, 5769, 06 May 09 01:31

( The Council of Holy Sites of the Chief Rabbinate released a statement Wednesday saying that it was forbidden for Israel to transfer authority of sites in Israel to the Vatican. The Vatican has requested that six sites of a religious nature be transferred to its authority in advance of the Popes visit to Israel next week.

The Councils statement read: According to Jewish Law, it is forbidden for any person to give a part of the Land of Israel to the Vatican. Therefore we call on the Prime Minister, Ministers, and Members of Knesset to immediately cease discussions of this nature.


So with the issue spreading and the Rabbinate taking real action, the government sent in its usual infiltrators to quash
the brewing scandal. Agents Ben Gvir and Marzel sued the pope for the crimes of Titus and Rome 2000 years ago, shifting the real issues to the realms of the absurd, and associating all anti-Papal outrage in the public's eye with the likes of these two radical clowns.

Thus sayeth Benedict Ratzinger, "Let's Make A Deal!"

Iyar 14, 5769, 08 May 09 10:47

( Pro-Land of Israel activists Baruch Marzel and Itamar Ben-Gvir will roll out the red carpet for Pope Benedict XVIs arrival by pressing criminal charges against him.

As the Pope arrives in Israel on Monday, the activists will be at the Jerusalem Magistrates Court, filing a criminal complaint in which the Pope tops the list of defendants.

The criminal complaint details a record of treasures and possessions that belong to the Jewish People that are allegedly being held in the Vatican in Rome. Among the treasures claimed are vessels plundered from the Temple by the Romans under the command of then-general Titus, including the seven-branched golden Menorah.


For my TWO DVDs of the Vatican's Plot, one recorded in Jerusalem, the other in Atlanta; you get BOTH for only $14. Write me at

Me And The Liberty:

A Paragraph from the Blech review of my new book:

THE conPROMISED LAND details just how compromised Israel has become both wittingly and unwittingly - caught up in the plans of the Council of Foreign Relations, the Vatican and the ever-pervasive 'Jewish' Sabateans. Too many these days think that these groups have no real teeth but as this book demonstrates their plans are far from innocent
and their dismembering of the Jewish State is going from strength to strength. The book is of course disturbing, yet at the same time liberating, as for so many of us the 'official story' of Israel has never really added up and here we can understand the Real Story and even one hopes, try and expose the lies, plans, cover-ups and
conspiracies and save Israel while there is still time.

THE conPROMISED LAND can be ordered direct from the publisher
or, if that proves difficult, from the author at

My Atlanta lecture on the upcoming papal visit was a somewhat controversial hit. I noted for a tv interview that the pope had promised to perform miracles in Israel. Yes, he will walk underwater, he will cure a ham, and he will make a blind man deaf. You don't want to miss the Wermacht volunteer when he gets to his Holy Land. And join two activists protesting the concessions Israel will concede to the
Holy See:

Rally with Shalom International TO KEEP JERUSALEM UNITED, when Pope Benedict visits Israel
May 7-15 / Iyar 13-21 (
Details: Bob Kunst 305-864-5110,

And Dr. Daisy Stern:

But first, watch me at:

I add: I offer a pay as you can news service that my subscribers love. I receive hidden but very real news almost no one else is reporting.

The sources are worldwide, and usually accurate. Then I send the best to you. Let me know if you can take as many as 10 e-mails a week in your in box. Then pay me fairly as you can. Honest, it's worth it.

write me at  to join. Four more happy subscribers since last week.

To pay what you can afford, my Paypal is

or drop a modest check to me at:

POB 840157
Saint Augustine, FL  32080


by Barry Chamish

I knew Israel's new ambassador to Washington, Michael Oren. Now normally, so what? But I have been flooded with letters, petitions and articles asking why this non-diplomat, with one irrelevant book in his CV, was chosen over dozens of high- ranking Foreign Ministry bureaucrats, who toiled for years hoping to be appointed to the highest posting on earth. Let's summarize the confusion with a letter from a longtime source, followed by a phone call from him from Israel:

What an incredibly off the wall pick for ambassador. Absolutely no government service- and the only academic credentials he has is from Shalem Center.

The pick reminds me of Dore Gold but that was to the UN- not US Ambassador. At least had an academic record. Oren is a one time author of a conventional book on one event in Israeli history. What gives?

Why so off the wall? Well for one thing, he opposes, on paper at least, PM Netanyahu's basic security positions:

Netanyahu's candidate for U.S. envoy backs one-sided pullout
By Barak Ravid Haaretz Last update - 06:01 24/04/2009

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's candidate for Israeli ambassador to
Washington, Dr. Michael Oren, supports a unilateral Israeli withdrawal from
the West Bank and an evacuation of most of the settlements.

Oren, a visiting Georgetown University professor, said in a lecture there
last month, "The only alternative for Israel to save itself as a Jewish
state is by unilaterally withdrawing from the West Bank and evacuating most
of the settlements."

To get to the bottom of the mystery, I have something personal to contribute. In 1979, Michael Oren and I were drafted into the Israeli army on the same day, arrived at the Bakkum Induction Center on the same bus, and became really good buddies in the two days we waited until we were assigned separate units. I ended up a sand-eating drudge and he got the best the army could offer, induction into the Mossad.

Michael looked tall, blond and gentile, so he was given a press card from the Kansas City Star, and toured Middle Eastern capitals as a journalist, not for Kansas, but for Israel. After our service ended, we met and, while I could only describe a bland time in the military, he described his tours of Iraq and Syria, the risks of being discovered, looking down on the Galilee from the Syrian POV, and, I remember this point most clearly, how good the food was in Damascus.

What my correspondents didn't know was the Oren was not a nobody in the Israeli establishment, he was a Mossad, at least, asset, and probably much more than that. And the Mossad has decided to primp and prime him as a future Prime Minister for their purposes, though not necessarily for Israel's good.

A relevant digression: Oren was not the first high-level Netanyahu appointment I knew in Israel. In 1997 he appointed Dr. Dore Gold his UN Ambassador and I knew him somewhat more than superficially. My piano playing pal Bob Blake was friends with the Wouk brothers, and I knew one of them, Joey from our days at Hebrew University. The Wouk's father, Herman, wrote such hit books as The Caine Mutiny and War And Remembrance, the first much better than the second. The Wouk brothers were friends with Dore Gold and we all met at Bob's apartment in the center of Jerusalem on numerous occasions. I liked Dore, I found out, more than he liked me, but I did not consider him UN ambassadorial material.
But once in his new appointment, I understood the reason for his advancement. He began writing articles, endlessly praising the personal advice and written diplomacy of Henry Kissinger. Gold was on board and with my different reading of Kissinger, we were now officially on two separate ships...his, the far more dangerous for Israel.
Two Prime Ministers who came out of Israel's Washington embassy were Yitzhak Rabin and Binyamin Netanyahu. Kissinger was the primary American handler of both. Rabin began, in 1968, a modest kibbutz socialist and ended up going on the electoral stump for Nixon and Kissinger by 1972. During the Yom Kippur War of 1973, Kissinger told PM Golda Meir that if she wanted Israel rearmed, she would have to step down and somehow, appoint the political novice, Rabin, as her successor.

In September 1995, barely a month before he was murdered, Rabin told an unamusing story on Israeli tv. Apparently, Kissinger phoned him to complain about Netanyahu. It seems that he interrupted Kissinger the day before, asking Henry to alter his Golan Heights position. While I got the message loud and clear that both Israel's PM and the leader of the opposition were run by Kissinger, Rabin viewed the story as something that passed for lighthearted.
Rabin was corrupted after he arrived in Washington, Netanyahu was pre-corrupted, but both saw their careers rise by associating with Kissinger's think tank, the Council On Foreign Relations. And Israel pays the price with a government run by a mentality that has nothing to do with its people's actual thinking. And though Israel just elected a right- wing government in a landslide, what they get are rulers about to fete a Nazi pope and, sending a talentless anti-religious cretin named Achinoam Nimni to the Eurovision, a big deal in Israel, but only on her condition that she invite an Arab to sing with her.

In short, voting is a waste of time and change is cosmetic. In Michael Oren, Washington took its first steps to sneaking him in to the Israeli Prime Minister's Office, whether the Israelis or Netanyahu like it or not.
As for who Oren will listen to as ambassador; as everyone says, once in the Mossad, always in the Mossad.


More about Moshe Dayan, the Yom Kippur War and the USS Liberty at:

Feature Interview - The Dr. Stan Monteith Show
Did US President Lyndon Johnson Order The Sinking of The Liberty?
Listen to Author Barry Chamish Tell The Story.

Note: Copy and paste the above link to your browser for listening. An excellent Program.

BOOK REVIEW -Gemma Blech, Jerusalem

Barry Chamish's newest book, THE conPROMISED LAND is well named. Barry has an impressive list of published books, and is well known as Israel's leading investigative reporter. His seminal work on the murder of Yitzhak Rabin was on the best seller list for some time and he has continued to amass evidence for the true nature of that infamous event. The shocking cover-up, even conspiracy, that continues to surround that modern day political assassination, lies at the root of so much of the blindness of the Israeli public.

In Barry Chamish's latest book, THE ConPROMISED LAND, we are given summaries of all the events, murders, plans and dirty deals, in which Israel is and has been involved. Some of his previous books may have submerged the reader in names and political parties which, to the uninitiated, have been somewhat overwhelming. This book is far more straight forward. All the personalities involved both inside and outside Israel are better drawn even in some cases with ironic humor. Barry uses his own news reports to set the scene for assorted events always backed up by multiple sources and Internet references.

It is timely that I am writing this brief review just as Israel's leaders both political and religious, blindly and foolishly hand over Mt Zion in Jerusalem to the Vatican. [This long planned and warned about by Chamish]. The ramifications of the hand over of the so-called 'Russian Compound' a few months ago to Putin, [who had NO legal claim to it], has yet to bear its evil fruit. And I hardly need to remind readers of the consequences of the destruction and abandonment of Gush Katif in 2005.

So, THE conPROMISED LAND details just how compromised Israel has become both wittingly and unwittingly - caught up in the plans of the Council of Foreign Relations, the Vatican and the ever-pervasive 'Jewish' Sabateans. Too many these days think that these groups have no real teeth but as this book demonstrates their plans are far from innocent and their dismembering of the Jewish State is going from strength to strength. The book is of course disturbing, yet at the same time liberating, as for so many of us the 'official story' of Israel has never really added up and here we can understand the Real Story and even one hopes, try and expose the lies, plans, cover-ups and conspiracies and save Israel while there is still time.

THE conPROMISED LAND can be ordered direct from the publisher
or, if that proves difficult, from the author at 

My Atlanta lecture on the upcoming papal visit was a somewhat controversial hit. I noted for a tv interview that the pope had promised to perform miracles in Israel. Yes, he will walk underwater, he will cure a ham, and he will make a blind man deaf. You don't want to miss the Wermacht volunteer when he gets to his Holy Land. And join two activists protesting the concessions Israel will concede to the Holy See:

Rally with Shalom International TO KEEP JERUSALEM UNITED, when Pope Benedict visits Israel
May 7-15 / Iyar 13-21 (
Details: Bob Kunst 305-864-5110,

And Dr. Daisy Stern:

But first, watch me at:

I add: I offer a pay as you can news service that my subscribers love. I receive hidden but very real news almost no one else is reporting. The sources are worldwide, and usually accurate. Then I send the best to you. Let me know if you can take as many as 10 e-mails a week in your in box. Then pay me fairly as you can. Honest, it's worth it. write me at  to join. Five more happy subscribers since last week.

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by Barry Chamish

In my recent review of Jeff Gates very anti-McCain book, I cited his claim that:

- John McCain's father, led the government commission of inquiry which exonerated Israel for deliberately and with deadly purpose, almost sinking the USS Liberty in 1967.

The issue of the Liberty has deeply poisoned the American relationship with Israel. It is a far greater thorn than Israelis understand because, in fact, Israel did try to kill every sailor on board The Liberty. If I needed persuasion of that, I got it with the correspondence I began with two officers of the Liberty, as well as my personal meetings with British documentary maker, Peter Hounam, who made a highly damning of Israel film of the incident, shown on the BBC.

My conclusion, and it gibed well with Hounam's, was that Israel was creating another Lavon Affair, trying to lure the US into the war against Egypt, as it had done by bombing American targets in Cairo during the mid-50s. But one problem gnawed at me; The Liberty was hit on June 8, when Israel had already as good as won the Six Day War. In short, why bother?

The standard pro-Israel line was taken by the Loftus and Arons book, The Dirty War Against The Jews. Within, the authors assert that the Liberty was intercepting Israeli military messages and funneling them to the Syrians. The two Liberty officers I had a dialog with vehemently denied the claim, and frankly, I believed them way more than Loftus and Arons. After all, they were there, while Loftus and Arons collected known public sources into a book filled with no shortage of errors.

That's how things stood until information arrived on the wave of my last article. Admiral McCain was not covering for Israel, he was protecting Pres. Lyndon Johnson, who ordered Israel to attack the Liberty. It all began when my reader, Maria, sent the following internet data:

June 8, 1967 during the 6 day war between Israel and the Arab Nations President Lyndon B. Johnson sends the U.S.S liberty to collect electronic intelligence in the eastern Mediterranean. The clearly marked U.S. ship was 14 miles off the coast of Israel in international waters. Israel's aircraft identified the ship as an American vessel and an ally. At 2:00 PM that afternoon the U.S.S. Liberty was attacked by two unmarked Mirage 3 fighter bombers The U.S.S. Liberty was then attacked by three Israeli torpedo boats bearing Israeli flags. The torpedo boats opened fire with high caliber machine guns and launched torpedos. The torpedo boats then began strafing life-rafts in the water, an international war crime. During the attack the U.S.S. Liberty continually called the 6th fleet which was nearby begging for air support. Two groups of fighter aircraft were sent to defend the Liberty but unbelievably they were recalled by the White House. The Admiral in Command of the sixth fleet called Washington to confirm the recall order. Secretary of Defence MacNamara came on the line followed by the president himself who told the Admiral, "I want that G D Ship going to the bottom" Finally after 3 hours into the attack a Russian spy ship appeared so the Israelis withdrew because there were witnesses allowing the Liberty to limp home to safety. Here is what really took place. President Johnson had personal control over the ship, made a backroom deal with Israel to attack it with an order to kill everyone on board. Then the attack was to be blamed on Egypt and U.S. would enter the war and take over the entire Middle East.

If Johnson made Israel do the sinking, Israel is much of the way home to redemption. Cutting to the chase, it wasn't Israel's idea. Israel still did the killing, and muffed the attack with an amateurish show of its military prowess, but it wasn't the leader of the hit squad. That's far better than being left in the lurch as the mafia's don.
So I spoke with the author and broadcaster Dr. Stan Monteith, ( who has long researched the Liberty attack and boasts a 4 CD set of interviews, including with the seamen and officers of the ship. He was direct: "Of course Johnson gave the order. But he received his orders from higher up."
"So the attack on The Liberty wasn't an Israeli decision?" I asked.
"It was an American action forced on Israel," he answered.

More research was necessary and this led to such an obvious scenario! The Americans sink ships to start wars. The Maine was sunk to get the Spanish American War rolling. The Lusitania and the attacks on the shipyard at Pearl Harbor were caused by provocation and deliberate military neglect, but they got the Americans to stumble awkwardly and reluctantly into two world wars. But Johnson himself was an active proponent of the sink a ship and go to war philosophy:

1964 The Gulf of Tonkin In the summer of 1964 President Lyndon B. Johnson needed a pretext to commit the American people to the expanding covert war in south East Asia. So the Gulf of Tonkin incident was staged claiming that Vietnamese patrol boats had attacked a U.S. destroyer off the coast of Vietnam. This staged incident paved the way for 58,000 American deaths and over 1.500.000 Vietnamese.

The reason to sacrifice over 200 American sailors was the American, and actually accurate perception, that Egyptian President, Gamal Abdul Nasser had drifted into the Soviet camp and threatened to make much of the Middle East, Russian clients. As Johnson saw it, Nasser had to go and fast. A pretext for war was all that was necessary. But Israel just couldn't sink The Liberty and screwed up the best laid plans of the whole operation.

Nasser was not ideologically a communist. And America wanted him as an ally so much that the Eisenhower administration abandoned its allies Britain, France and Israel, who won the Sinai War of 1956, but excluded the US from the action and the spoils. It was over a dam that Nasser brought the Soviets to the most powerful country in the Middle East, with much communist mischief to follow. Following the Sinai Campaign, Nasser's grandiosity was so out of touch with reality, that he demanded the Americans build him a huge dam at Aswan and pay for it to boot.
American engineers went to work and foresaw a project that would hold back the Nile's silt, little by little collecting behind the dam, making the dam less efficient until it would serve no purpose at all; meanwhile killing off the small fish of the Nile delta which feed off the silt, ultimately destroying most of the fishlife of the Eastern Mediterranean. Back on land, farmers would be forced to turn to chemical fertilizers to replace the silt, much of the world's greatest storehouse of antiquities would be drowned, all the while Egypt had enough oil to provide electricity of the non-hydro variety just as cheaply.

The Americans said, no. And all the dire predictions came true. So, Nasser threw the Americans out of Egypt and brought Russian communism in, with promises to spread the ideology. All this happened because the Americans had betrayed their natural allies of the Suez Campaign, and they now felt humiliated and really ticked off. Especially when Israel used French planes to destroy the Air Forces of Egypt, Syria and Jordan.
Sinking The Liberty would get rid of Nasser for good, and quickly create an American-led Egypt, with an obedient quisling like Anwar Sadat, though he would rise a few years later after Nasser was given a killing stroke at age 51. This point is not proven but when I told Peter Hounam my suspicions, he answered, "You know, a lot of Arabs think that."

And finally we have the reason Moshe Dayan turned into Israel's top traitor of his day. As Chief-0f-Staff of the IDF, Dayan HAD to have given the order for his Air Force to sink the Liberty. Johnson may have given the actual command, the American navy did nothing to rescue the stricken ship, but Dayan had the blood of 37 American sailors on his hands and if he didn't play major league ball, he and Israel would be turned into friendless lepers.
Dayan began quickly, by handing over control of the Temple Mount, won by Israel with buckets of blood, to the Jordanian Wakf, the consequences of which are felt deeply to this day. Then in October 1973, as Defence Minister, under the duress of Henry Kissinger, Dayan agreed to give Egypt and Syria a full day to regain lost territory. The consequence of not pre-empting the Yom Kippur War was over 2000 dead Jewish soldiers in two days. After Pres. Carter forced PM Begin to take Dayan into his cabinet as foreign minister in 1977, Dayan abused his position to sway Begin to accept an accord with Egypt, that gave up every square inch of the Sinai to Sadat. This decision led directly to Egypt today allowing the Sinai to be a rocket funnel for Hamas.
There were endless debts to be paid, and America offered Israel $3.2 billion in annual aid to keep its mouth shut. But Israel bore the existential brunt of Dayan sinking close to the entire Egyptian navy, but accidentally keeping afloat one American ship too many.


My new book is The conPROMISED LAND. Try to get the book by clicking:

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Author Barry Chamish will be in Atlanta on April 26 to discuss:


Congregation Beth Jacob, 1855 Lavista Rd, Atlanta, 30329, Sun April 26th, 6:30-8

contact the organizer: 404 636 4410

A clip from the upcoming speech:

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by Jeff Gates

On April 27 I will be in Atlanta giving a lecture on the papal visit to Jerusalem. To book your place, write

by Barry Chamish

In 1992, my book The Fall Of Israel was published in Britain to good and great reviews throughout the British media; ie The Economist, The Telegraph, Scotland On Sunday etc. I was on the verge of making a major impact on the US when, as my publisher explained, "The publishers were fighting to publish it; Wiley, MacMillan, the big ones. And every time the contract was on the table, some representative of a Jewish organization would threaten to destroy, yes destroy, the publisher if he published your book. I'm saddened to say, the threats worked."

My crime was exposing the deep corruption of the Israeli government, while defending the nation's right to self-defence. If only the book had been given its chance, maybe Israel could have prevented the morass of criminality it is steeped in today. Maybe, Rabin wouldn't have been murdered from within his own party. Maybe the Jews of Gaza would still be in their homes. Maybe, maybe, maybe. But we'll never know because American Jewish aiders and abetters of Israel's ruling crooks censored me with effective extortion.

So, I suppose thinking we were on the same team, former Counsel to Congress, Jeff Gates sent me his book, Guilt By Association, hot off the press. The problem is Gates just gets too much wrong by assuming all "Ashkenazis" are murderers and thieves and the only good Ashkenazis despise Israel. In short, the Ashkenazi crime syndicate is ruining America, wrecking the planet, and should, no must, be removed legally and with them, Israel as we know it.
And yet, the book is filled with useful trivia about the crooks, all from the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR), though that is never mentioned. Did you know that:

- John McCain's father, led the government commission of inquiry which exonerated Israel for deliberately and with deadly purpose, almost sinking the USS Liberty in 1967.

- Or that son John McCain was on a commission to whitewash the thefts of S&L owner Charles Keating and agreed to hire Alan Greenspan to write the report saving Keating.

- Or that longtime board member of AIG is the Henry Kissinger.

- Or that Obama treasury advisor Larry Summers, as the shortest reigning Harvard president ever, sent a crew of academics to Russia to legitimize the financial plundering of the country, sadly, largely by Jewish crooks, now living in Israel.

The problem is not with the facts, but with all the facts that are missing. By conveniently scrubbing the information that doesn't fit with his thesis, Gates has produced a one-sided, no, a hateful book. In his world, Arabs are rational liberal Europeans, and no matter what the true circumstances, Israel is always the aggressor. I mean, always, everytime, without exception, in the wrong.

And that makes for some pretty agonizing reading. Let's quote the book with some observations:

- By his unwavering support for Tel Aviv regardless of its behavior, John McCain has confirmed that his sympathies lie with those who deceived America to wage a war on behalf of fundamentalists who have long planned to expand the Land of Israel to include Greater Israel. - Introduction, pp xvi

So the forced evacuations of the Sinai, Jewish Gaza, 95% of Judea and Samaria's Arab population, with much of Jerusalem and the Golan on the chopping block, is expanding the Land Of Israel for fundamentalists? Oh yes, Tel Aviv is Israel's capital throughout the book, used even when actual events took place in Jerusalem.

- Yet pro-Israeli war-planner Paul Wolfowitz, then deputy secretary of defense, assured a trusting public that Iraqis would welcome US troops with flowers and sweets. - Intr. pp xxvi

This same Wolfowitz, who I want to see stand trial as well, promised Israelis that by evacuating Gaza and making 10,000 honest souls homeless, Arab terrorism would stop. Now on the next page, look at this total twisting of reality.

- To prevail at modern-day warfare, these enemies of moderation and informed consent deploy agents, assets and sayanim (volunteers). This mix of sophisticated psychological operations (psy-ops) and lengthy pre-staging makes this form of warfare particularly perilous to an open society where freedom of speech, press, religion and assembly provide these operatives a dependable cover. For those complicit, freedom becomes a means to undermine freedom. - Intr. pp xxvii

Right on brother, except these techniques are used hourly against the religious, the settlers, the Right; his fundamentalists. But because Gates believes that the Israeli government is fundamentalist and theocratic, he hasn't a clue about the subtleties, as ghastly as they are, that really take place in Israel. My guess, and I'd stake my old car on it, is that Gates has never been to Israel. Look what he thinks goes on there:

- At least 20 different laws disadvantage Arab-Israeli citizens. An Arab cannot buy a home in settlement areas. An Arab who marries an Israeli cannot reside in Israel. Arabs are even issued different colored license plates for their cars. - pp 132

Not one word is right. Long ago, the Supreme Court ruled that Arabs can move into settlement areas and they are now swarming into places that used to be Jewish, like French Hill
in Jerusalem. If an outside Arab marries an Israeli, nothing can or will stop him from living in Israel. And everyone has the same yellow license plate with black lettering. Needless to say, the book is overflowing with just such outlandish "facts" about Israel. Look at this winner:

- I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about American pressure on Israel, we the Jewish people control America. - Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001

Now look at Sharon in April of 2005. "The American State Department want us out of Gaza. I have no choice in the matter." Gates always uses the quote that serves his purposes and ignores the quote that may harm his thesis. And he makes statements of his own without taking a second to analyze if they are the whole truth, partial truth, or not true in the least:

- As sponsor of the 1979 Egyptian-Israeli peace process, Jimmy Carter arguably did as much as any President to improve Israel's security. - pp 127

Had Israel held on to even a little strategic territory in the Sinai, Egypt would not have become the funnel for Hamas' rockets and weapons. Egypt reneged on the agreement long ago and both Israel and the Arabs pay with their lives for Carter's folly. But Gates' superficiality knows greater bounds:

- Israel staged its preemptive land grab in the June 1967 Six-Day War. - PP 24

And to prove this patently ridiculous assertion, Gates writes the flimsiest chapter with the flimsiest of "evidence" of his book. Read it if you don't believe me. I'm not going to refute the charge. It was refuted when he wrote it.
But when Gates gets out of Israel, a place he knows nothing about, and back to America, where he is far more comfortable, he does gather strong evidence that the Jewish unelected ruling establishment are a bunch of no-good felons. I concur.

Gates writes a convincing chapter claiming the American, as he calls them, sayanim, used deceit to lure the US into its war with Iraq. He, naturally reasons, that the goal was to support the expansionist theocratic Israeli government. What my research points to is that during the first Gulf War of 1991, Israel restrained itself from attacking Saddam Hussein who launched 31 Scud missiles against the country in a month. Far from expansion, Pres. Bush the senior, promised Israel the Americans would execute Hussein in return for restraint and traumatic contraction of its land, called eventually, the Oslo "peace" Accord.

Having fought the hard-won losses of territory, I became a victim of what Gates describes highly accurately, even with all the wrong motives as:

- Since the Six-Day War, the charge of "holocaust denier" has been deployed to discredit and intimidate those who seek to identify the common source of the provocations that evoke extremism. Intr. xvi

The same thing happened to me and the denier rumor spreader knew he was disseminating a complete lie. The liar was one Daniel Pipes, the fake intellectual of the neo-cons of the CFR, who Gates indirectly describes, as I have been doing for years, as a genuine enemy of Israel:

- Members acted as a self-appointed "citizen's lobby" for the present danger: terrorism and the need for Pentagon appropriations to protect America - from "Islamo-facism." pp 27

Daniel got his job because his father:

- Richard Pipes emerged as the primary intellectual force in compiling Team B assessments. Team B exaggerated the risk to national security of Soviet military and economic strength. It also set the precedent for what emerged 25 years later as a Pentagon operation (the Office Of Special Plans) that "fixed" the intelligence to induce the invasion of Iraq.

Because I have been victimized by the murderers and thieves who run the American and Israeli ruling establishments, I can vouch partly for this book. What Gates doesn't get is that the victims are not just American soldiers and Arabs. The biggest losers are the Jews and the Israeli "fundamentalists."


The book is available at:


My new book is The conPROMISED LAND.  Try to get the book by clicking:

If there is any problem with credit cards or whatever, write me and I'll order you a book or more, all personally signed but, sorry, more expensive.

I'm going to be in Baltimore on June 24 for the gala wedding of Rabbi Jonathan and Miriam Gross. If you want to book me to speak, my airfare has been covered. Write me at

AND I'll be lecturing in Atlanta on April 27. Phone Ron at 404 636 4410 to book a seat and find out where.


Here's just one issue to be discussed: 

The Popes contribution to neo-Nazi propaganda
This article, taken from the excellent rue89 website, reveals the now Popes agreement to publication in a fascist magazine, at a time when that ideology was gaining traction again in Austria and Germany. It is to be considered alongside the article by philosopher Kurt Flasch looking at the ideological shift in Catholicism, revealing perhaps something of the direction Benedict XVI intends to use his not inconsiderable political influence to pursue.

When Benedict XVI wrote for a fascist magazine

An Austrian parliamentarian has unearthed an old article from 1998, written by Cardinal Ratzinger in a German nationalist publication.

In January 2009, Karl Ollinger, an Austrian Green parliamentarian and specialist in the fight against the flourishing far right in his country, came across a special edition of Die Aula magazine, published to mark the anniversary of the 1948 German revolution.

Amidst the fabrications of holocaust-denying far-right German parliamentarians and members of the German neo-Nazi party, the NDP, he was dumbfounded to come across an article written by Cardinal Ratzinger entitled Freiheit und Wahrheit (Freedom and Truth).

It is in fact a virulent attack on individual freedoms and the democratic system which can still be consulted in Vienna, in the Centre for Documentation and Archives of the Resistance (DOW), a body responsible for oversight of extremist movements.

The Churchs embarrassment

In the first instance, the diocese of Vienna stated that Cardinal Ratzinger never gave the green light for its publication in Die Aula. Freedom and Truth was in fact an old text dating from 1995, published for the first time in a conservative Christian magazine.

No luck. The person who negotiated the publication with the Cardinals Secretary kept their complete exchange of letters: the Cardinal well and truly did give his written agreement to the re-publication.

Today, German extremists still consider Benedict XVI as one of their own and take pride in the fact that the sovereign was published in their magazine. The special edition is also for sale on the internet!

Die Aula defends holocaust-deniers

This information places the ideological shift since Bendict XVI was appointed Pope in a new light. Bavarian by birth, he would have difficulty explaining that he did not know what Die Aula was in 1998, the magazine being published in German. At the time, it openly supported the rise of Jorg Haider, whose unfortunate fame went beyond the borders of little Austria.

Die Aula defends holocaust-deniers and those it calls victims of freedom of expression, i.e. far-right politicians condemned for causing offence to Islam. It criticises laws that suppress holocaust-denying theories, frequently flirts with anti-Semitism and attempts to re-write Austrias modern history. On the nomination of Benedict XVI, it loudly declared its joy.

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