Inside Politics Daily

'Real World' Cast Member Sean Duffy Runs for Congress

Filed Under:Republicans, Primaries
Sean Duffy had a stint on MTV's once-groundbreaking show "The Real World" back in 1997, as part of a cast that holed up in Boston. Since then he has moved to northern Wisconsin and ventured into the real world of politics, becoming Ashland County's district attorney. But Duffy -- who, as anyone who watched him on "The Real World" knows, is a staunch conservative -- has his eyes set on a higher prize: the United States Congress.

His reason: "I'm troubled by the explosion of new debt that Washington is leaving to my five kids, and I feel it's important to do what I can to improve the direction of the country."

Duffy may face something of an uphill battle, however. First, he'll have to beat farmer and local businessman Dan Mielke in the Republican primary. If he succeeds, he'll be going up against longtime Democratic Congressman Dave Obey. And if one past precedent is any indication, his chances aren't very good. The only other "Real World" contestant to try to make the jump from small screen to national politics, Kevin Powell, failed in his attempt to unseat New York incumbent Edolphus Towns.

The race should prove entertaining, however. Like a subplot involving jealous "Real World" cast members out to humiliate one another, dirty tricks are already marring Duffy's campaign roll out. The Wausau Daily Herald explains:

Ashland County District Attorney Sean Duffy's announcement that he's running for Congress was the subject of an apparent e-mail sabotage this morning. . . . An e-mail sent to area media outlets stated that the time and place had been changed because of a scheduling conflict. The campaign said that e-mail was fake, and it remains unclear who sent it.

Will the source of the scurrilous missive be identified? Will Sean Duffy convince the other Republican to drop out of the race? Will Duffy continue his work as a commentator for ESPN lumberjack competitions? Tune in next week for "The Real World Goes (or Tries to Go, Anyway) to Washington"!

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David Knowles

A journalist, musician and novelist, David Knowles has covered politics at AOL for the past two and a half years...more

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