5 things I wish some people wouldn't install on their PCs
1. A second (or third...or fourth) antivirus program. Despite what we tell them, some people think "more is always better" when it comes to PC protection. Inevitably, those people end up bringing their computers in for service saying "it just slowed right down" and - here's the kicker - "maybe it has a virus."
So wait...You installed Norton, AVG, Spyware Doctor, and Ad-Aware because you thought it would keep out all the badness and you still think it's a virus slowing down your machine? /facepalm
2. Just...one...more...toolbar (thank you J-Walk blog for the image). Apparently a lot of people love to search. So much, in fact, that they need dedicated toolbars for Google, Yahoo, Ask, Live, MyWebSearch, and a handful of others. They wind up with less browser real estate than an iPhone on their 22" LCD.
I launch their browser to download something, and it's like a punch in the face. Enough is enough, people. Use your browser's search box already.
3. Apps with annoying avatars. Incredimail, I'm looking at you.
Bonzi Buddy is dead, and for a good reason. Isn't an AOL-style "You've Got Mail!" alert good enough? Apparently not for some people. No, they need to have some snooty butler announce the arrival of every message like he's Alfred bringing Bruce Wayne a phone call from the mayor.
4. P2P apps. Don't get me wrong - it's not apps like Frostwire, uTorrent, and eMule that I have a problem with. But if you're not going to take the time to learn how to configure these things, don't use them. And don't call and get uppity when your internet connection slows to a crawl and tell me I screwed things up.
5. Piggybacked programs. I'm shocked how much software people wind up with on their PCs that they never use and claim to not know how it got there.
Checkboxes are there for a reason, folks. You don't have to install Safari. You don't have to install Adobe Media Player. Remember that Ask toolbar? You probably could have opted out of that, too - if you would take a second to read before you click. If I put food in front of you, you wouldn't just grab it and eat it without looking, right?
What about you - what do you wish people would stop installing?
Don't forget, we've added a follow-up post: 6 free Windows programs to fix and prevent PC problems on your own!
Reader Comments (Page 1 of 4)
ab said 11:07AM on 6-23-2009
Piggybacked programs.
It sucks enough to have to download itunes and keep updating it, don't ask me to download Safari.
coffeeophile said 12:28PM on 6-23-2009
Or what's even worse: Installed iTunes while trying to download and install QuickTime Player. And now you are asked to install Safari.
blaszta said 9:48PM on 6-23-2009
If you need QuickTime but doesn't need iTunes (or later being bugged for Safari) use QuickTime Alternative/Lite http://www.codecguide.com/about_qt.htm
Eggbrook said 11:14AM on 6-23-2009
I feel your pain sir, I truly do... Nothing like being blamed for someones inability to read before they click "next" as fast as they can
David said 11:21AM on 6-23-2009
Moreso, I wish people learned how to use the uninstall programs feature so they could maintain their computers themselves. A boy can dream, can't he?
Heavytoka said 11:25AM on 6-23-2009
Hahaha +1
shaunisadirty said 7:05PM on 6-23-2009
But..but..but, uninstaller? I know wrong place for this, but it came to mind and I found it funny, I was helping someone with their mac and couldn't figure out how to uninstall something. I called my friend who is a long time mac user and he suggested not to uninstall anything, that there were no uninstallers on a mac, but that if a person really wanted something gone they could just drag the app to the trash. What a bunch of crap that is! Mac doesn't even have program uninstallers, one more reason I will never buy one.
Evenio said 8:31PM on 6-23-2009
Mr. Ballmer, nice to see you here.
Your blatant trolling aside (i.e. pretending you actually believed what you were saying), Mac applications lack uninstallers, except the really poorly written ones like Adobe's which do have them, because they're self-contained. The only reason most Windows apps DO need uninstallers is because it's common practice on Windows to fling files everywhere and worry about cleaning them up later (or, more often, never).
An application on OS X is a folder, containing everything the app needs to run, which is treated as a single file. Hence, deleting that bundle really does uninstall it. If you wanna be super-thorough, you can go into your library and delete the plain-text preference file it left behind. Complaining about the absence of an uninstaller is like complaining that your BMW lacks a hand crank starter.
But then, you already knew all of that. :) Better luck next FUD.
shaunisadirty said 1:09AM on 6-24-2009
Except that still doesn't explain why after deleted the folder, performing a search using spotlight brings up many remaining files...which would have been removed had there be an uninstaller. Macs are known for having more file fragmentation than pcs, but don't ask Apple that - they won't tell you.
James said 4:11PM on 6-26-2009
"Macs are known for having more file fragmentation than pcs".
This little fact is "known" by people that know nothing about their computers. What you're finding in that search are probably preference files created after the install. You may not realize it, but the same types of files are left behind when you uninstall a Windows app. Try checking out these folders some time (make sure you show hidden folders in explorer):
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data
\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data
\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data
Gasp! Files from uninstalled programs!
And let's not get into the cruft that gets left behind in the registry.
dotzeno said 11:26AM on 6-23-2009
I think you've pretty much got everything covered that I wish people didn't install. Good job.
Now if only enough computer illiterate people knew of this list.
PoStAl_32 said 11:50AM on 6-23-2009
I hate when people install that Coupons.com toolbar/app software (total bs app), i think malwarebytes detects it as adware too.
Patrick said 11:54AM on 6-23-2009
I work for a company that is at the very least 75% female, half of which are older women who nothing more about computers other than what they learned to do their jobs. The only thing stopping me from sending this out to all of them is that they'd either be very offended or just wouldn't get it. We have a handful of older men here, too, who fit into this category, only they'd understand the email.
Chris said 11:42PM on 6-24-2009
Wow, sexist much?
-Chris, who understands plenty about her PC, thank you. And, BTW, she also read this post. ALL ON HER OWN!
Paul said 11:54AM on 6-23-2009
Worse than idiot installs is pre-installs. When that new pc comes preloaded with so much crap and half of it is 30 day tryouts, like Office.
I am just happy my HP Netbook came "clean", small xp install only.
fabbaz said 8:39AM on 6-24-2009
recently bought a 1000h - it actually came with a trial of windvd installed. without having a drive for that. of course also ms works and office as trial. what the duck.
but every computer i have to take care of (for friends, family members...) is now on ubuntu. so i only have to check about once a month and delete approximatly 500 install.exe's out of the download folder.
Sir Loin said 12:25PM on 6-23-2009
PC De-Crapifier will handle those pre-installs, works great!
MarkyB86 said 12:05PM on 6-23-2009
I wish people would stop installing video "plugins" from russian porn sites.
Blake said 12:14PM on 6-23-2009
Avatars that run around on the desktop (i.e. Virtual Girl/Boyfriends, Geves [from Ask.com], the damn dog, etc.).
"Why's my computer running SO SLOW??!??!?!"
Because, madam, you have a virtual community living just above your taskbar.
Memo said 12:15PM on 6-23-2009
Hello people, the worst download possible is screensavers! I had a lady at work that downloaded like 5 different viruses because of a screensaver that had "CUTE" animals!