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Jackson's Mom Loses Control of Estate

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Michael Jackson and Katharine Jackson
Matthew Simmons, Getty Images
A judge said Monday that Michael Jackson's longtime attorney and a family friend should take over the pop singer's estate for now, rejecting a request from Jackson's mother to be put in charge.
Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff backed attorney John Branca and music executive John McClain, who had been designated in Jackson's 2002 will as the people he wanted to administer his estate. Attorneys for the pop singer's mother repeatedly objected to their appointment at Monday's court hearing.
Jackson died June 25, deeply in debt. But a court filing estimates that his estate will be worth more than $500 million. His assets are destined for a private trust.
The singer's mother, Katherine Jackson, had applied to oversee her son's estate, but that was before the will surfaced. Her attorney, Burt Levitch, expressed concerns about McClain and Branca's financial leadership.
Levitch told Beckloff that Branca had previously been removed from financial positions of authority by Jackson. Branca's attorney says he was rehired by Jackson on June 17, days before Jackson's death.
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Julien Hekimian, WireImage
Julien Hekimian, WireImage
Katherine Jackson did not appear at Monday's hearing. Branca did attend.
Levitch said it was unclear whether McClain would serve as an administrator because he was of ailing health. Attorneys for McClain and Branca described him as having a physical disability but having a completely sound mind. They also noted a decades-long relationship with the Jackson family.
Branca and McClain will have to post a $1 million bond on the estate, Beckloff ruled. Their authority over the estate will expire Aug. 3, when another hearing on the estate will be held.
"Mr. Branca and Mr. McClain for the next month are at the helm of the ship," Beckloff said.
Katherine Jackson's attorneys had asked that she be appointed to serve as a co-administrator with Branca and McClain. Beckloff refused to grant that request.
The judge granted Branca and McClain several powers over the estate, including the rights to negotiate a settlement with concert promoter AEG Live over refunds for Jackson's canceled London shows. Beckloff stressed that Katherine Jackson should be given complete information about major transactions, but that he as the judge would grant final approval.
John E. Schreiber, an attorney for Katherine Jackson, said, "Frankly, Mrs. Jackson has concerns about handing over the keys to the kingdom."
Paul Gordon Hoffman, an attorney for Branca and McClain, said some of Katherine Jackson's concerns were unfounded.
"We're not aware of any real conflicts at all," he said in response to a claim that the men may have business dealings with parties such as concert promoter AEG Live.
In contrast, Hoffman said Jackson's mother had more of a potential conflict administering the estate because she is a likely beneficiary.
"If there are any conflicts by the parties, Katherine Jackson rather than Mr. McClain and Mr. Branca have them," Hoffman said.
Beckloff noted the contentious relationship brewing between Katherine Jackson and Branca, who personally delivered the will to the family's home a week ago.
"We're getting off to a bit of a rocky start here out of the gate," Beckloff said toward the end of Monday's hearing.
A public memorial has been scheduled for Jackson in downtown Los Angeles on Tuesday. More than 1.6 million people registered to win the coveted free tickets, and only 8,750 names were chosen.
Los Angeles officials are concerned about other fans clogging city streets
Downtown hotels were quickly filling Monday, and police warned those without tickets to the memorial to stay away.
2009 AOL LLC. All Rights Reserved. // Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. // Copyright 2009, Reuters
2009-07-06 07:08:33

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06:14 PMJul 06 2009

I found a great dating site_______Millionaireromances.com________.where you have the opportunity dreaming about dating a millionaire and make it true! u dont have to be a millionaire.but u can meet one.I thought everyone needed to meet some miracle after all the terrible stuff in the news and the economy ............



06:13 PMJul 06 2009

want2bhurd 04:14 PMJul 06 2009 No matter what you may or may not feel for the man, at the end of it all he was an incredibly talented singer, songwriter, musician, dancer, etc. Even some of the most popular groups today claim that MJ had an impact on them. If the greatest starts in music today call him a legend and an inspiration, then who are we to say otherwise. Thank you Michael for sharing your talent with us all these years and giving us your music and style of dance. Thank you for making MTV what it is today. You will be missed ..............---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Untold millions AROUND THE WORLD grieve the soul wrenching loss of Michael Jackson, not only because he was a humanitarian and IRREPLACEABLE ambassador of JOY, LOVE and HAPPINESS to everyone across the planet with his message through his songs to CHANGE THE WORLD, but also because, through his music, he became an INEXTRICABLE part of their own lives, he IS the v...



06:10 PMJul 06 2009

In this instance I believe Michael knew exactly what he was doing when leaving attorney John Branca and music executive John McClain in charge of the decisions involving his estate. These prominent "business" men will probably know better "how" to grow the business and Michael's legacy then any of Jackson's family members. Jermaine himself said that Michael's wishes should prevail, and he's exactly right. They hadn't steered Michael wrong this far, and were trusted by him. I really don't think the Jackson family has the wherewithall to effectively manage affairs. I doubt that their lawyers are any more qualified then the ones Michael selected. Bringing this case is really about which "law firm" gets the commission for handling legal matters. Mrs. Jackson needs to stop wasting her money on more lawyers and work with the ones Michael trusted. They haven't betrayed him and have proven their loyalty to him. This is not a *New case for them. They know Michael's history in all legal ma...



06:09 PMJul 06 2009

Tricia20099, NO I will not be crying on tuesday like everyone else. And guess what most in the world will not be crying either. I am not cold hearted I am just speaking the truth. I have never understood why people wanted to over react to a famous persons death as if they knew them personally. I have never understood that. I know MJ was talented. But its been over a week now and its time to move on. I did not know him personally or his family. I will not pretend to either. I will not pretend to be all emotional for a man I never knew. I enjoyed his songs and all but seriously, time to lay him to rest. He is dead now and he is not first person to have died and I can promise you he will not be last one either. MJ made a journey we all have to one day. BUT I will not lower myself and act like he was any different than some poor solder who died in Iraq today or other person that passed away in another town. Death is the great equalizer, MJ is no longer rich or any better than anyone else...



06:05 PMJul 06 2009

Oh well- thousands of people are loosing there houses every day and some of you really care about her not getting his house. Its like i said before he's just a man no more no less I watch people standing outside his house and I wonder what are they looking at? he's dead and not coming back he's not going to walk out and wave at them so what are they looking at? can soneone please tell me? They look like a bunch of ignorante people standing there hoping for nothing.They look like little lost pupoies looking for their mothers teet.



06:04 PMJul 06 2009

Let him rest in peace already!



06:04 PMJul 06 2009

The judge can rule in favor of Diana if he sees it. More suits and whatever but, the kids will be oughta there.



06:04 PMJul 06 2009

The vultures are feeding. Trica ask the doctor for your meds.



06:03 PMJul 06 2009

JRedelfs05:58 PMJul 06 2009Please God, don't let HIS FAMILY get a hold of those kids. They destroyed Micheal and will do the same for those kids. Besides Micheal didn't particulary like Black People. He turned White and 3 outta 3 of his kids are WHITE. He had his face mutilated, so he'd look WHITE. >>>>>>>>> I don't know why the man mutilated himself the way he did, but always found it very sad that someone could hate themselves that much.



06:03 PMJul 06 2009

GOOD joe jackson will not be able to control what happens now. He is just using his wife to control things. So now he will not be able to


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