
In the show on May 29th, 2009

Interview -- Kate Winslet


That fresh face in Titanic – now an Oscar winner! Her ship has really come in!
Interviewing her is Ikehata Emi, daughter of Kayama Yuzo. She's studying drama in New York and appearing on ETV.


Ikehata Emi (IE): First of all, congratulations on winning so many awards.
Kate Winslet (KW): Thank you.
IE: How does it feel, receiving an Oscar after being nominated six times?
KW: To be given an Oscar was just a really amazing feeling.
IE: Could you tell us if you have discovered something new through making this film?
KW: It was a new challenge for me. It was a new experience not being able to relate to her at all. You know, usually with a character there are some things you can draw on from your own life.
IE: Right, right.
KW: And with Hannah, there was nothing, there was literally nothing at all. And so as an acting challenge it was the greatest one that I have ever experienced.
Having no common ground was a challenge that led to new discoveries.


IE: Nowadays, the world is becoming more and more global and many movies are being made internationally. What do you think about that?
Tough question.
How will Kate handle it?


KW: One of the wonderful things that I felt about the academy awards this year is it really did feel that it was embracing the global community of film.
It didn't feel completely Americanized, you know? And there was just something very, I think, very moving about that and very important about that, because it is all one big industry and we should all be able to work together and revolve together.
IE: You shot this film in Germany and you played a German character. Was there any difficulty with that? How was that experience?
KW: Just trying to understand a whole other culture. It was very important for me to do that before trying to play this part.
The more global you are, the morelocalmeans to you. That's "glocalization!" 

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