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out of

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out of
a. From within to the outside of: got out of the car.
b. From a given condition: came out of her trance.
c. From an origin, source, or cause: made out of wood; did it out of spite.
d. In, especially intermittently in: works out of the main office.
a. In a position or situation beyond the range, boundaries, limits, or sphere of: The plane flew out of sight.
b. In a state or position away from the expected or usual: out of practice; out of touch with reality.
3. From among: five out of six votes.
4. In or into a condition of no longer having: We're out of coffee. We were tricked out of our savings.
out of it Informal
1. Not aware of or participating in a particular group, pursuit, or trend.
2. Disoriented or inebriated.
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Adv.1.out of - motivated by; "idleness is the trait of being idle out of a reluctance to work"
out of out prep 1. (= outside, beyond) (position) → nicht in +dat (= 000) (motion) → aus +dat;
to look out of the window out → aus dem Fenster blicken;
to be out of danger out → außer Gefahr sein
2. (cause, origin) → aus +dat;
out of curiosity/fear/greed out → aus Neugier/Angst/Habgier;
to drink sth out of a cup out → etw aus einer Tasse trinken
3. (= from among) → von +dat;
one out of every three smokers out → einer von drei Rauchern
4. (= without);
to be out of sugar/milk/petrol etc out → keinen Zucker/keine Milch/kein Benzin etc mehr haben

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Every now and then, after Tom went to bed, he had sudden wakings out of his sleep, and his first thought was, "Oh, joy, it was all a dream
She came up to me, claimed me as an acquaintance, stared me out of countenance; and talked and laughed till I did not know which way to look.
Dorlcote Mill's been in our family a hundred year and better, and nobody ever heard of a Pivart meddling with the river, till this fellow came and bought Bincome's farm out of hand, before anybody else could so much as say 'snap.
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