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English-Japanese translation for "person of ideas"



1-25 of 488

Direct English-Japanese translation

speak person of ideasperson of ideas {noun}アイディアマン {noun}

Similar terms in the English-Japanese dictionary

speak world of ideasworld of ideas {noun}思想界 [しそうかい] {noun}
speak exchange of ideasexchange of ideas {noun}意見交換 [いけんこうかん] {noun}
speak developing new ideas based on study of the pastdeveloping new ideas based on study of the past {noun}温故知新 [おんこちしん] {noun}
speak developing new ideas based on study of the pastdeveloping new ideas based on study of the past {noun}温古知新 [おんこちしん] {noun}
speak bouncing of ideas  off each other to obtain a fine-tuned integrated wholebouncing of ideas off each other to obtain a fine-tuned integrated whole {noun}摺り合わせ [すりあわせ] {noun}
speak bouncing of ideas  off each other to obtain a fine-tuned integrated wholebouncing of ideas off each other to obtain a fine-tuned integrated whole {noun}擦り合わせ [すりあわせ] {noun}
speak reactionary ideasreactionary ideas {noun}反動思想 [はんどうしそう] {noun}
speak conventional ideasconventional ideas {noun}捕らわれた考え [とらわれたかんがえ] {noun}
speak ideas manideas man {noun}アイディアマン {noun}
speak two ideastwo ideas {noun}二念 [にねん] {noun}
speak daughter of a person of high rankdaughter of a person of high rank {noun}姫君 [ひめぎみ] {noun}
speak ready-made ideasready-made ideas {noun}既成観念 [きせいかんねん] {noun}
speak play dealing with ideasplay dealing with ideas {noun}思想劇 [しそうげき] {noun}
speak have no fixed ideashave no fixed ideas {adj.}思想が固まっていない [しそうがかたまっていない] {adj.}
speak to place an obnoxious person in an out-of-the-way post to be rid of him or herto place an obnoxious person in an out-of-the-way post to be rid of him or her {vb}祭り込む [まつりこむ] {vb}
speak to insist on one's own ideasto insist on one's own ideas [ex.]我を通す [がをとおす] [ex.]
speak to insist on one's own ideasto insist on one's own ideas {vb}我を立てる [がをたてる] {vb}
speak conviction based on flawed ideasconviction based on flawed ideas {noun} [rel.]妄念 [もうねん] {noun} [rel.]
speak to insist on one's own ideasto insist on one's own ideas [ex.]我を出す [がをだす] [ex.]
speak to insist on one's own ideasto insist on one's own ideas [ex.]我を張る [がをはる] [ex.]
speak indicates such things as location of person or thing, location of short-term action, etc.indicates such things as location of person or thing, location of short-term action, etc. {part.} {part.}
speak image of  personimage of person {noun}人間像 [にんげんぞう] {noun}
speak figure of a personfigure of a person {noun}人影 [じんえい] {noun}
speak shadow of a personshadow of a person {noun}人影 [じんえい] {noun}
More translations on the next page: person of letters, person of culture, person of ability, person of perseverance, person of quick perception, person of humble rank, person of exceptional talent, spirit of a deceased person, role of old person, person of mixed parentage




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