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Franken Wins Minnesota Senate Race

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Al Franken
Hours after a unanimous Minnesota Supreme Court ruled that Democrat Al Franken should be the winner in the state's contested Senate race, Republican Norm Coleman concedes defeat. The resolution ends a nearly eight-month recount and court battle. In the end, the result of the Nov. 4 election were decided by just a few hundred votes.
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7 Teens Shot Near Detroit High School

At least seven teenagers are injured when two gunmen open fire on a crowd after classes let out for the day at a Detroit high school, authorities say. Two of the students are in critical condition.
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Panel Urges Smaller Doses of Painkillers

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The maximum daily doses for Tylenol, Excedrin and other painkillers should be reduced to prevent deadly overdoses, a government panel tells the Food and Drug Administration. The medications contain acetaminophen, one of the nation's most widely used drugs and its leading cause of liver failure.
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Jet With 153 Crashes, Teen Survives

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Relative of loved one aboard Yemeni plane weeps
A Yemeni airliner with 153 people on board plunges into the Indian Ocean while trying to land during strong winds on the island nation of Comoros. Yemeni officials say a 14-year-old survivor was rescued and taken to a hospital.
Also: The World's Deadliest Air Disasters
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Sanford 'Crossed Lines' With Women

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South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford
South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford says he "crossed lines" with other women, confesses to trying to fall back in love with his wife and revises his original account of his extramarital affair with an Argentine woman that he calls his soul mate. As for the other women, Sanford says he never had sex with them.
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Reports Swirl on Paternity of Jackson Kids

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Split image of Michael Jackson and Debbie Rowe
Who are the biological parents to Michael Jackson's two oldest children? The Web site TMZ reports that Michael Jr. and Paris were conceived in vitro, outside the womb, and that Michael was not the sperm donor. Also, the site reports that Rowe's eggs were not used and that she was a paid surrogate.
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Last Man Bids Toxic Town Adieu

In 2006, the federal government paid residents of Picher, Okla., to leave their homes because the area was so toxic with lead and zinc poisoning. But leaving behind a hometown isn't easy, especially for 84-year-old Orval "Hoppy" Ray.
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US Troops Pull Out of Iraqi Cities

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NewsmakersHere's one great-grandmother who really likes to give. Margaret Delfino recently donated her 200th pint of blood. 1 of 7

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