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MAME (Arcade) Roms

To play MAME games, you must first download an emulator, the program that runs the roms (games). Please select the right one for your operating system:

Windows / Mac / Linux

Now download MAME Roms and run them in the emulator.

SNES (Super Nintendo) Roms

To play SNES games, you must first download an emulator, the program that runs the roms (games). Please select the right one for your operating system:

Windows / Mac / Linux

Now download SNES Roms and run them in the emulator.

N64 (Nintendo 64) Roms

To play N64 games, you must first download an emulator, the program that runs the roms (games). Please select the right one for your operating system:


Now download N64 Roms and run them in the emulator.

Sega Genesis Roms

To play Sega Genesis games, you must first download an emulator, the program that runs the roms (games). Please select the right one for your operating system:

Windows / Mac

Now download Genesis Roms and run them in the emulator.

Downloads for Other Systems

Downloads for Next-Gen Systems

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