Michael Jackson Dies

Michael JacksonWe've just learned Michael Jackson has died. He was 50.

Michael suffered a cardiac arrest earlier this afternoon at his Holmby Hills home and paramedics were unable to revive him. We're told when paramedics arrived Jackson had no pulse and they never got a pulse back.

A source tells us Jackson was dead when paramedics arrived. A cardiologist at UCLA tells TMZ Jackson died of cardiac arrest.

Once at the hospital, the staff tried to resuscitate him but he was completely unresponsive.

We're told one of the staff members at Jackson's home called 911.

La Toya ran in the hospital sobbing after Jackson was pronounced dead.

Michael is survived by three children: Michael Joseph Jackson, Jr., Paris Michael Katherine Jackson and Prince "Blanket" Michael Jackson II.

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MIchael Jackson

Filed under: Michael Jackson, R.I.P.

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Michael Jackson Dies -- Celebs Go to Twitter

Michael JacksonSince news of Michael Jackson's death today, celebrity friends and fans have released the following reactions on their Twitter accounts:

Lindsay Lohan
: NO OMG ... sending my love and prayers out to Michael and his family ... i feel sick..

Marlon Wayans: My prayers, my love, my heart goes out to michael jackson and the entire jackson family. I pray so hard for them. I'm crushed! Please pray.

Pete Wentz: Prayers and thoughts with michael jackson ... I haven't hope in so long that news isn't true.

Kim Kardashian: Wow I am truly in shock that Michael Jackson has passed away! I love u Jackson family, my prayers are with the whole family!

Filed under: Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson -- Cardiac Arrest

We've just learned Michael Jackson was taken by ambulance to a hospital in Los Angeles ... and we're told it was cardiac arrest and that paramedics administered CPR in the ambulance ... and it's looking bad.

He was picked up at his home around 20 minutes ago -- we're told his mother is on the way to visit him.

UPDATE: The 911 call came in at 12:21PM at his Holmby Hills home in L.A.

UPDATE: A Jackson family member tells TMZ Michael is in "really bad shape" and the brothers are headed to UCLA.

UPDATE: We just got off the phone with Joe Jackson, Michael's dad, who says "he is not doing well."

Michael Jackson

Governor Hit the Bar with the Mistress

Governor Mark SanfordWe've been on the hunt in Buenos Aires, Argentina and found the bar where Governor Mark Sanford brought his mistress -- so how do you say PDA in Spanish?

Carlos Soto, the owner of Guido's Bar, says he's seen Sanford and Maria Belen Chapur there several times over the last few months -- most recently last week.

Soto says they were "all over each other" last week in his bar, "kissing, holding hands and drinking wine."

Soto was impressed with Maria, saying she has "un cuerpazo'" -- translation: a banging body.

Soto also said Maria has green eyes and dirty blonde hair.

Filed under: Politix

Danny Gans 911 Tape

Las Vegas authorities have just released a tape of the 911 call made the night Las Vegas entertainer Danny Gans passed away.

Danny Gans

Danny died on May 1, after a family member

called 911 to say Danny was having trouble breathing. By the time paramedics arrived, he was dead.

Toxicology reports indicated Gans died from an accidental overdose of painkillers. The incident report has also been released. Read it here.

Danny Gans Launch photos

Filed under: Danny Gans

Farrah Fawcett Dies

Farrah Fawcett We've learned Farrah Fawcett died at 9:28 AM today. Ryan O'Neal and Alana Stewart were at her bedside. She was 62.

She died at St. John's hospital in Santa Monica in the ICU. Also present -- Farrah's longtime friend and hairdresser, Mila Murphy, and Dr. Piero, who has been caring for her.

Farrah's only child, Redmond, was not present. He's currently in jail. A petition will have to be filed for Redmond to be able to attend the funeral -- as of now, this hasn't happened.

The "Charlie's Angels" star was diagnosed with anal cancer back in 2006.

UPDATE: We've learned Ryan and Farrah did not marry during her final days. Alana Stewart, who has known Farrah for 30 years, said "she will always be there as that angel on the shoulder of everyone who loved her."

Ryan O'Neal just released the following: "After a long and brave battle with cancer, our beloved Farrah has passed away. Although this is an extremely difficult time for her family and friends, we take comfort in the beautiful times that we shared with Farrah over the years and the knowledge that her life brought joy to so many people around the world."

Farrah Fawcett

Filed under: R.I.P., Farrah Fawcett

Hurricane Hits Louisiana Capitol

Why not let Hurricane Chris rap about Halle Berry inside the Louisiana House of Representatives -- it's not like they have anything more important to be doing there, right?

The rapper, a.k.a. Chris Dooley, Jr., was recently honored by his home state. But instead of giving him a key to the city or some random certificate of congratulations, they gave him the House floor -- and he brought his beats.

Filed under: Wacky & Weird, Politix

Nas -- Kelis Should Put a Cork in It

Nas KelisKelis secretly threw a Hail Mary in her bitter divorce war with Nas, but the judge had no sympathy.

Kelis, who is about to pop with her first kid, has been begging the judge to make Nas pay for pre-natal expenses and baby stuff. So far Nas hasn't paid squat.

A hearing is set for July 21. Kelis is asking for $3,500 for a baby nurse, 20,000 for strollers, cribs and stuff, etc. But here's the snag. Kelis may be in labor during the hearing. And she needs money badly. So her lawyer went to court asking to move the hearing date up.

Sadly for Kelis, the judge was on vacation and the substitute judge wouldn't mess with the court calendar.

So Kelis is poor and pregnant, Nas apparently couldn't care less ... and the wheel of justice grinds slowly.

Filed under: Dirty Divorces

Gossip & Rumors
John Edwards and the Baby -- Resemblance?

On the left -- the daughter of Rielle Hunter, former mistress of John Edwards. On the right -- Edwards himself, who has denied being the father of the child.

John Edwards

She's got his eyes, don't ya think?

Filed under: Gossip/Rumors, Paparazzi Photo, Kids, Politix

Star Catcher
Kate Gosselin Gets Rear-Ended

It's been three days since she filed for divorce from her husband, but Kate Gosselin has already gone two-pieces.

Kate Gosselin

The mother of eight flashed her tanned backside in a blue bikini near her PA home on Thursday.

Thankfully, Kate did keep something covered ... her chunk stripe, bi-level porcupine reverse mullet weave.

Filed under: Paparazzi Photo, Hot Mamas, Jon & Kate

Aretha Takes Twins for Walk

Looking delicious as ever, Aretha Franklin went to Jimmy Choo for shoes yesterday -- and when she took off, she showed off her lovely pair.

Aretha Franklin: Click to watch

Filed under: Paparazzi Video, Hot Bodies

Hubby to Kate Walsh -- I Want Your Boss!

Kate WalshKate Walsh's estranged husband will not take no for an answer. He's filed new court papers asking to grill Kate's boss -- the Prez of ABC -- under oath.

Alex Young is now responding to ABC -- the network claims Young is harassing them and should be blocked from deposing ABC President Stephen McPherson about Kate's salary and earning potential.

Walsh and Young are in a bitter battle over money -- the irony ... they were only married 14 months before separating, but Young thinks he's entitled to a chunk of money Kate may be hiding.

But in papers filed yesterday by Young's lawyer, Jeff Sturman, he strongly suggests Walsh may be in for a big ABC payday and he's entitled to half. Specifically Young wants to know not just what Kate is scoring for "Private Practice" but also future deals, including bonuses and new projects. As Young's lawyer put it, "Ms. Walsh is not a garden variety employee who received a weekly paycheck..."

Under California law they're entitled to a 50/50 split of earnings during the marriage.

Filed under: Dirty Divorces

Jon Gosselin -- Douchey Clothes Make the Man

Christian Audigier, inventor of every bedazzled d-bag's official uniform, has found a perfect model for his Ed Hardy clothing line -- soon-to-be-divorced Jon Gosselin.

Jon Gosselin
Audigier tells TMZ that he sent a bunch of free stuff for the Gosselin family's eight little rugrats a few months ago, but the only member of the family brave enough to wear it in public is Jon.

The designer's taken notice and predicts we'll be seeing a lot more tigers, skulls and rhinestones in the near future -- Christian says he's sent Jon a box full of the tattoo inspired goods.

Filed under: Full Throttle Fashion, Jon & Kate

Celebrity Justice
Dane Cook's Sister-in-Law Busted

Dane CookStealing from Dane Cook allegedly runs in the family.

With his brother Daryl McCauley already facing charges for allegedly embezzling millions from the "comedian," McCauley's wife Erika was arrested today as well.

According to the Attorney General's office in Massachusetts, Erika will be arraigned today on charges of larceny by scheme and receiving/concealing stolen property."

Daryl was charged back in March with eight counts of larceny over $250, forgery and larceny by continuous scheme. According to prosecutors, McCauley once forged a $3 million check written from Cook's account to himself.

Filed under: Celebrity Justice

Ryan O'Neal Shuts Down Farrah Fawcett's Website

Farah FawcettWe just got our hands on a letter Ryan O'Neal's lawyer fired off to the guy who ran a Farrah Fawcett website, demanding that he stop pretending it's her official site and then asking for money.

Greg Lott -- who claims to have been Farrah's high school sweetheart -- has been writing brutal posts about Ryan, claiming he's been running around with other women while Farrah was sick and making all sorts of drug allegations.

Ryan's high-powered law firm just sent Lott a cease and desist letter, demanding that he shut down the site, stop soliciting money, stop making defamatory comments about Ryan, stop splashing images of Farrah around town and stop selling Farrah-related merchandise.

Lott took his site down after receiving the letter, which was dated June 23.

Filed under: Farrah Fawcett

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