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Farrah Fawcett Dies of Cancer at Age 62

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Farrah Fawcett
Farrah Fawcett, the actress who shot to worldwide fame thanks to her role in 'Charlie's Angels' and other Hollywood ventures along the way, dies after a long battle with cancer. She was 62 years old.
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Nixon Tapes Mention 'Synagogue of Satan'

Among 150 hours of recordings released by the Nixon library is a 1973 conversation in which President Richard Nixon and evangelist Billy Graham make critical comments about Jews. Graham mentions a Biblical verse on the "synagogue of Satan," while Nixon says "these people" must "start behaving."
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A conversation between Richard Nixon, right, and evangelist Billy Graham is causing controversy for the men's mention of anti-Semitism.

A controversial conversation between Richard Nixon, right, and evangelist Billy Graham came to light this week.

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Court Says Teen's Strip Search Was Illegal

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In an 8-1 ruling, the Supreme Court says that Arizona school officials violated the law when they strip-searched a 13-year-old accused of having prescription-strength ibuprofen. Savana Redding, who now attends college, was forced to remove her clothes and shake out her underwear because officials were looking for the banned pills.
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Air France Pilot's Body Recovered

Search crews have retrieved the bodies of the chief pilot and a flight attendant from Air France Flight 447, the airline says. So far, 50 of the doomed flight's 228 victims have been pulled from the Atlantic Ocean. The plane crashed May 31 on a flight from Brazil to France, killing all on board. The accident's cause is still unknown.
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Workers unload debris that belonged to Air France Flight 447 from a Brazilian vessel in the port of Recife, northeast Brazil, on June 14.
Eraldo Peres, AP

Workers unload debris that belonged to Air France Flight 447 from a Brazilian vessel in the port of Recife, northeast Brazil, on June 14.

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Will 'Neda' Video Become Icon for Ages?

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Bird-Bone Flute is Oldest Instrument

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Mousavi Defies Pressure to End Protest

Iran's opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi, who alleges the June 12 presidential election was rigged in favor of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, says he'll continue challenging the vote results despite pressure from authorities to stop.
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Man Charged In 'Virtual Porn' Case

A Tennessee man is facing charges of aggravated sexual exploitation of a minor for what police say are photos that show the faces of young girls placed on the nude bodies of adult females. Two of the faces are local girls, ages 10 and 12, while the third face appears to be pop star Miley Cyrus.
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