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SHONEN JUMP Championship

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April 26, 2009

The Finals – Jeff Jones Versus Jarel Winston

Jarel Winston hails from the Bronx, and plays in New York with top-notch Duelists like Anthony Alvarado, Shane Scurry, Frank Schifano, and others.  Jeff Jones is from Michigan, and is here today playing a DARK Skill Drain Deck.  He spent the last twenty minutes hoping Winston would win in the semi-finals, thinking a matchup against Lightsworn played in his favor.

Both of these competitors would get a copy of “Dark End Dragon.”  Second place would get a host of prizes including an iPod Touch, but the winner would get an interview with SHONEN JUMP Magazine and a paid trip with accommodations to the U.S. National Championship!  For Jarel Winston, a win here would be a huge, albeit well-deserved, surprise.  For Jeff Jones, a win would be the end of a years-long quest and one massive comeback.

Winston won the roll and opened with “Charge of the Light Brigade,” sending “Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid,” “Necro Gardna,” and “Monster Reborn” to his Graveyard to fetch “Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior” from his Deck.  He Summoned “Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner,” discarded Garoth to Summon it, and wound up getting a free copy of “Wulf, Lightsworn Beast” in the End Phase.  Play was to Jones.

He had “Destiny Hero - Defender,” “Phoenix Wing Wind Blast,” “Destiny Hero – Malicious,” “Skill Drain,” “Emergency Teleport,” and “Mystic Tomato” in hand.  He Summoned Tomato, attacked Lumina, and was denied by “Necro Gardna’s” effect.  Jones Set “Skill Drain,” Set Wind Blast, and ended.  “I’ll pray you don’t have Heavy, since that’s what I always lose to.”

Winston had it!  He activated “Heavy Storm,” Jones chained “Phoenix Wing Wind Blast,” discarded Malicious, and sent Lumina back to the Deck.  Winston Summoned “Ehren, Lightsworn Monk,” attacked “Mystic Tomato” with it, and Jones went to his Deck to Special Summon another Tomato.  Garoth attacked the second Tomato, and Wulf attacked the “Sangan” Jones Special Summoned with the second Tomato.  “Sangan” got him “Plaguespreader Zombie,” but Ehren got Winston a Wulf and another “Necro Gardna” in the End Phase.  Garoth didn’t get any draws.

Jones removed his Malicious to Summon another, then Normal Summoned “Plaguespreader Zombie” to Synchro Summon “Colossal Fighter” in Attack Position – it hit the field with 3100 ATK.  “Colossal Fighter” attacked “Ehren, Lightsworn Monk,” and Winston took the damage.  Ehren was destroyed.  Jones Set a Spell or Trap Card and ended.  Winston did nothing but pass.

Jones drew “Solemn Judgment” – he had Defender and Teleport in hand, with “Mirror Force” Set and “Colossal Fighter” on the field.  “Colossal Fighter” attacked Garoth, Winston protected it with “Necro Gardna,” and in Main Phase 2 Jones Summoned Defender.  He activated “Emergency Teleport,” Special Summoned “Krebons,” and Synchro Summoned “Gaia Knight, The Force of Earth.”  He placed his last card back on his Deck to get back “Plaguespreader Zombie,” tuned it to Gaia Knight, and Synchro Summoned “Stardust Dragon.” “Colossal Fighter” now had 3300 ATK and Jones was out of in-hand cards.  “Your turn.”

Winston Summoned “Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress,” sent three cards to his Graveyard for Lyla’s effect, and drew two cards from Garoth’s effect as he sent another Garoth and Celestia to his Graveyard!  Jones Set his freshly drawn card to his Spell and Trap Card Zone and ended.  Winston drew to seven cards.

He tried to use Lyla’s effect to destroy Jones’ “Mirror Force,” but Jones Tributed “Stardust Dragon” to negate the effect and destroy Lyla!  Winston Set a Spell or Trap Card, turned his monsters to Defense Position, and ended.  Jones brought back his Stardust.  Next turn Winston lost one of his Wulfs and Garoth to Synchro attacks from Jones.

Winston activated “Cold Wave”!  Jones chained “Solemn Judgment,” dropping to 3125 Life Points.  Winston Normal Summoned “Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner,” activated her effect by discarding “Plaguespreader Zombie,” and brought back “Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress”!  He activated Lyla’s effect, Jones Tributed “Stardust Dragon,” and Lyla was destroyed yet again.  Winston discarded another Lyla for “Solar Recharge,” drew two cards, and sent another Recharge and “Honest” to the Graveyard.  It got him “Judgment Dragon”!  He Special Summoned it, paid 1000 Life Points, and chained “Beckoning Light” to trade his in-hand “Honest,” Foolish Burial, and “Beckoning Light” for another “Judgment Dragon,” Lumina, and… We’ll never know, because that was enough for Jones to scoop.

Jarel Winston is one win away from becoming a Shonen Jump Champion!  Both competitors did extensive Side Decking before starting game 2.

Jones opened with two “Skill Drain,” “Metal Reflect Slime,” “Heavy Storm,” “Dark Grepher,” and “Sangan.”  He Set “Sangan,” Set “Skill Drain,” and ended.  He lost the Drain to “Mystical Space Typhoon”: “You’ve got Ehren, right?  “Charge of the Light Brigade,” Ehren?”  Winston Set “Crush Card Virus,” tributed “Necro Gardna” next turn to activate it, Jones lost “Dark Grepher,” and Summoned “Mystic Tomato.”  He attacked for 2400 damage, Set “Skill Drain,” and ended.

Winston Summoned Garoth and ended.  Jones drew “Trap Dustshoot,” revealed it, Set it, and used it next turn to reveal his opponent’s hand: “Jain, Lightsworn Paladin,” Mobius, Wulf, and “Plaguespreader Zombie.” He sent Plague back to his opponent’s Deck.  Winston Summoned “Jain, Lightsworn Paladin,” and Jones flipped “Skill Drain” in the End Phase.  Jones drew “Mystical Space Typhoon,” revealed it for his last turn Under “Crush Card Virus,” and slammed his Tomato into Jain – he took 400 damage and Special Summoned “Plaguespreader Zombie.”  He moved to Main Phase 2, tuned “Plaguespreader Zombie” to “Sangan,” and Synchro Summoned “Magical Android.”  “Sangan’s” effect got him “D.D. Crow,” and he Set one more card to his back row.  “Go.”

Winston tributed Garoth for “Mobius the Frost Monarch,” and traded Mobius for the Android in battle.  Jain made a direct attack (Jones forgot he had “Metal Reflect Slime” Set) and play was back to Jones, who drew and activated “Allure of Darkness” – he removed Tomato for it.  He Set “Destiny Hero - Defender,” ended, and got ailed by “Heavy Storm” again, losing “Skill Drain” and “Metal Reflect Slime”!  Winston Summoned “Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner,” discarded “Wulf, Lightsworn Beast” from his hand, and targeted the Wulf for Special Summoning.  “Sure” replied Jones, not using his “D.D. Crow.”  “Man, I’m so bad” groaned Jones.  Wulf attacked “Destiny Hero - Defender,” Winston moved to his End Phase, and sent five cards to his Graveyard.  He lost his “Necro Gardna” to “D.D. Crow” in his End Phase.

Jones brought back his “Plaguespreader Zombie,” Synchro Summoned “Goyo Guardian,” and ran over Lumina to Special Summon her.  He sent “Elemental Hero Stratos,” “Phoenix Wing Wind Blast,” and “Mystical Space Typhoon” to his Graveyard in the End Phase, after Special Summoning Lumina.  He Set his last card to his back row moments before.

Winston drew and Normal Summoned “Plaguespreader Zombie,” trading that and Wulf for his own “Goyo Guardian” – but he crashed them straight into “Mirror Force”!  He scooped immediately, knowing it was over!  This Match was going to one more Duel.

Winston opened with “Charge of the Light Brigade,” sending “Necro Gardna,” “Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress,” and “Jain, Lightsworn Paladin” to his Graveyard.  He got Garoth from his Deck, then Normal Summoned it.  He Set one card to his back row and ended.

Jones had “Cyber Dragon,” “Skill Drain,” Fear Monger, “Monster Reborn,” “Plaguespreader Zombie,” and “Mirror Force”!  He Special Summoned “Cyber Dragon,” activated “Monster Reborn,” took “Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress,” and used her effect to destroy Winston’s “Royal Decree”!  Winston took off his hat, threw it on the ground, and needed a moment away from the table.  What a huge read by Jones!  Winston took his seat, put his hat back on, and when “Cyber Dragon” attacked Garoth Winston had to remove his Gardna to keep Garoth on the table.  Jones Set a Spell or Trap Card, then sent “Allure of Darkness,” Barbaros, and “Phoenix Wing Wind Blast” to his Graveyard.  He was really trying to force a fast tempo on Winston.

Winston sent “Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner” to his Graveyard with Foolish Burial.  He ran over his Lyla with Garoth, discarded “Necro Gardna” for “Monster Reincarnation,” brought back Lumina, and Summoned her, discarding another Garoth for her effect – Jones chained “Skill Drain”!  “Cyber Dragon” attacked Lumina, Winston removed “Necro Gardna” to shield her, and Jones used “Emergency Teleport” to Special Summon “Krebons”!  “Krebons” ran over Lumina, and in Main Phase 2 Jones Set another card to his back row and Synchro Summoned “Dark Strike Fighter!”  Garoth attacked Dark Strike, slammed into “Mirror Force,” and Winston Set one card to his Spell and Trap Card Zone . 

Jones attacked with “Dark Strike Fighter,” Set a monster, and ended.  The Duel stood at 7000 Life Points to 5200, with Jones leading.  Winston Set his remaining cards, one to each Zone, and ended.  Jones attacked with Dark Strike, destroying “Honest,” then Tributed his face-down “Plaguespreader Zombie” for a monster Set in Defense Position!

Winston passed, Jones drew, and Winston paused, then offered the handshake.

‘Really?’  Winston nodded and explained ‘You know when I Charged for Garoth?  I should’ve gotten Lumina, Set “Royal Decree” and the Beckoning.  I deserved to lose this one.  I did good today though.’

‘You did very good today’ agreed Jones.  With Winston’s concession it was over – Jeff Jones is your new SHONEN JUMP Champion, and is headed to the National Championship!

-Jason Grabher-Meyer


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