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Homemade Transformer-Themed Toy Is Expensive... and Sharp

With Michael Bay's ode to robots hitting the big screen this week, the world and the Web are abuzz about giant hunks of shape-shifting metal that blow stuff up. According to the old TV theme song, Transformers are 'more than meets the eye,' and, while it only slightly resembles Optimus Prime or Megatron, you could say the same for this toy posted by Lubbock, Texas Etsy user 'reaver.'

Dubbed 'Homage,' the toy stands 17-inches tall and, at $2,000, costs as much as a used car. It transforms from its humanoid robot form into a sleek jet whose wings look like they could slice an apple in half. According to the designer, the original piece is on display at the Arkansas Arts Center in Little Rock. Working by commission, 'reaver' promises to build the toys upon order -- a process that takes close to a month. He plans to create a consecutively numbered series of the unique toy, which is constructed of aluminum, brass, steel, and plexiglass.

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Man Arrested for Selling Pot on Craigslist

If a drug reference is so well known that there's a Wikipedia entry about it, chances are the cops know it, too. Unfortunately, Marlborough, Massachusetts's Chistopher J. Gray did not check the popular reference site before advertising marijuana on Craigslist.

According to the Patriot Ledger, the number "420" -- a popular term that references getting high -- is rumored to have been started in the '70s by a group of high school kids who smoked pot everyday at the same time: 4:20 p.m. The 30-year-old pot dealer, apparently unaware that the 30-odd-year-old term was hip with the fuzz, advertised in a Cragslist post, "420 help is here. Give me a ring if you need some help."

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Real Steve Jobs and 'Fake Steve Jobs' Back to Their... Jobs

Real Jobs and Fake Jobs Back to Work
Back in January, Steve Jobs took a leave of absence for vague health reasons that he said had something to do with a "hormone imbalance." After six months of his being M.I.A., we heard rumblings earlier this month that the leader of the Cult of Mac was preparing to make his grand return.

Well, it's official, says MacRumors; Jobs is back on -- well -- the job. And we've even gotten some clarification; when the turtleneck-clad CEO said "hormone imbalance" he actually meant "complete liver failure." Methodist University Hospital in Tennessee confirmed rumors that Jobs had a liver transplant after being bumped to the front of the waiting list. According to the hospital, the CEO had the highest MELD score (a standardized scale for measuring the severity of liver disease) for his blood type, allowing him to jump ahead of others also waiting for a transplant.

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Burglar Sneaks Into GameStop but Leaves Empty-Handed

When it comes to stupid criminals, we've seen it all here at Switched. These would-be masterminds have been foiled by text messages, forgotten cell phones, and Google's Street View. While he hasn't been caught yet, another criminal has been bested by technology -- security cameras and a locked door.

According to, a man attempted to rob a Pittsburgh-area GameStop Tuesday by cutting a hole in the roof. Taking a cue from Solid Snake, the man crawled through the ceiling, navigating electrical wires and air ducts, and dropped down into the store. At that point, security cameras caught the man trying to open the front and back doors, both of which were locked. When he realized he would have to carry his loot back up through the ceiling, the man abandoned his grand plan. He pulled a large steel cabinet underneath the hole he had formed in the ceiling and climbed back out. Around 3 a.m., police arrived at the scene and used dogs to search for the man, but did not find him.

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Howard Stern Not Available on Sirius iPhone App

Sorry, iPhone users, but the 'King of All Media' won't be available on Sirius XM's new iPhone app, released last week. You'll have to get your fill of fart jokes and conversations with naked women somewhere else (may we suggest the Playboy channel for the latter).

According to Daily Finance, the absence of Howard Stern's show is due to, in his words, a "contract rights issue." Monday, fans called into Stern's show demanding an explanation. Stern debunked some claims that the show was too racy for an iPhone app, saying, "How can it be too dirty if you have the Playboy channel on there?" The Daily Finance suggested that Stern's show falls under the same category as other contractually obligated programs, such as the NFL, that can't be broadcast on the app (which is free for Sirius XM subscribers).

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Morning Xtra: Rapidshare's Filesharing Fail, ExxonMobil's Green Car

Rapidshare Loses File Sharing Suit, Fined $34 Million First it was Pirate Bay, now it's Rapidshare. Mashable is reporting that a German court has ordered the file-hosting site to pay $34 million to German performance rights group Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungs- und mechanische Vervielfältigungsrechte (GEMA). Like the Pirate Bay case, the judgment is dubious since ...

Unsolicited Text Messages as Bad as Phone Calls, Court Says

Let's hope that the Simon & Schuster or marketing firm ipsh! employee who, six years ago, decided to send out thousands of unsolicited text messages reading, "the next call you take may be your last," has lost their job. If they haven't yet, then they probably will soon (assuming Simon & Schuster is forced to cough up the roughly $90 million in fines and payouts associated with the ...

White Stripes Frontman Jack White Says 'Guitar Hero' Is 'Depressing'

Music-related video games like 'Guitar Hero' and 'Rock Band' can mean an awful lot of things to an awful lot of people, but to musicians, they seem to just be, well, insulting. Noel Gallagher, lead singer of the former super-band Oasis, made his feelings on the subject very well known earlier this year, and now Jack White is sharing a similar sentiment. White is the front man and guitar player of ...

The Daily Engadget: Sony Recalls Sweaty Headphones, HTC's New Hero

Our friends over at Engadget obsessively cover everything new in gadgets and consumer electronics, which is why we compile this daily roundup of their top stuff. For more details on any of these stories, click on the Engadget links in each story below. Sony's NWZ-W202 Walkman headphones recalled People like wearing headphones when they work out for obvious reasons, but what's the point if the ...

Got a Custom Ringtone? ASCAP Wants You to Pay Up

We hate it when someone's cell phone blasts a popular song while we're eating in a restaurant or shopping at the grocery store. In our opinion, it's rude, tasteless, and annoying; just silence the phone, please. But a new claim by the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) might make folks think twice about turning down that T.I. ringtone while in public. According to the ...

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Weirdest Techie Heists and Scams

    Elderly Amish Man Caught on Film With Prostitute, Blackmailed
    When a 75-year-old Amish widower slept with a prostitute, he -- we feel certain -- felt pretty bad about it the next morning. As if that guilt weren't enough for the old man, the prostitute and her boyfriend demanded $67,000 from him, claiming that they had filmed the scene with wall-mounted cameras and would upload the recording to the Internet. The pair was later arrested and, we can only imagine, the Amish man abhorred technology more than ever.


    Bank Robber Gets Away With the Help of Craiglist
    In October, a bank robber -- wearing a safety vest, blue shirt, face mask and goggles -- eluded police with the help of Craiglist. Just outside the bank, while the robbery was in progress, stood a group of men who were responding to a Craiglist day labor opportunity. As the advertisement required, they were all wearing safety vests, blue shirts, face masks and goggles.


    Nude New Zealander Arrested After Responding to Fake Sexy Text Message
    Late in 2007, a Wellington, New Zealand man received a racy text message from two anonymous "ladies," giving him only an address and a request that he show up naked. Well, he indeed showed up naked... at the home of one appalled, unsuspecting New Zealander. Both the nude Romeo and the sadistic texter were arrested, though neither were prosecuted.


    Fake Craiglist Ad Costs Man Most of What He Owns
    Last Spring, a post appeared on an Oregon Craigslist board stating that the owner of a specific house was leaving all of his worldly possessions (still in said house) to whoever wanted them. When homeowner Robert Salisbury rushed home -- on a tip from a woman suspicious about the offer of a free horse -- he found his house being ransacked by 30 strangers. We suggest he take that horse and collect some vengeance Clint Eastwood-style.


    17-Year-Old Jailed for Stealing Virtual 'Furniture'
    When a 17-year-old Dutch boy hacked into several accounts on the Second Life-style site 'Habbo' in 2007, the the law got involved. The boy was discovered to have stolen $5,800 worth of virtual furniture and knick-knacks. Apparently, crime -- whether actual or virtual -- does not pay.


    Phishers Going After Your Phones in New 'Vishing' Trend
    Over the past year, sneaky spammers have begun to forsake the worn-out territory of e-mail in favor of cell phones' fertile frontier. The result? "Vishing." Get it? Voice mail phishing. It might be more ominous if it didn't sound like a James Bond villain saying, "Wishing."


    Burglars Break Into Restaurant, Steal HDTV, Leave Money / Food Behind
    Around Halloween of last year, a truckload of thieves drove into -- that's right, into -- a Pennsylvania Mexican restaurant, where they -- apparently uninterested in the cash register -- stole a mid-grade 47-inch HDTV and fled the scene. We've all heard about how this generation is lacking in ambition, but this generation's thieves, too?


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    Denon AVR-4306 (black)
    Incredibly well-featured 7.1-channel receiver; excellent sound quality; three HDMI inputs; converts analog video to HDMI output; upconverts analog video to 720p/1080i HD resolution; iPod and USB MP3 player connectivity; Internet radio and MP3/WMA streaming audio via built-in Ethernet port; XM Satellite Radio compatible; touch-screen remote; multizone, multisource operation; browser-based control via home network; accurate autocalibration routine. Full Review

    8.8 out of 10

    KEF KHT3005 (black)
    The KEF KHT-3005 is one compact, beautifully designed speaker package with solid aluminum satellites that feature unique driver technology to produce incredible clarity. Meanwhile, the equally astounding dual 10-inch, 250-watt powered subwoofer delivers ultradeep bass. Full Review

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    KEF KHT3005 (silver)
    The KEF KHT-3005 is one compact, beautifully designed speaker package with solid aluminum satellites that feature unique driver technology to produce incredible clarity. Meanwhile, the equally astounding dual 10-inch, 250-watt powered subwoofer delivers ultradeep bass. Full Review

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    8.6 out of 10

    Wi-Ex zBoost YX510-PCS-CEL cell phone signal extender
    The Wi-Ex zBoost YX510-PCS-CEL significantly boosts your cell phone reception and is easy to operate. Also, it uses a wireless connection to your phone. Full Review

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    The Turbo Charge Tc2 portable cell phone charger successfully delivers emergency power to your cell phone. It's easy to use and comes with a couple of surprising features. Full Review

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    LG VX6000 (Verizon Wireless)
    Compact and stylish; impressive battery life; solid audio quality; sharp color screen; built-in camera; USB ready; affordable. Full Review

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    Canon EOS 1D Mark III
    Extremely fast, 10-megapixel continuous shooting; very low noise; highly customizable; well-designed body with weather sealing; 3-inch LCD; abundant optional accessories. Full Review

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    Nikon D3 (body only)
    Full-frame sensor; well designed, pro-level weather-sealed body; very low noise, even at extremely high ISOs; fast. Full Review

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    Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III
    Very low noise, high quality images; 21.1 megapixels; live view shooting; pro-level build-quality and performance. Full Review

  • Desktop Reviews

    8.5 out of 10

    Apple iMac (24-inch, 2.8GHz)
    A minor specification update results in some significant performance gains; graphics upgrade an option on this 24-inch model; sleek, polished design didn't receive an update, but we won't start clamoring for a new design until the current one is at least 12 months old. Full Review

    8.4 out of 10

    Velocity Raptor Signature Edition Gaming PC
    One of the fastest PCs we've tested; a PCI Express RAID card helps media encoding performance; typically immaculate Velocity Micro assembly; strong, three-year warranty. Full Review

    8.3 out of 10

    Dell Studio Desktop Computer (Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200, 750GB HDD, 6GB)
    Best performance in its class; dedicated graphics card; large hard drive. Full Review

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