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Birth Mother Sues After Meeting Child

Woman Claims State Aided Reunion With Child of Rape

posted: 3 HOURS 1 MINUTE AGO
comments: 496
filed under: Law News, National News
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(June 23) -- A lawsuit filed in New Jersey brings up issues of privacy in adoption cases.
An woman is suing the state for allegedly facilitating a reunion with a daughter she gave up for adoption 30 years ago, the Philadelphia Daily News reported.
The Atlantic City woman, whose name is being withheld from the press, gave up her child after being raped. The lawsuit, filed June 18, claims she felt "violated, in shock and short of breath," after her biological child showed up at her home in December.
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"Everyone would like to believe that these reunions are so wonderful," the woman's attorney, Matthew Weisberg, told the newspaper. "This one wasn't. They didn't have coffee together. My client went pale. She is devastated and continues to be devastated because her biological child continues to attempt contact with her."
The lawsuit claims the woman received a letter in August 2008 from New Jersey's Division of Youth and Family Services about an adopted adult who was looking for her birth parents. The letter requested confirmation both of the woman's identity and her interest in pursuing the case. The woman chose not to respond.
Despite the birth mother's lack of response to the inquiry, the adopted daughter found her four months later. The woman's legal complaint says DYFS told her officials "more or less did what they had to do" after she did not return the initial letter.
The woman is seeking $1 million in damages from the state for emotional damages resulting from the inquiry and reunion.
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2009-06-23 10:59:14
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Trudie T Devreux

02:23 PMJun 23 2009

This is a touchy subject.But I truly think the mother had the right not be contacted if thatwere her wishes.I realize the child wanted to know who her mom was and Ican't imagine being in that position, but when the birth momdid not respond then she should've been left alone.Maybe seeing her child brought back bad memories, who knows.Sadly, I think the birth mom's rights should have been realized here.I feel bad for the child too sad.



02:23 PMJun 23 2009

I am pro-life and I still think that the identity of birth mothers and fathers should always be protected. Yes, the children should know where they came from but if a birth parent wishes not to be contacted then so be it.



02:22 PMJun 23 2009

It seems that you think that it was the mother's fault for having a baby. So are you saying that you are for the abortion? Do you want this full-grown child to be dead right now? I'm positively sure that she is glad to be alive. To be alive is wonderful. I think had the mother think over it for some time, maybe at least two or three years, then she may have been ready to meet her. Or maybe not.



02:21 PMJun 23 2009

The bio mother sounds incredibly self-centered and selfish -- looking at life from HER point of view only. Yes, she didn't hire someone to cut her child up, but she can't find it in her heart to see her daughter's point of view? To help her fill the void in her heart?? Many parents would risk their very lives for their children's happiness, but she sought to continue to make her bio daughter feel like an outcast -- like she has felt all of her life?? She couldn't try to help her with HER (daughter's) pain?? And then... hit the taxpayers up for big bucks! Disgusting!!!!!



02:20 PMJun 23 2009

Idiots. It's not about not condemning the rapist, it's about NOT BLAMING THE CHILD. Like you wouldn't want to know where YOU came from or what DISEASES or POSSIBLE HEALTH OR BLOOD ISSUES you might have from YOUR GENETIC HISTORY that YOU didn't play a part in. What are you nuts? SUE THE FREAKIN RAPIST and the STATE if you like but don't blame the child. FIFTY PERCENT OF THAT CHILD IS YOU! What happens when the story's reverse and THAT CHILD is the only one who can give YOU or YOUR CHILD you decided to keep LIFE? I know of a case where that happened. And the mother had to TRACK DOWN THE CHILD to save a sibling. Some times facing an incident helps provide closure. Americans are some screwed people!



02:20 PMJun 23 2009

I sure am glad most of you aren't therapists or teachers. So few of you have much compassion for all involved, and many of you can't write a sentence without numerous mistakes. Too many of you are so quick to judge others, and of course you seem to assume the right to know what's best for others. That I find disgusting.



02:19 PMJun 23 2009

Well did the young lady contact a private service to find her biological mother or did the Adoption Agency breachs its privacy agreement.Because if they young lady did it of her own volition, then no. the mother will have no case.



02:19 PMJun 23 2009

The poor child in this case. The mm had a choice way back when to have this child. Abortions have been around along time. The only time I do believe in abortion is in a case of rape. It wasnt the childs fault and the mother is damaging the child more then she will ever know. Its sad that after all this time the mother isnt curious to what her daughter looks like or grew up to be. It is still half of her and I shame and also the mothers loss...for the daughter...move on and have a happy life...Your birth mother isnt worth your effort or time. Sad that there are people so cruel...but I believe in carma and things happen for a reason.



02:18 PMJun 23 2009

was adopted and have not looked for my biological mom, but if i did and she turned pale and hated me for being bor, I dont know what edge that would push me over. The mom should just be forthright. SO MANY ADOPTED CHILDREN just want to know who their bio parents are, and WHY... I would thank my bio mom to high heaven and tell her she is blessed for putting me up for adoption.



02:18 PMJun 23 2009

I usually just read comments and laugh about how the comments differ from one another, or how heated arguments get started all because of a simple news story. Today however, I want to comment on this story.I think this is a very sad story on Both parts. The mom chose to give up her newborn baby girl because she was the result of a rape. She was raped. And from what I have read, it seems that she is Still tramatized from it. She probably thinks about her daughter and maybe how it could have been raising and knowing her, maybe a good mother/daughter relationship, but whenever she thinks about her she is reminded of the rape. That is phycological.Now for the daughter. If it were me, even if I grew up with a loving adoptive family I would eventually have couriosity over my birth mother. I would want to see her, even just for a minute. Just to see if what could have been, could be. If not, leave it alone. I already have an adoptive family that has love for me. The artical says the daugh...


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