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Caylee Anthony Autopsy Results Released
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05:27 PMJun 20 2009
I wish i could be in a room for five minutes with that mother,Iguarantee you,she wouldn't have one tooth left in her sick mouth.
05:26 PMJun 20 2009
PAYMYOWNWAY: Yes he was a cop, that has been confirmed and of all the members of the anthony family I respected him the most, that is until recently! He has acted like an idiot in Civil court and has shown disrespect for his Grandaughter. His daughter murdered her and he and the rest of the Anthony's are just too arrogant to call a spade a spade! Casey is to blame here and partially the parents for raising their daughter not to respect human life. Casey's mother is a lying B##ch and as a result the murderer is too....
05:25 PMJun 20 2009
i also dont think giving her the death penalty is right. 2 killings dont solve anything. its not making her suffer its only giving her an easy way out. give her a couple life sentances cuz 1 life sentance is only 45 yrs its not really life. make her suffer becuase in prisons men and women prisons they all go after the prisoners that have sex crimes and crimes against children. make her suffer gettin beat down, getting harassed, bein hated, bein treated like shyt. giving her a death sentance is not gonna do anything.
05:25 PMJun 20 2009
Why are we accusing the girl's mother when the case is not closed yet?
05:25 PMJun 20 2009
Princessofmeats, if you think you're so great, listen up !! I've found a new way to upholster my chairs without paying a dime. I just sit in them !! I'm also an excellent interior decorator, all I have to do is enter someone's home. Sound like someone you know? Your lame attempts to impress people here are just that - lame attempts. Your words fail you only when you use them. How about you and I play a game of wits? I've always liked solitaire.
05:23 PMJun 20 2009
Murdering the murderer DOES solve something. It lets the TAXPAYER off the hook to keep scum like that clothed & fed. The government dosen't have to murder the murderer. Just drop her out of a plane in the middle of the Pacific ocean. Who knows maybe she could swim? Maybe we could go "green" and feed some fish too!
05:22 PMJun 20 2009
WEll i think that the mother should get the death sentence
05:22 PMJun 20 2009
TO: LakeArcher, 05:08 PMJun 20 2009, FOR REASONS BEYOND OUR UNDERSTANDING - - - EVERYTHING, INCLUDING OUR FREE WILL - - - IS THE WILL OF GOD !===================================Then we are nothing more than puppets in your opinion?! If we have no real free will of our own, why worry about following some silly book that tells us what to do (ie, the bible). Try to have some intellectual integrity.
05:22 PMJun 20 2009
No good reason to share the gory details of this poor childs death with the public, Why now it will come out in the trial.The family doen't need to endure this now.
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