From Whistleblower - 6 PDF files of documentation accompany this post - look for links at the end in order to view that documentation:
Dear Hobie,
I refer to
the section of a posted by Striderus on June 15th as follows:-
I think every one interested in this story needs to see this information I recieved found no where else but here at RMN
Posted By: Striderus Send E-Mail
Date: Monday, 15-Jun-2009 21:39:14
In Response To: B. Fulford's
updated arrests involving ' citizens arrested in Italy last week carrying bonds worth $134 billion ' (Striderus)
".... the name of the gentleman is akihiko yamaguchi he is a representative of the dragon family in japan - the bonds are registered with the fed under fed code; draggon family, very old story ...................... and very delicate ...."
I find this especially interesting considering what he is involved in in business ...
And also considering Maat's post.
If I may respond, with publication, relative to the highlighted area of Striderus’s article.
Akihiko Yamaguchi was a top official at the Japanese Ministry of Finance, and the signatory for the Dragon Funds under the authority of the Ministry of Finance / Minister.
Yamaguchi was also responsible for the unauthorized and illegal issuance of the Japanese 57 Series Bonds which were issued using the Dragon Funds as Collateral. Yamaguchi was subsequently arrested and incarcerated for Fraud.
Obviously he is now out of prison and up to his old tricks. Some people never learn do they.
However, the fact that neither he or his Japanese accomplice were actually arrested or charged by the Italian Authorities, when they are undoubtedly and blatantly breaking Italian Law relevant to the carrying of cash / securities across borders, and International Law whereby they were in possession of stolen property (The UST Historic Bonds 1933/34 = $134 billion USD) whereby the intent was to commit fraud and criminal / fraudulent deception by virtue of the possible illegal use of the Stolen Property; is in my opinion evidence that there is something more than just strange about the whole issue surrounding the $134 bill UST Bonds and the actual people involved.
Perhaps the notion of Yamaguchi being connected to the CIA and covert operations has quite a lot of foundation.
I also hasten to add that the other Japanese person in Italy with Yamaguchi may have been Mr Mitsuyoshi Watanabe (Yamaguchi’s accomplice in the Japanese Series 57 Bond scam)
For those interested I attach in Adobe .pdf format, copies of Yamaguchi’s Passport and details of the illegally issued Japanese 57 Series Bonds, plus copies of the Passports of all other known persons involved with this illegal issuance matter, which I gained when investigating this same.
(Please Note: As this subject matter is directly related to the Japanese Government and its Ministry of Finance, specific documents contain a “Top Secret” stamp / seal. Readers should note that under Japanese Law and US Law (together with similar laws of other Nations), it is illegal to publish such documents.
Readers should also note that International Treaty Law and International Law, where relevant to the Combined International Collateral Accounts, takes precedence over National Laws, whereby National Laws become subservient and as such are irrelevant.
However, so as to avoid any form of reproach, embarrassment, conflict, legal actions, or otherwise, that may be inflicted, undertaken, brought upon, enacted, or otherwise, against, or any other community Web Site, together with Owners, Administrators, adjudicators, or similar, such documents containing “Top Secret”, “Secret” or similar official descriptive wording, will not be published and will therefore restrict the public from viewing or obtaining full details of this specific illegal transaction.
We do apologize for this, but we point out that we also care and are considerate towards any person, persons, or party who willingly agree to publication of such matters, whereby the consequences of same may have an adverse effect on such person, persons, and parties, whereby the fullest possible protection from any adverse effects or consequences are paramount in our minds and within our own acts or actions).
I can also state that ABN-amro bank in Holland were partly involved in this fraud as they issued a “Proof of Funds” to an Egyptian (Ibrahim Ghonaim) who had gained possession of one of the Series 57 Bonds.
These Bonds, or Series, issued under requisite Authority from the International Treasury Controller, through the Japanese Ministry of Finance are in fact, and strictly, Government to Government Bonds only.
Needless to say, and I hate repeating myself, but the Dragon Funds are actually part of the Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility, whereby The Japanese Ministry of Finance / Government are just Custodians of the numerous Accounts held in Japan, and whom hold no authority, without of course the requisite permission of the International Treasury Controller, to issue, or authorize issuance of any Bonds, Notes, Certificates or otherwise against the Dragon Fund Accounts.
Please refer to the attachments, which should be displayed with my response whereby I hope you can insert them within, or below, my response. Unfortunately I only have these in .pdf format.
[Two Top Secret documents omitted]