It is a test of the performance of " Bosendorfer 290 Imperial " with the world's l...
It practiced with the piano of the midium size hall.
It is BORELO DUO Vertion M.R...
It is a duet performance with Steinway.
The tune is TongPoo piano duo of RYUICH...
It is one Steinway, and practice scenery of the duet performance.
It is a perfor...
It is a duet performance with one piano.
It is duet version of "Tong Poo"
The piano of the hall has been played with the friend. The tune is Ryuichi Sakmoto...
The piano of the hall has been played with the friend.
The tune is Ryuichi Sakmot...
Lost Theme
Lost Theme
A peaceful society that doesn't fight is wanted.
Let's do happily by everyone.
When painful etc. are variously and feel low
It is the best to play the piano, an...
17 件の評価
久石讓 Joe Hisaishi本名藤澤守(Mamoru Fujisawa)與宮崎駿合作,為"風之谷"配樂,因而聲名大噪,往後與宮崎駿合作的作品有"天空之城"(19...
AKIKO AKKO YANO オーエスオーエス・ライブ 1984
吉川忠英(A.Guitar)、坂本龍一(HASYMO, Keyboards)、高橋幸宏(HA...
矢野顕子・忌野清志郎 ひとつだけ
矢野顕子・忌野清志郎 ひとつだけ
It performed with the piano of the hall.
From" Preludes" of DEBUSSY to" La cathed...
1986.11.23 On Air (FM)
Sony Sound Visuart 「不思議の国の龍一」
坂本龍一 & 矢野顕子
「Fushigi Conce...
1986.11.23 On Air (FM)
Sony Sound Visuart 「不思議の国の龍一」
坂本龍一 & 矢野顕子
「Fushigi Conce...