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PRB 2007 - Blast Off

PRB 2007 - Blast Off

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  • Here Comes the Sun : On blessing the sun and the moon. (via Metafilter)

    Larger than Life in London: It's invariably the little things, the unconsidered, off the cuff, in passing, unrehearsed things that snag our attention, and seem to be telling of the bigger things. In the case of Barack Obama's first visit to London and the Group of 20 conference to save the endangered habitat of bankers and real estate salesmen, it was the handshake with the bobby that seemed to be emblematic. In a forest of waving palms, this handshake meant more.

    And to continue the newspaper links, Jeremy Keith on Inkosaurs : Whenever I see stalwarts of a dying business model rail against Google in this way, I can't help but think that what they're really angry with is the web itself.

    Steven B. Johnson's Old Growth Media and the Future of the News : The metaphors we use to think about changes in media have a lot to tell us about the particular moment we're in. McLuhan talked about media as an extension of our central nervous system, and we spent forty years trying to figure out how media was re-wiring our brains. The metaphor you hear now is different, more E.O. Wilson than McLuhan: the ecosystem. I happen to think that this is a useful way of thinking about what's happening to us now: today's media is in fact much closer to a real-world ecosystem in the way it circulates information than it is like the old industrial, top-down models of mass media.
  • Clay Shirky on Newspapers and Thinking the Unthinkable : "When a 14 year old kid can blow up your business in his spare time, not because he hates you but because he loves you, then you got a problem."

    Rick Steves interview on Salon.com : Americans, travel, empire, Iran, and prohibition. Good stuff

  • It is all Lux's Fault... As a way of saying goodbye and fair passing to Mr. Lux Interior, of The Cramps, I would like to confess that I was a good child with a permissive mother who only ever got grounded 2x in my whole life. First grounding in 1978 was all my sister's fault, and the second grounding in 1982 was all Lux Interior's fault.

    The Nun's Story - On Sister Corita's design, art, and printmaking work and life.

    Postopolis! LA - From Tuesday, March 31, to Saturday, April 4, 2009, lasting from 5pm to 11pm each day, in a location to be confirmed very soon, we're bringing art, architecture, music, film, design, planning, politics, sci-fi, special effects, geology, history, lost rivers, futurism, and archaeology to Los Angeles, that city of tar pits and movie stars, of beaches, landslides, and mountain lion attacks, of universities and parking lots, of real estate speculation and individualized automotive fractality, city of black magic, mass murder, and abandoned swimming pools, military simulation labs, Die Hard and plate tectonics. City of the Center for Land Use Interpretation, of ecologies, gravel pits, and infrastructure.


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