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JPB 2009 Players Survey - Playing Environment

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Playing Environment

A frequent complaint amongst English speaking players is the continued support of the PS2 version. FFXI was originally designed for the PS2 and then ported over to additional systems. However, as time has passed and Sony has stopped selling the hard drive needed to play FFXI in the North American market, many people feel the PS2 version is well past its prime and it is time to focus more on the next generation consoles and the capabilities of computers currently on the market. It should be noted that the PS2 and hard drive are still available brand new in Japan.

The survey done by Michael’s Site showed that nearly 30% of Japanese players play FFXI using the PS2 version. Also, as we’ve discussed on JP Button before, the use of third-party tools and plugins by Window version users continues to be a source of contention between players.

To take a closer look at these issues, we asked players what system they primarily use and about the use of third-party tools and plugins.

Playing Environment

Well over 3/4 of English speaking players reported that they play the Windows version of FFXI. A mere 8% continue to use the PS2 version, split between PS2 and PS3 players. An equal amount of people play on the Xbox 360. It is arguable that if sales had continued for the PS2 hard drive or if support for the game wasn’t dropped by recent model PS3s, the number would be higher as it is in Japan.

Some players commented that they would like a version of the game for the PS3. Recent rumors about a possible PS3 port received quick attention from the community worldwide. However, it is hard to know how many people would use it in the NA and EU markets based on these survey results. On the other hand, there has been speculation that SE’s next MMORPG project, code named Rapture, will also be playable on the PS3. A PS3 version of FFXI could bring in additional players who might eventually switch to Rapture.


One of the strong points of FFXI compared to other MMORPGs is the ability to play with a controller even on the Windows version. Over a quarter of Windows version players reported using a controller while they play.

Windower versus Windowed Mode

At Fanfest 2007, Square Enix showed off a new Windowed Mode that gives players the option of not playing in a full screen environment. There were a number of problems associated with the full screen version, such as the game disconnecting after pressing Alt-Tab on the keyboard, to not being able to access FFXI information sites while playing as easily as somebody a PS2 might.

Prior to that, a third-party option, Windower, was available for players. However, as it is not an official part of the FFXI software and also allows for the addition of plugins and tools, the use of Windower is an oft debated topic. In the survey, we decided to ask just how many Window version players are using Windower and some of their reasons for using it. The results may surprise some people while confirm things for others.


69% of players who use the Windows version of FFXI reported using Windower. This seems exceedingly high for a game that prohibits the use of third-party software and could be punished by banning without warning. However, Square Enix does not actively go after players who use Windower so there doesn’t seem to be much incentive to stick with the official SE Windowed Mode.

Next, we asked people why they use Windower. Respondents were allowed to choose more than one answer.


Performance was the biggest factor. There have been many complaints on community forums about how they experience a drop in performance when using Windowed Mode. The ability to use third-party tools was also a factor. The use of third-party tools can show players in game the TP of party members, display the distance of an enemy, create more complex macros, type in Japanese, or in some cases, bot on monsters or fish while AFK. None of these options are available for PS2 or Xbox 360 players. However, some people who use these tools argue that it brings FFXI inline with other MMORPGs on the market and Square Enix is at fault for not including support for these things in the first place.

There was an interesting gender gap when it came to Windower usage as well.

71% of men reported using Windower. However, only 59% of women said they used it, a whopping 10% under the average.

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