  この度 、大阪医科大学名誉教授の
松本秀雄先生が、Gm研究の集大成として、先生のライフワークである「日本人の起源」に関する総説論文を、日本学士院 “Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B”(Vol. 85 (2009) , No. 2 )に発表されました。


 http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/pjab/85/2/_contents/-char/ja/ こちらから参照ください。 (日本学士院のホームページには、同ページ右上の″発行機関ホームページ″から行くことができます。)


 The origin of the Japanese race
based on genetic markers of immunoglobulin G



(Communicated by Osamu HAYAISHI, M.J.A.)

 01  .要約
 02 .はじめに
 03 .材料と方法
 04 .結果
 05 .日本の集団の特徴
 06 .韓国人集団の特徴
 07 .中国の漢人集団の特徴
 08 .世界の少数民族
   -1 .コーカソイドとの混血集団
   -2 .北方の少数民族
   -4 .アメリカのインディアン
   -5 .モンゴロイドのGm遺伝子の構成

 09 .討論
  -2 .Gm型
  -3 .HLA多型
  -4 .根井正利
  -5 .ミトコンドリアDNA
  -6. Y染色体
  -7 .常染色体
  -8 .言語学
 10 .謝辞
 11 .参考文献
 12 .略歴


  Abstract:  要約
 This review addresses the distribution of genetic markers of immunoglobulin G (Gm) among 130 Mongoloid populations in the world.
 These markers allowed the populations to be clearly divided into 2 groups, the northern and southern groups.  
 The northern group is characterized by high frequencies of 2 marker genes, ag and ab3st, and an extremely low frequency of the marker gene afb1b3; and the southern group, in contrast, is indicated by a remarkably high frequency of afb1b3 and low frequencies of ag and ab3st.


 Based on the geographical distribution of the markers and gene flow of Gm ag and ab3st (northern Mongoloid marker genes) from northeast Asia to the Japanese archipelago, the Japanese population belongs basically to the northern Mongoloid group and is thus suggested to have originated in northeast Asia, most likely in the Baikal area of Siberia.


Introduction はじめに
  Various theories as to the origin of the Japanese race have been advanced on the basis of the morphology of excavated bones.
 The most accepted theory at present  is the "dual structure model"by Hanihara.1) 
 All of these theories are, however, dependent on morphometrical differences between bones, which are well known to be easily subject to nutrition.


 In 1959, the ABO blood group system was first applied to human classification. Since then, polymorphic markers harbored in macromolecules such as proteins and  glycoconjugates including blood group systems have been used for this purpose.
 The reason is based on the fact that the blood group system is inherited as a  Mendelian trait and that the gene frequencies vary among different populations.
 As reviewed by Mourant et al.2)  no individual system except the genetic markers of immunoglobulin G (allotype; immunoglobulin G marker; Gm)was found to characterize human populations.


 Based on the study of Gm in Hungarian Gypsy populations, van Loghem et al.3)  stated that the Gm data contributed much to clarifying genetic differentiation of the populations and that Gm was thus applicable to the study of the origin and  migration of populations, or to evaluate the extent of racial admixture within  populations.


We found 2 novel Gm (s) and Gm (t) types in 1966,4)  which were then designated as the Gm ab3st gene; and further studies of the geographical distribution of this gene  suggested to us that it is a northern Mongoloid marker.
 When I was invited to the USSR in 1983, about 1,000 serum samples collected from Mongoloid minorities in the Baikal area were given to me for study of Gm by Professor Rychkov of the then Soviet Scientific Academy.

 我々は、1966年に二つの新しいGm型である、Gm(s)とGm(t)を発見した。それらはGm ab3st遺伝子と称されることになった。そしてこの遺伝子の地理的な分布の研究が進むと、この遺伝子は北方型モンゴロイドの標識遺伝子となることがわかった。

  During the course of studying these samples, with our aim fixed on Gm genes that characterize Mongoloid populations, we obtained an unexpected  result allowing us to approach the roots of Japanese people.5),6)
 Based on further cooperative studies with the Russian labs on the dispersal of Mongoloids in Asia,7)  we confirmed the highest frequencies of the Gm ab3st gene among the 3 Buryat populations in the Baikal area; and the geno-cline of Gm ab3st was shown to be in good order, leading to the conclusion that our hypothesis has validtiy.

 アジアにおけるモンゴロイドの拡散をロシアの研究所と共同研究を進める中で、我々は、バイカル地域に住む3つのブリヤート集団が、Gm ab3dt遺伝子で最も高い頻度を示すことを確かめた。
そして、Gm ab3st遺伝子の遺伝子勾配に整然とした傾向があることが見られ、我々の仮説が妥当であるという結論に至った。

 Materials and methods 材料と方法

 About 20,000 individual sera from 130 populations were tested for Gm types by using the agglutination inhibition test with the reagents described previously. 8)
 This test is based on classical antigen-antibody reaction and allows unequivocally the identification of 8 Gm types: a, b1, b3, f, g, s, t and x.
 A total of 9 different phenotypes, each of which comprises 2 to 6 types, were detected in Mongoloids and explained by 4 genes, as described below.

 合計9つの表現型−これらの型は2個(ag)〜6個(afb1b3st, axgfb1b3)のGm型で構成されている−がモンゴロイドに於いて認められ、これらの表現型は以下に述べるように4つの遺伝子で説明される。

Each gene frequency (ratio of a gene in each population) was calculated by using the maximum likelihood method. 8)
 Phenotypic distribution in a population was tested for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium by using a computer program through the courtesy of Kurcznsky and Steinberg.9)



  Results 結果

 A total of 9 different phenotypes, ag, axg, agb3st, agfb1b3, axgb3st, axgfb1b3, ab3st, afb1b3st, and afb1b3, could be well accounted for by 4 genes, i.e., ag, axg, ab3st, and afb1b3, through the segregation patterns among the offsprings of Japanese families.
 The populations studied were all in good Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.
 The Gm gene frequencies of each of the 130 populations are presented in Tables 1 to 5, and the geographical distributions of the populations are shown with the ratios of the genes in each population as circlegraphs in Figs. 1 and 2.

図12 に、各集団の遺伝子割合の円グラフで表示した。

  These results clarified that Mongoloid populations can be divided into 2 groups, the northern and southern groups.
 The northern group is characterized by high frequenies of the Gm ag (blue in the Figures) and a low frequency of the Gm afb1b3 gene (red in the Figures).
 On the contrary, the southern group is characterized by an extremely high frequency of the Gm afb1b3 gene and low frequencies of the Gm ag and ab3st genes.
 Of particular note is the frequent occurrence of the Gmab3st gene exclusively in the northern group.
 Thus, Gm ag and ab3st are the northern genes and Gm afb1b3 is the southern gene.

 北のグループは、Gm ag遺伝子(図中の青色)とGm ab3st遺伝子(図中の黄色)の頻度が高く、Gm afblb3遺伝子(図中の赤色)の頻度が低いことで特徴づけられる。
 逆に、南のグループは、極端に高い頻度のGm afblb3遺伝子と低いGm agとab3st遺伝子によって特徴づけらている。 
 北のグループの中にだけ、Gm ab3st遺伝子が高い頻度で見られることは、特に注目に値する。
 以上述べたように、Gm agとab3stは北方型の遺伝子で、そしてGm afb1b3は南方型の遺伝子ということが出来る。

  Characteristics of the Japanese population.10),11) 日本人集団の特徴

 The results obtained from 26 Japanese populations living in Japan are shown in Table 1and Fig. 1.
 The Ainu population12)  and the 8 island populations (Sadogashima, Kamishima, Tanegashima, Yakushima, Amamiohshima, Miyakojima, Ishigakijima, and Yonakunijima) were not included for the calculation of the mean frequencies in the general Japanese (17 populations, general Japanese), because the Ainu are indigenous Japanese people and the 8 islanders are isolated and small in number.
 The mean frequencies of the Gm genes observed among the 17 Japanese populations were0.458 for Gm ag, 0.176 for Gm axg, 0.260 for Gm ab3st, and 0.106 for Gm afb1b3.
 These 17 Japanese populations were shown to be genetically homogeneous (x2=90:63, d.f.=136, p > 0:999), when compared with each other.

(訳者注:χ2(かいじじょう)、d.f.(自由度degree of freedom)、p(確率probability) は、確率的に有意であるかどうかを意味するようだが、これも専門的であり且つこの論文をわれわれ一般人が理解する上に不可欠ではないので、以後、訳文には表示しない。この数値が必要な方は、原文の方をご覧いただきたい。)
Heterogeneities, however, were found when the 17 Japanese populations were compared with the Ainu (x2=71.2、d.f.=2、p<0.001) and with the Miyakojima population(x2=37.2、d.f.=3、p<0.001); whereas homogeneity was observed between the Ainu and the Miyakojima populations(x2=3.15、d.f.=3、p>0.369).
 In other words, the Ainu and the Ryukyu islanders (Miyakojima, Ishigakijima, and Yonakunijima) differed from the general Japanese populations in Gm gene pattern.
 Both Ainu and Miyakojima populations showed a more remarkable northern type, characterized by a higher frequency of one of the northern genes, Gm ag (blue in the Figures), and by a lower frequency of the southern gene, Gm afb1b3(red in Figures).

 アイヌと宮古島の集団は、両方ともより顕著な北方型であることを示す。それは北方型遺伝子の一つ、Gm ag(図中の青色)の頻度がより高く、南方型遺伝子Gm afb1b3(図中の赤色)の頻度がより低いことで特徴付けられている。

  In particular, the frequency of the other northern gene, Gm ab3st (yellow in the Figures), was much higher in the Ryukyu islanders than in the general Japanese populations.
 Another view of this is that the general Japanese populations have a higher frequency of the southern afb1b3 gene than the Ainu and the Ryukyu islanders, resulting from some admixture at rates as low as 7−8% with south Asian populations having the Gm afb1b3 gene in high frequency, but yet all of these Japanese populations studied had the Gm pattern of the northern Mongoloid.

 特に、もう一つの北方型遺伝子Gm ab3st(図中の黄色)の頻度が、一般の日本人の集団に比べ、琉球島民の方が非常に高かった。

 On the other hand, in sharp contrast to the 3 Ryukyu Islanders, a native tribe in Taiwan, theTakasago,13),14) and a Taiwanese population (descendants of people who migrated from southern China about 300 years ago)15)  showed a typical southern Mongoloid pattern, as dipicted in Fig. 1, in spite of the fact that there is only an 80-km distance between Taiwan and the southwestern-most inhabited island of Japan (Yonakunijima).
 This difference in pattern was reflected in heterogeneities observed between the Yonakunijima islanders and the Takasago population(x2=957.178、p<0.0001)  and between the Ainu and Takasago populations(x2=1572.650、p<0.0001).
 Based on these Gm results, it is hard to consider that peoples from the south migrated through the Ryukyu islands northwards to mainland Japan.


  Characteristics of the Korean population.16)  韓国人集団の特徴

 Seven Korean populations in Cheju Island, Pusan, Kwangju, Kongsan, Chonju, Wonju, and Kannung of South Korea, and 1 Korean population in Yanji of northeast China were tested for the Gm types (Table 2 and Fig. 1).
 These 7 Korean populations in different regions throughout South Korea showed homogeneity(x2=30.83、d.f.=48、p>0.9).
 Homogeneity was also found between the 7 South Korean populations and the Korean population in Yanji, China (x2=4.9、d.f.=3、p>0.179).
  In spite of the northern Mongoloid pattern in both Japanese and Korean groups, a highly significant heterogeneity was identified between these 2 groups(x2= 288.7、d.f.=3、p<0.001).

 韓国全土にまたがる諸地方のこの7つの集団は、等質性を示す。 7地区の韓国人集団と中国・延吉の朝鮮族の間にも、等質性が認められる。

 The frequency of the Gm ab3st gene (yellow in the Figures) in the Korean population was 14.5% on average, which is intermediate between the mean frequency in the general Japanese (26%) and the highest frequency in a Han population (11.7%,Beijing in China).
 Similarly, the mean frequency of Gm afb1b3 (red in the Figures) among Koreans (14.7%) was intermediate between that of Gm afb1b3 in the general Japanese (10.6%) and the frequency of Gm afb1b3 in the Beijing Han (24.1%). 

 韓国人集団のGm ab3st遺伝子(図中の黄色)の頻度は平均して14.5%で、それは一般的な日本人の平均頻度(26%)と漢人のなかで最も高い頻度(11.7%,北京)を示す中間にある。
 同様に、韓国人のGm afblb3(図中の赤色)の平均頻度(14.7%)は、一般的な日本人のそれ(10.6%)と北京の漢人のそれ(24.1%)との中間であった。

 The Korean populations showed the northern Mongoloid pattern, like the general Japanese, but higher frequencies of the southern marker gene, Gm afb1b3 (red in the Figures), than the Japanese populations.
 It seemed to be during the formation of the contemporary Korean population that such a Gm pattern intermediate between Japanese and the northern Han in China emerged.
 Japanese and Korean populations were originally identical or extremely close to each other.
 The difference in Gm pattern between contemporary Japanese and Korean populations resulted probably from frequent influxes of Chinese and/or northern populations into the Korean Peninsula.

 韓国人集団は、一般的日本人と同様、北方型モンゴロイドのパターンを示すのに、 南方型の標識遺伝子Gm afblb3(図中の赤色)については、日本人の集団より高い頻度を示す。
 日本人と韓国人の集団は、当初は同一だったか、あるいは互いに非常に近かった。 しかし、おそらく、中国人乃至北方の集団が朝鮮半島へ頻繁に流入したことから、現代の日本人と韓国人の集団の間にGmパターンの違いが生じたものと考えられる。
(訳者注:中国東北部の集団のGm afb1b3遺伝子の頻度は、表3や図1を見れば分かるように、意外にも日本人や韓国人よりはるかに高い。その地方から朝鮮半島に多量に流入してくるのだから、韓国人のGm afb1b3遺伝子の頻度は、日本人より高くならざるを得なかったに違いない。)

  Characteristics of the Chinese Han population. 10),11),17)   中国の漢人集団の特徴

 The major ethnic group in the vast territory of China is the Han, making up 93% of the population, while the remaining 7% is composed of 55 minority ethnic groups.
 Chinese history has witnessed repeated ethnic movement, colonization, migration, and frequent dynastic changes.
 Such factors as mixed settlements and communal habitation on a finite scale are behind the multiracial but Han-dominative spread over the wide areas.
 The outcome is visible in both geographical distributions of the populations in China and distinctive geno-clines of the Gm genes among the populations, as described below.

 中国の広大な領域に住む主要な民族集団は、漢人が、人口の93%を占めており、 残りの7%が55の少数民族集団から構成されている。
 限られた地域の中に民族が交じり合って居住したり、共同生活をするようなことの原因は、 多民族とはいえ広大な地域に漢民族が支配的に広がっていることが背景にある。

 The Han also have the 4 same Gm genes as the Japanese and Koreans (Table 3 and Fig. 1).
 The 17 Han populations tested for the Gm types are distributed from north to south in China.
 In sharp contrast to the Korean and the general Japanese, both of which are homogeneous for Gm, the Han
clearly display latitudinal geno-clines extending from Haerbin in the northern area to Guangzhou in the southern area with reciprocal changes in frequencies of the northern and southern marker genes.
 One northern marker, Gm ag (blue in the Figures), decreased southwards in frequency from 0.471 to 0.168, together with another northern marker, Gm ab3st (yellow in the Figures) from 0.117 to 0.033; but the southern marker, Gm afb1b3 (red in the Figures), increased southwards in frequency from 0.214 to 0.730.

 北方型標識の一つ、Gm ag遺伝子(図中の青色)の頻度は、0.471から0.168へ、もう一つの北方型標識遺伝子Gm ab3st(図の中の黄色)の頻度は、0.117から0.033へ、共に南に行くに従って減少する。
 一方、南方型標識遺伝子である、Gm afb1b3の頻度は、0.214から0.730へ南にいくに従い増加する。
Eventually, the Han populations existent in northern Asia were more influenced by the northern Mongoloid; and the Han populations in southern Asia, more by the southern Mongoloid.
 Comparison of a Han population in Beijing with Korean and Japanese populations showed highly significant heterogeneities (x2=32.85、d.f.=3、p<0.001 and x2=114.58、d.f.=3、p<0.001, respectively).
 Such heterogeneities among the Han populations and between the Beijing Han and the 2 other populations are reflected in the distinctive reciprocal geno-clines.


 Minority ethnic groups in the World.  世界の少数民族

Admixture populations with Caucasoid コーカソイドとの混血集団

 The distributions of the Gm genes among minority ethnic groups in Central and  Southwest  Asia and in North and South America are shown in Tables 4 and 5 and in Figs. 1 and 2.  
 As stated above, the Gm pattern of Mongoloid populations is characterized by the 4
Gm genes, i.e., ag, axg, ab3st, and afb1b3; and that of Caucasoid populations by 3 Gm genes, i.e., ag, axg, and fb1b3.
 Thus, the Gm ab3st and afb1b3 genes are specific to the Mongoloid, and the Gm fb1b3 gene (white in the Figures) is specific to the Caucasoid; whereas, the Gm ag and axg genes are found in common between the 2 groups18)  and are thus ''old'' genes.

このように、Gm ab3stとafblb3遺伝子はモンゴロイドに特有で、Gm fblb3遺伝子(図中の白色)はコーカソイドに特有である。
 一方、Gm agとaxg遺伝子は両方のグループに共通して見られる、「古い」遺伝子である。
  A total of 5 Gm genes were found in 12 ethnic groups, and an irregular combination of the 2 common genes with the Mongoloid ab3st and Caucasoid fb1b3 genes was observed in a Uralian population.
 These combinations of the Gm genes indicate that the 13 ethnic groups are admixed populations of Caucasoid and Mongoloid.
 Similarly, judging from their Gm patterns, it is reasonable to assume that Huis are basically Mongoloid with some Caucasoid admixture; whereas Uighurs are basically Caucasoid with some Mongoloid admixture.

 合計5つのGm遺伝子が12の民族集団で見られるが、モンゴロイドのab3stとコーカソイドのfb1b3と2つのありふれた遺伝子(ag, axg)をもつという一般的な混血集団(5遺伝子)とは異なる4つの遺伝子をもつ、ウラルの集団が観察された。
訳者注−新彊ウイグル自治区昌吉Changji市) は基本的にはモンゴロイドで、多少コーカソイドと混血していると想定される。一方、ウイグル族は基本的にはコーカソイドで、多少モンゴロイドが混血している。

 Indian populations in India and its neighboring regions are basically Caucasoid; however, many of them, e.g., Kalitas, Brahmin, Nepal, Tamil,Sinhalese, and Hindu, have admixed with the Mongoloid.  
 Only a few populations, e.g., Muslim and Ahom, are basically Mongoloid admixed with Caucasoid.  
 In the case of the Brahmins, which have the highest social status in the Hindu cast system, the fb1b3 gene frequency is 52% (white in the Figures), the highest in Indian populations.
 Two populations from westernmost locations in our study, Iranian and Uralian, are basically Caucasoid with a northern Mongoloid admixture.


 Northern minority populations 北方の少数民族

 A total of 17 populations among the Buryats, Yakut, Even, Evenki, Olunchun, Tungus, Dawoer, Udehe, Mongols, and Tibetans showed high frequencies of the ag and ab3st genes and a low frequency of the afb1b3 gene, i.e., the northern Mongoloid pattern.
 Among them, Buryat populations in the Baikal area are recognized as the most remarkable northern-type holder.
 A northernmost Buryat population (north Baikal) displayed the highest frequency of the Gm ab3st gene, which indicates gene flow from the Baikal area to the Japanese Archipelagos (Fig. 2).


 The Buryats, numbering approximately 500,000, are the largest minority group in Siberia.
 It is said that the Baikal area has always been suitable for human subsistence because of rich foods and mild climate even in winter, when it is 10℃ higher there than in the surrounding regions.
 It may thus be imagined that peoples in the Baikal area and around the upper neighborhood of the Yenisei River could certainly have survived even during the Last Glacial Maximum time.


The Yakut tribe originally lived in the Baikal area, migrated while mixing with Even and Evenki populations, and settled widely around north Asia. 
 Now they comprise the Saha Republic (population,380,000) that covers almost half of Asian Russia.


 The Evenki (population, 30,000 in Russia) and Tungus (25,000 in China) are the same tribe.
 The Olunchun in China are supposedly like the Evenki in Russia.
 The Gm ab3st gene observed at high frequency of 44% in the Olunchun population is probably due to a bottle neck phenomenon because of their small population size of only 2,400 individuals.

 Gm ab3st遺伝子がオロチョン集団で44%の高頻度で観察されるのは、わずか2,400人の少ない人口サイズのため、ビンの首現象の結果であろう。

Two Tibetan populations in Lasa and west Tibet have a more remarkable northern Mongoloid pattern than the 4 Mongolian populations, but a Tibetan population in Hezhue and the 4 Mongolian populations have higher frequencies of Gm afb1b3,which indicates admixture with the Han.

 ラサと西チベットの2つのチベット人集団は、4つのモンゴル人集団より以上に顕著な北方型モンゴロイドパターンを持っている。一方、Hezhue(訳者注:合作 甘粛省)のチベット集団と4つのモンゴル人集団は、漢人との混血を示す、より高い頻度のGm afblb3を持っている。

 Southern minority populations 南方の少数民族

 With regard to Southeast Asia, Chuang is the largest minority tribe (14 million) among minority groups there and has an extremely high frequency (94%) of Gm afb1b3 (the southern-type gene, red in the Figures).
 Gm afb1b3 was observed still at a high frequency in the populations of Micronesia, Melanesia, Indonesia, Cook Islands, and Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean. 

 東南アジアに関して、チワン族は少数民族グループの中で、最大規模の部族(1400万)で、Gm afblb3(南方型の遺伝子 図中の赤色)を極端に高い頻度(94%)で持つ。
 Gm afb1b3は、太平洋のミクロネシア、メラネシア、インドネシア、クック諸島とハワイの集団で、高い頻度で観察される。

 Negritos in the Philippine islands, whose ethnic origin has been controversial, have the Gm ag, axg, and afb1b3 genes with the southern afb1b3 gene higher than the other 2 genes, but lack the Gm ab3st gene, characteristic of northern Mongoloid.
 Based on this Gm pattern, Negritos can be considered to be southern Mongoloid whose ancestors became dispersed to the archipelagos in fairly ancient times, similarly as did the Indonesians, Micronesians, and Polynesians.

  民族の起源が論争の的だったフィリピンの島々のネグリトは、Gm遺伝子ag、axg、afb1b3をもっているが、南方型のafb1b3遺伝子を他の2つの遺伝子より高く持っている一方、北方のモンゴロイドに特有のGm ab3st遺伝子は持っていない。

 Figure 2 allows us to conclude that the center of dispersal of the Gm afb1b3 gene is in the Yunnan and Guangxi area of southern China.

 図2から、我々は、 Gm afb1b3遺伝子の拡散の中心は、中国南部の雲南省と広西チワン族自治区の地域にあると結論する。


 American Indians アメリカのインディアン

 The Gm data on the American Indians are shown in Table 5 and Fig.2. American Indians are generally classified as Mongoloid. The most obvious specific place of departureof their ancestors was anywhere in Siberia.
 The South American Indians have only 2 Gm genes, agand axg.
 They are considered to be ancestors to American Indians who crossed the Bering land bridge since they have the same Gm pattern as theAustralian aborigines.19) 
 Then the more specialized Mongoloid arrived later, carrying the Gm ab3st gene to North America.

 それから、より特殊化したモンゴロイドが後に、Gm ab3st遺伝子を北アメリカへ運んだ。

 Gm gene composition of the Mongoloid モンゴロイドのGm遺伝子の構成

 Populations dispersed over broad areas of Asia and North and South America are regarded as Mongoloid characterized by 4 Gm genes, i.e., Gm ag, axg,ab3st, and afblb3. Of particular note are the geno-clines, which are observed for the 2 northern Gm ag and ab3st genes, and the southern Gm afb1b3 gene, in Asia and America.
 Based on our Gm data, the degree of genetic differentiation between the Mongoloid populations was approximated for our Gm data by using the fixation index (Fst ) of Wright.20)
 The calculations indicated that the degree of genetic differentiation among the Mongoloid populations concerned was very great and almost equivalent to those of the worldwide differentiation for the Rh and Duffy systems reported by Cavalli-Sforza and Bodmer.


 Furthermore, these results may provide evidence that the differences in Gm gene frequencies, particularly those for Gm ag, ab3st, and afb1b3, are due to factors such as natural selection and gene flow (one gene permeating into another race or nation crossing over the barrier between them from some race or nation) rather than random genetic drift.
 Thus, it can be inferred from such geographical differences in frequencies of the 3 genes that 2 distinctive Mongoloid populations existed among the paleo-Mongoloid of East Asia in the past. 

 さらにまた、これらの結果は、Gm遺伝子頻度(とりわけGm ag、ab3st、afb1b3の)の違いは、ランダムな遺伝的浮動というよりも、むしろ自然淘汰や遺伝子の流れ(ある人種や民族からほかの人種や民族へ、それらの間の障壁を越えて、ある遺伝子が浸透していく)のような要因によるという、証拠を提供する。
 それは、かって、東アジアの古モンゴロイドの中に存在した、2つの特徴的なモンゴロイド集団が持っていた3つの遺伝子(ag, ab3st, afb1b3)の頻度の地理的な違いから推測することが出来る。

 As shown in Fig. 2, the Mongoloid was divided into northern and southern groups.
 A clear geno-cline was found for the Gm ab3st gene, which is a marker gene for the northern Mongoloid. 
 Namely, the Gm ab3st gene is found at the highest frequencies in the Baikal area, and then flows regularly to the Mongol, Tibetan, Yakut, Olunchun, Tungus, Korean, Japanese, and Ainu still at high frequencies; although the gene frequency decreased markedly from mainland China to Taiwan and Southeast Asia, and from North to South America.
 The center of dispersal of this Gm gene is considered to be in the Baikal area.
 On the basis of these Gm findings, the Japanese belong basically to the northern Mongoloid and originated most likely in the Baikal area.

 明瞭なな遺伝子勾配がGm ab3st遺伝子に見られた。そして、それは北方モンゴロイドの標識遺伝子である。
 すなわち、Gm ab3st遺伝子はバイカル地域で最も高い頻度で見られ、そこから、規則正しくモンゴル人、チベット人、ヤクート、オロチョン、ツングース、韓国人、日本人、アイヌへと高い頻度を保ったまま流れている。 だが、中国本土から台湾と東南アジアへ、また、北アメリカから南アメリカへ、その遺伝子頻度は顕著に減少する。

 Discussion 討論

 Regarding the roots of the Japanese, Hanihara1)  proposed the ''dual structure model'', which suggests that the Jomon (12,000-2300 years ago) and Yayoi (2300-1700 years ago) peoples originated from South Asia and North Asia, respectively.
 This model assumes that people of the South Mongoloid lineage settled Japan first, later followed by a considerable number of immigrants of the North Mongoloid lineage and that the Mongoloid of both lineages mixed with each other to form the present-day Japanese people.


 Furthermore, the Ainu are assumed to be Jomon people of the South Mongoloid lineage that had evolved with little or no mixture with other races.
 This model was based on the computer multivariate analysis of the results of osteometry, an outdated, uncertain method.
 It is known that such physical measurement values easily change with nutrition, environment, and culture in a short time, as is well understood from the physique of the present young generation.


 Instead of morphological studies, polymorphic markers harbored in macromolecules such as proteins and glycoconjugates including blood group systems have been widely applied during the last century to studies of genetic variation in human populations because of their simple Mendelian inheritance. 
 Among them, Gm types are unique genetic markers that can define a Mongoloid population in terms of its origin by the combination pattern of the gene types and the ratios of them, even though Gm is a classical marker.


 In sharp contrast to the ''dual structure model'', our data on the geographical distribution of Gm gene types throughout the Asian and American Continents, and Pacific islands show that the Japanese population belong basically to the northern Mongoloid group; that the Ainu, as well as the Ryukyu islanders, are genetically closer to the northern Mongoloid group than to the general Japanese population; and that Taiwanese have a Gm gene composition characteristic of the southern Mongoloid group.
 The extent to which Japanese were admixed with the southern group is estimated at as low as 7−8%, assuming the admixture with southern groups having the highest frequencies of the Gm afb1b3 gene.

 現日本人が南方グループと混血した程度は、それもGm afb1b3遺伝子を最も高い頻度で持っている南方グループと混血したと計算して、7−8%程度と低く見積もられる。

 The results of a population study by Bannai et al.,22)  who analyzed HLA polymorphisms, suggested that the Ainu might share the same ancestor in eastern Asia with native Americans (Tlingit and Amerindians).
 Their  findings indicate that the indigenous Japanese people, i.e., the Ainu, belong to the northern Mongoloid group, and are in good agreement with our results that the Ainu have the northern Mongoloid Gm genes at higher proportions than the present-day Japanese people.


 Tokunaga et al.23)  recognized that 20 Mongoloid populations could be divided into 2 major groups(north and south) by phylogenetic analysis on the basis of HLA systems and indicated that the Japanese belong to the northern group.
 Phylogenetic analysis by Nei,24)  using gene frequencies of many conventional blood group systems, found that all 3 Japanese populations (Ainu, main-island Japanese, and Okinawans) originated from northern Asia, thus invalidating Hanihara's dual structure model.

 徳永勝士等は、20のモンゴロイド集団が、HLAをベースとした系統樹分析によって、(北と南の)2つの大きなグループに分けられることを認めて、日本人が、北方のグループに属することを示した。 多くの血液型の遺伝子頻度を使った根井正利による系統樹分析では、3つの日本の集団(アイヌ、本土日本人、沖縄人)全てが、北方アジアから起源した事を見出し、埴原の二重構造モデルを否定した。

 Nei also described that the Japanese are essentially descendants of northeast Mongoloids rather than southeast Mongoloids.24)  
 Therefore, one may call this the ''out-of-Northeast'' theory. 
 This view is similar to my earlier conclusion,10)  although mine is based on the geographical distribution of only the Gm genes in eastern Asia and the Pacific.

 それゆえ、人はこれを”out-of-Northeast theory”と呼ぶだろう。

 Recently, analyses of mitochondrial, Y chromosomal, and autosomal DNA markers have rapidly accumulated, the former two defining maternal and paternal lineages, respectively.
 Harihara et al.25)  showed from analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymorphisms that the Ainu are closely related to East Mongoloids, and claimed that the Ainu are descendants of ancient Mongoloids who lived in the Japanese Islands in the Paleolithic and Jomon  periods.


 According to Shinoda and Kanai26) and Shinoda,27)  many of the human skeletal remains excavated from the Nakazuma Jomon site had the mtDNA M10 gene, which is present in 1.3% (a low frequency) of the Japanese, and had a nucleotide sequence identical to that of the DNA of the Buryat living in the Baikal area. In addition, cluster analysis of mtDNA gene frequencies showed that the gene composition of the mainland Japanese was almost the same as that of northeastern Chinese and Korean populations.

 篠田謙一と金井理の分析や、最新の篠田の著書によると、中妻遺跡から発掘された縄文人骨の多くは、日本人の1.3%(低頻度)にしか存在しない、mtDNA M10遺伝子を持っており、またバイカル地域に住んでいるブリアートのDNAもそれと同一の塩基配列を持っている。

 On the other hand, the gene composition of a southern Chinese population closely resembled that of  indigenous Taiwanese, and obviously differed from that of the Japanese. 
 Okinawans were completely different from indigenous Taiwanese and the southeastern Mongoloid, suggesting that it was from mainland Japan, not from the south including Taiwan that people migrated to the Okinawa Islands.
 More recently, based on the comparative analyses of a voluminous number of complete and partial mtDNA sequences, Tanaka et al.28)  described a striking coincidence of their results with our northern origin of Japanese.

 つい最近では、田中 雅嗣等は、膨大な数の全mtDNA配列と一部のmtDNA配列についての成績を比較分析した結果をベースに、我々の日本人の北方起源と彼らが得た結果が顕著な一致を示すと述べている。

 Similarly, Hammer et al.29)  outlined the peopling of the Japan on the basis of Y chromosomal lineages, inferring that 3 major groups, D, C, and O-47z, began expansions 〜20;000, 〜12;000,and 〜4;000 years ago, respectively.
 They hypothesized that the primary candidate region of Paleolithic Japanese founding Y chromosomes having C and D groups should be placed in the area between Tibet and the Altai Mountains with varying levels of admixture between these and other Y chromosomes carrying O-47z group from Southeast Asia.
 Further Japanese samples would remain to be analyzed for drawing conclusions from Y chromosomal data.


 Evidence from both mtDNA and Y chromosomes indicates that earlier Japanese came from around northern Asia, not from the South, which is not  inconsistent with our Gm results indicating that the Japanese including the Ainu and the Ryuku islanders belong basically to the northern Mongoloid group with a little additional admixture of the southern gene, Gm afb1b3.
  Genome-wide analyses of autosomal DNA markers at about 640,000 sites among 17 Asian populations demonstrated distinct latitudinal changes in the ratio of their northern and southern ancestries in proportion to the north-to-south localities of the populations, and in addition homogeneity and a higher proportion of the northern ancestry in Japanese. 30)

 mtDNAとY染色体の両方の分析から、初期の日本人が南方からでなく、北方アジアの辺りから来たことを示す。それはアイヌと琉球島民を含む日本人が、南方の標識遺伝子(Gm afblb3)を若干もっているものの、基本的には北方モンゴロイドグループに属するというわれわれのGm遺伝子の結果と矛盾しない。

 Grubb,31) who first disclosed the Gm system, stated that the Gm genes were characteristic enough for discriminating between Mongoloid and Negroid, making it possible to clarify the process of migration of ethnic groups.
 Further, quoting our distribution map of the genes,32)  he pointed out that Gm ab3st was characteristic of northern Mongoloids and varied gradually in its frequency among them and that many interesting relations between those populations were well shown on the map.
 さらに我々が作った遺伝子の分布地図を引用して、彼は、Gm ab3stが北方型モンゴロイドを特徴づけ、北方モンゴロイドの間でその頻度が次第に変化し、そして、それらの集団間に多くの興味深い関係

 He expressed his scientific approval of our data and conclusion that the Japanese population belongs basically to the northern Mongoloid and originated in the Baikal area and furthermore indicated that our study represented excellent probes of the Gm system.


 Linguistic studies also have negated the ''dual structure model''.
 Although there has been the legend of the theory of the southern origin of the Japanese people, based on the similarity between Japanese and South Eastern words, Yasumoto,33),34)  a quantitative linguist, considers that closely similar words encountered in Japanese and South Mongoloid language were brought, along with the rice culture, by a small number of Chinese people from the lower Yangtze River region in the Yayoi era when they emigrated.


 However, the distribution of languages that use the same ''subject-object-verb'' word order as Japanese is roughly in agreement with that of races with the genetic patterns of the northern Mongoloid group, as shown in Fig. 1; and Chinese is an entirely different language, as it uses the ''subject-verb-object'' word order.
 The important point of Yasumoto's paper is that the distribution of languages classified according to grammatical structure, which is fairly resistant to change, agrees with our Gm results.


 As mentioned above, abundant DNA evidence has been reported in recent years. None of these data oppose the Gm data; rather, they support it. 
 Mongoloids generally have northern and southern ancestries in each population with varying ratios depending mainly to their latitudinal locations; northern populations have a unique gene, Gm ab3st(yellow in the Figures).

 上記のように、DNA鑑定が、近年、数多く報告されている。 これらのデータのどれも、Gm遺伝子のデータに反しないし むしろそれらは、Gmデータを支持している。
 モンゴロイドは、どの集団も北方系の祖先と南方系の祖先を持っており、その割合は、主として緯度の位置に従って変化し、且つ北方の集団は、ユニークな遺伝子、Gm ab3st(図中の黄色)を持っているということを。

 Although data from mtDNA and Y-chromosome polymorphisms differ from the Gm data in the extent to which a southern contribution has been made to the Japanese, the geographical distribution of the 2 northern Gm genes leads us to conclude that the genes  flowed from northern Asia even to the most southwestern island (Yonakunijima) of Japan, followed by culturally great but genetically small streams from southern Asia.


 In summary, our results demonstrate that the Japanese race belongs basically to the northern Mongoloid group and originated in northeast Asia, most likely in the Baikal area of Siberia.
 In the case of migrations of human populations, migrants would not have been allowed to escape from changes in a wide range of habitats and climates, and thus would have to have adapted to their new environments.


 Such adaptation would have been expressed in the very phenotypes of Gm since immunoglobulins play an important role in environmental adaptation.
 Further accumulation of DNA data on much more samples from both modern and ancient humans and the interdisciplinary scientific approach will provide the evidence needed to test our model to explain the origins and dispersal of the first Japanese.



 Acknowledgement 謝辞

 I would like to express my gratitude to Drs. K. Takatsuki, T. Ohta, K. Katayama, G. Ishimoto, K. Suzuki, and S. Ito for their warm collaboration, and Mrs. T. Miyazaki for her earnest help with the Gm typing.
 I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to Drs. A. G. Steinberg, R. Grubb, and E. van Loghem for their warm and enlightening guidance that started about 40 years ago and has continued up to this day.
 I am deeply grateful to the following doctors for their thoughtful support and provision of valuable serum samples: Dr. R. Grubb (Greenland Inuit); Dr. B. S. Blumberg (North American Indians); Dr. F.M. Salzano (South American Indians);Drs.T.Zhao,X.Xu,andG.Woo(Chinese populations); and Dr. D. Shou (Takasago and Taiwanese).
 I am also heartily thankful to Dr. L. Frye for his critical reading of this manuscript during its preparation.


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                                    (Received Feb. 25, 2008; accepted Dec. 18, 2008)


    Profile 略歴

 Hideo Matsumoto was born in 1924.
After graduating from Osaka Medical College in 1952, he started his career at Department of Legal Medicine in Osaka University School of Medicine and in 1953 commenced studies on blood group systems for personal identification and for paternity testing.
He was appointed as an educational assistant of Osaka
University School of Medicine, Department of Legal Medicine in 1955 and then he received MD degree from Osaka University School of Medicine in 1958.
After that, he was appointed as an associate professor of Osaka Medical College, Department of Legal Medicine.
In the meantime, he studied human genetics and immunoglobulin allotypes (Gm) for two years at Case Western Reserve University in Ohio, U.S.A. as a visiting fellow (1962-1964).
 He was appointed as a professor of  Osaka Medical College, Department of Legal Medicine in 1973.
Thereafter, in 1977, he received PhD degree from Tokyo Metropolitan University.
He was elected as the President for the 28th General Meeting in 1983 ofthe Japanese Society of Human Genetics.
Dr. Matsumoto received the Commendation from the Ministry of Justice in 1977 and the Medal from the Police Agency, Secretary in 1984. He received the Testimonial from the Ministry of Health and Welfare in 1987.
He was elected as the President of Osaka Medical College in 1989 and offcially retired at the expiration of his term of office in 1995. Since then, he has been an Emeritus Professor.
As additional honors, Dr. Matsumoto was elected as the President of International Symposium on DNA polymorphisms (at Hakone) in 1990, and was made an Honorary Citizen of Toulouse,France in 1989, and an Honorary Member of the International  Society of Forensic Haemogenetics in 1990.
 He was conferred the Decoration from the Emperor of Japan in 1999.

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