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Flag of JapanGlobal Classrooms: Tokyo

About Global Classrooms: Tokyo

In 2007, the Global Classrooms project partner, Merrill Lynch Japan Securities Co., Ltd. took the lead in rolling out the Tokyo program. Led by Tsukasa Noda, Merrill Lynch helped to establish the ""Japan Committee for Global Classrooms"" which oversees the curricular, extracurricular and professional development needs of Tokyo students and teachers. In the past decade, the popularity of Model UN simulations in Tokyo increased on the university level.

However, most of the Model UN simulations are sponsored and conducted by private or regional institutions. With the expansion of the Global Classrooms program in Tokyo, Merrill Lynch Japan Securities Co., Ltd is helping to bridge the gap between private and public schools in Tokyo. For the third consecutive year, Merrill Lynch Japan will sponsor the Tokyo delegation at the UNAUSAMUN conference in New York.

UNA-USA is proud to continue Global Classrooms: Tokyo, a global education program that addresses the curricular, extracurricular and professional development needs of Tokyo students and teachers. The Global Classrooms: Tokyo program will culminate in a Model UN conference for participating students.

For more information on Global Classrooms: Tokyo, please visit here. In the mean time, please browse Model UN 101: Getting Started and Why Global Classrooms to learn more about using Model UN as a vehicle for international learning.


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