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Mesothelioma is a dreaded cancer that is nearly always caused by just one factor: asbestos exposure.

FACT: Family members of those who are regularly exposed to high levels of asbestos also have a high risk of developing malignant mesothelioma.

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An american pharma Baxter vaccine against flu found contaminated by H5N1 virus in several European countries

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This message wouldn't probably be published in American MSM. So I'll allow myself to make an excerpt from this articles in Czech: Here, Here and Here.

The Czech company Biotest near from Prague got from Austria a testing batch of the new flu vaccine for 2009 from the american company Baxter. In february they have found that the vaccine was contaminated by the H5N1 - Avian flu virus, which is on the list of the possible biological weapons and is one of the most dangerous biological agents on the Earth - with more than 60% death rate. All the testing animals in Biotest were subsequently destroyed and all the workers in the company were put in quarantine. Luckily nobody contracted the disease. Subsequently the same problem of the Baxter vaccines contamination with H5N1 was found in the laboratories in Slovenia, Austria and Germany, which confirms that the source of the contagion was in fact the Baxter vaccine, which could be very probable, because Baxter is one of the companies, which are developing the vaccines against H5N1.

First the company Baxter was evoking the 'trade secret" and refused to comment how the H5N1 virus got into the vaccines, but then, when it was already clear that the source of the contagion is in fact the Baxter vaccine, their representative then confirmed, that the contaminated vaccine was produced by Baxter laboratories for the company AVIR Greenhills and distributed by Austrian company Ortha. And on the end he even said that the material sent to the Czech republic, Austria, Slovenia and Germany was in fact a pure H5N1 sent by accident - maybe to mask the previous assumption, that it was in fact an ordinary flu vaccine, which was contaminated. If it was in fact the pure H5N1 or contaminated vaccine is still not clear.

Already weeks all the sanitation officials kick around in all the countries where the contaminated vaccine was found. Czech authorities now will hopefully proceed with the prosecution against all companies involved and of course the suit for criminal negligence and public menace against Baxter is still on the table.

But was this just a criminal negligence or it was an attempt to provoke pandemia using vaccination against flu to spread the disease - as happened with the anti-B hepatitis vaccination with vaccines containing the HIV virus in US? - and then cash for the vaccines against H5N1 which Baxter develops? How could on Earth a virus as H5N1 come to the ordinary flu vaccines? Don't they follow even basic precautions in the american pharma companies? - As they didn't in this case here and even after they learned their medicals are contaminated with HIV, they sold them to Europe and East. Am I just a paranoid or is David Rivera right?

This is a major story not

This is a major story not covered by any MSM organization as far as I can tell. Hopefully it can be used to get more people to realize that they are being spoon fed non-news.

It is hard to understand how this could happen by accident and just as hard to understand how it could happen on purpose.