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* Sharak  
when we have time we do that,since i came home a few minutes ago,i did that now,TWGOK ch39 exchanged and 41 up 
* Meow-kun  
Don't you guys think you should replace your current chapter 39 of TWGOK with Red Hawk's version? I'm sure it's better quality. Oh and 41 is out too. 
* artikk  
roku is 6 so rokudaime? 
* 4roses  
what do you call a 6th hokage if naruto becomes hokage. there is shodai to yondaime etc. does anyone who understands japanese know 
* KamikazePanos  
Hi guys!Is there any update that you can do about the newest volumes (32-35)in HSDK? Thanks!!! Your site is awesome :) 
* Sharak  
damn if it was atk than i would suggest atomickitten^^,k its addicted to curry i guess,baku ch39 up btw 
* Tab  
What's ATC? 
* nerieru  
weee, we're gonna pick up ATC after we've caught up with AIKI, Kekkaishi, and the other 2 manga that were suggested here (shouldn't take too long
* sayaman  
twgok c40, mysterious girlfriend x c35, 337 byooshi c21, ghost sweeper c76 and tora dora c18 up. 
* Leave  
meh.......the PAIN ARC is now over in Naruto......time for Sasuke ta be the next opponent ta face him and the leaf village...>>..iim tired of it...oh well....become hokage already would ya Uzumaki,lol 
* L337CH3R  
back to full speed with the arrival of the new translator, redflag. so thanks him. 
* L337CH3R  
2 chaps of twgok released by rh 
* Sharak  
veritas ch36 up 
* JKjoker  
@zeds: he said "the story" LJ has 26 volumes because its ecchi bordering hentai and that sells, im not saying its bad, in fact i read some of them like virgin na kankei, but i doubt i would read them without the "other" content 
* Trips  
Oh please, you can't compare Flame of Recca and Love Hina. I think that LJ is nice pice of manga for ppl a bit older, than average "school comedy" reader. Haru You Koi was still better IMO.  
* Sharak  
monk ch4 up 
* zeds  
and Love Hina, Salad Days, Aria, Flame of Recca, Akumetsu and I could go on and on... All of these could only get this far, coz there are LOTS of people, who think these works are WORTH IT... 
* zeds  
Naruto and Bleach is good, they tend to stretch it too far, still, people read it. It annoys me too, of course, but that's the way it is.And what about GREAT TEACHER ONIZUKA?it is one of the BEST EVER 
* Zed  
Naruto used to be good but it got draged out to long same with Bleach 
* artikk  
lol, and I suppose naruto/bleach manga is considered top class by you as well. Because it has many volumes, right? 
* zeds  
@JKjoker: yeah, right, and the 26VOLUMES are just for show right? If you just think about it -considering how fierce the manga market is- if it made it this far, than it CAN'T be like the others...  
* JKjoker  
urkall: right, the "story" in LJ is soooo unique, there is no way that hundreds of mangas out there are the exact same thing (or even better and actually funny) 
* Imadori  
when will the next chapter of twgok? RH caught up with the raw of kimi no iru machi so it should be time for TWGOK, right? 
* urkal1  
OMG i cant believe LJ is ending i realy liked this manga and i dont mean just the ecchi but the tory was kinda good to. 
* Sharak  
aiki ch56 up 
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花ざかりの君たちへ (Hana - Kimi)
(雑誌) COMIC 桃姫 2008年02月号 (COMIC Momohime, February 2008)
(雑誌) COMIC RiN 2008年02月号 (COMIC RiN, February 2008)
[1ROO] あぶないOL (Abunai)
[5thルナ] 女の子装置 (Girls Toys)
[堀川悟郎] 愛玩陵辱書 (Pet Humiliation Diary)
[堀博昭] 悦淫奇譚 ([HIROAKI HORI] Etsuin Kitan)
[堀博昭] 烙淫学園 ([Hiroaki Hori] Rakuin Gakuen)
[堀骨砕三] はえてる女の子 ([HORIHONE SAIZOU] HAE girl)
[堀骨砕三] 夜に虚就く ([HORIHONE SAIZOU] Drainage City 2)
[堀骨砕三] おにくやさん ([HORIHONE SAIZOU] Onikuya-san)
[堺はまち] つめあわせ. ([Sakai Hamachi] Tsume Awa Se)
[じゃみんぐ] じゃぱにーずらいく ([Jamming] Japanese Like)
[じゃみんぐ] 一撃悩殺サツキ先生 ([Jamming] Ichigeki Nousatsu Satsuki Sensei)
[じゃみんぐ] 姫ごと倶楽部 ([Jamming] Each Club Princess)
[じゃみんぐ] 義母さんは天然味 ([Jamming] Natural Taste)
[じゃみんぐ] 鬼の杜 ([Jamming] Demon's Forest)
[じゃみんぐ] 陽射しより彩やかに月光より妖しく
[じゃみんぐ] KAMYLA ([Jamming] KAMYLA)
[単ユキモト] 調教淫獣図鑑 ([Yukimoto Hitotsu] BEAST training guide)
[はるるん] テイクアウトプリーズ ([Harurun] Take Out Please )
[はんざきじろう] 早熟果肉 ([Hanzaki Jirou] Precious Flesh Juicy)
[はんざきじろう] 誘惑の花園 ([Hanzaki Jirou] Flower Garden of Temptation)
[はやぶさ真吾] スエットアンドティアーズ ( [Hayabusa Shingo] Sweat and Tears)
[はやぶさ真吾] HI-COLOR 再うp ([Hayabusa Shingo] HI-COLOR )
[はやぶさ真吾] HI-COLOR ~極彩エロス~ (Hayabusa Shingo] HI-COLOR )
[はやぶO真吾] スエッOアンドティアーズ ([Hayabusa Shingo] Sweat and Tears)
[はらざきたくま] セキセイ ([Harazaki Takuma] Sekisei)
[はらざきたくま] 好色制服図鑑 ([Takuma Harazaki] Koushoku Seifuku )
[はらざきたくま] 黄金色舞台 2 ([Harazaki Takuma] Golden Stage 2)
[はっとり忍]奥様としましょうね ([Hattori Shinobu] Okusama to Shimashou ne )
[寺嶋祐二] ダイヤのA ([Terajima Yuuji] Ace of Daimonds)
[寺沢大介]将太の寿司 全国大会編01~17[完] ([Terasewa Daisuke] shouta no Sushi vol 1-17)
[とよ田みのる] ラブロマ 第01巻
[とよ田みのる] ラブロマ 第01巻
[とよ田みのる] ラブロマ 第01巻
[中村卯月] 不純異性交遊 第01巻
[中村卯月] カナリヤは籠の中
[中村卯月] 推定社淫
[中村卯月] 琥珀の華
[中村卯月] Plaisir
[中村みずも] アリス狩り
[中村みずも] 闇の国のアリス
[中村錦] 東京鎮魂歌
[中村錦] 暗闇に咲く花
[中田ゆみ] 奥様は生徒会長
[中華*と] 粘液*檻
[中西やすひろ] Oh!透明人間21 01-04
[中西やすひろ] Oh!透明人間21 01-04
[中西やすひろ] Oh!透明人間21 01-04
[世徒ゆうき] アッチェレランド
[世徒ゆうき] ストリンジェンド
[世棄犬] DOG MAN
[師走の翁] シャイニング娘。1
[師走の翁] シャイニング娘。2
[師走の翁] シャイニング娘。3
[師走の翁]シャイニング娘。 6.Rainbow Six ()
[師走の翁] シャイニング娘 5巻
[三上キャノン] はつじょーき
[三川貝] 精食者
[三条友美] 食虫花夫人
[三条陸×稲田浩司] ダイの大冒険 全v1-6 + v43-54 ()
[三浦たけひろ] ドミナンス 【紅い唇】篇
[三田誠] レンタルマギカ 第01-11巻
[三葉りを] 強姦飼育
[三葉リを] 強姦飼育
[三菱そあら] あたしの、見たい?
[三部けい] カミヤドリ (Kamiyadori)
[三部けい] カミヤドリ 第01巻
[三部けい] カミヤドリ 第01巻
[三部けい] カミヤドリ 第01巻
[三部けい] カミヤドリ 第01巻
[三部けい] カミヤドリ 第01巻
[三部けい] カミヤドリ 第01巻
[三部けい] カミヤドリ 第01巻
[三部けい] カミヤドリ 第01巻
[三部けい] カミヤドリ 第01巻
[万利休] 快楽堕天使
[万利休] 命令と服従
[万利休] えろりんぱんちゅ
[万利休] ぱんちゅくらぶ
[万利休] ぱんつあげるね
[万利休] 美女狩り
[万利休] 美畜女教師
[万利休] 香る蕾
[万利休] 隷属姉妹
[一市裕納] 小さな彩り
[一市裕納] 小さな彩り
[一市裕納] 路草
[一峰千夏] 俺の股間もレッサーパンダ
[一条ゆかり] 有閑倶楽部
[一色まこと] ピアノの森 8-10巻
[一色まこと] ピアノの森 第01-14巻
[丹下スズキ] ママと僕・・・時々射精
[不動乱] 幽戯白書
[七名菜奈] ファンダメンタル/11
[七瀬真琴] 完全無修正
[七瀬真琴] 地下流出
[七瀬真琴] 純国産天然
[七瀬真琴] 純国産天然物使
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