
Name Tuvalu
Capital Funafuti
Languages Tuvaluan, English
Currency Australian dollar
Climate From March through October, the eastern breeze and the average temperature of 26 to 30 oC create a relatively comfortable climate. A shift to western wind in November remains so until February to bring more rains and higher temperature.
The annual average precipitation is 3000 mm in Funafuti. Since the country is close to the Equator, typhoons seldom hit the island, but once it hits, the entire island may be covered by water. Lately the global warming and the El Nino have caused more frequent typhoon damages.
Jan 1 Mon New Years Day
Mar 12 Mon Commonwealth Day
Apr 13 Fri Good Friday
16 Mon Easter Monday
May * - Gospel Day
Jun * - Queen's Birthday
Aug * - National Children Day
Oct 1 Mon Tuvalu Day
Nov * - Prince Charles' Birthday
Dec 25 Tue Christmas Day
26 Wed Boxing Day
* These holidays are scheduled to be in the beginning of the month, but the exact dates have not been fixed yet.

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