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MA YUANYU (1669-1722) -

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MA YUANYU (1669-1722)
(Set Currency)
    HK$120,000 - HK$150,000
  • ($15,554 - $19,442)

Sale Information

Sale 2709
fine chinese classical paintings and calligraphy
26 May 2009
Convention Hall
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Lot Description

MA YUANYU (1669-1722)
Birds and Flowers
Album of ten leaves, ink and colour on paper
27.3 x 19 cm. (10 3/4 x 7 1/2 in.)
Each leaf inscribed by the artist
A total of sixteen seals of the artist
Last leaf signed, dated spring, bingzi year (1696)
Nineteen collectors' seals

清 馬元馭 花鳥 設色紙本 冊頁十開 一六九六年作
1. 倚雲和露同春脉,帶雨蒸霞鬥曉妝。
2. 東風半掩重門曉,社雨初晴二月時。南沙。
3. 霓裳漫舞分明月,金屋嬌藏冷淡春。
4. 柳堤暗捲絲千尺,花塢橫拖錦萬機。
5. 光搖瑪瑙三千斛,紅壓珊胡十萬枝。
6. 憶昔遠公三笑年,芒鞵遺下菊籬邊。
7. 風生戶外聲初合,月到庭中影未齊。
8. 晚香帶冷凝丹粒,秋色封寒點絳甤。仿宋人墨法。
9. 冰雪侵肌甘共冷,雨風欺翅亦和鳴。學默翁。
10. 唐宮玉蝶團風輭,后土瓊花簇月圓。 丙子 (1696年) 春仲。栖霞馬元馭。
鈐印:元馭、馬元馭印 (二次)、元馭之印 (五次)、 扶羲 (四次)、雲根、天虞山人、與花傳神、 曰涉園主人
藏印:浣芷珍賞 (十次)、羣南稷藏 (九次)
出版:《國華》雜誌812號,東京國華社,朝日新聞社, 昭和34年(1959年),第429-433頁。

Lot Condition Report
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Lot 1212-1220
Property Previously Owned by A Japanese Collector


No. 812, Kokka Magazine, Asahi Shimbun Publishing Co., Japan, Showa 34th year (1959), p.429-433

Lot Notes


Department Information
Lots in this Sale

Fine Chinese Classical Paintings and Calligraphy

. 26 May 2009 . Convention Hall