07 January 2009 @ 05:08 am
Happy New Year, FOLKS!

As I was checking if all the links on the current status site still worked (yes, I check them from time to time...), I noticed some things you probably all know already, so sorry for the late updates:

Versailles had to change their band name for touring in the United States because there is already a band called Versailles.
The band name in the U.S. is now Versailles - Philharmonic Quintet.
Source: Versailles Official Myspace

And Versailles will go major in June 2009. Yes, in Japan and overseas.
Source: Versailles Fansite

Black:List, ex.Cuartet-Aika' current band will disband this month. Their Last Gig will be on the 8th of January.
Source: Aika's Blog

Ex. Etcetera's Yukika has a label called "A heretic sound music". This is their official HP. Yukika himself is the frontman of Buddy. The label features some other bands that I'm not willing to check out at the moment. Later.
Buddy will release a single which is only available in the U.S. (why?!?!) called "A Jamble".
Source: Yukika's blog, Buddy Myspace

Well, it's probably old to some of you, but actually all this was new to me! I was kinda shocked when I checked the links since it seems as I've lived on the moon when all those bands toured 100x through Europe, released thousands of singles, and then disbanded. LoL.

I just found a great site that features tons of info about VK-indies (mostly)-bands, some that include to ex.Climax-members, too!
It's Shattered Tranquility and I strongly recommend a visit! I'll include the links to the Climax current-status-site as well.
Current Mood: surprised
13 November 2008 @ 10:03 pm
It is now confirmed that Saki is a member of the band "N.S Heavy".

There is quite a confusing "member lineup", but I tried to get it anyway:

Extreme noisy man - Saki (who changed his Kanji to the 咲 he used for Cuartet)
singer and 7 stringed guitar - maximum the Towa-kun
4 stringed bass - Tama-chan (yes, the bass-player from Actless Theater)
drums and female voice - Kyonshi
Great Buddha - Great Buddha


And "maybe" there will be a first single called "Denki buran" containing 2 songs "denki buran" and "T" for nation-wide sale.

Source: Saki's blog.

22 October 2008 @ 10:58 am
Yes, they did it again!

Climax Enterprise, all of its bands plus thousands of guests will hold 2 concerts on the 22nd and 23rd of December in Rockmaycan.

They call it "last summit", but hey, how many last summits do they want to hold anyway? *laughs*.

Edit: Here you can see the concert info.


And Saki is in a new band:  N.S Heavy. It's the former menko kotteri (麺固こってり), and I didn't even know that there was this band at all.

I don't believe that it's only a simple session band since there is a tour for their first CD.

Source: Saki's blog
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Current Mood: amused
07 June 2008 @ 06:29 am
For those who haven't seen him recently, HERE you can see how Yayoi looks now (person on the left side is ex. Cuartet's Shinkichi, person on the right is Yayoi).
Now imagine him singing with this high-pitched voice again xD
(Source: Shinkichi's blog, obviously)


Joe has left Umberbrown. This info seems to be old. I don't know why he left and whether he is in another band now.
(Source: Umberbrown-Myspace-site)

Of course, this causes another update in the current status-section.
12 April 2008 @ 01:41 am

Those who stalk read Saki's blog know that the condition of his ribs has not changed at all, and that he has to wear a gypsum.
Though he will sing at session lives of bands called "It CODE OF rettou gekishin angya" and "Sentaa GUY" along with ex. Actless Theater-members in April.


And I have finally updated this community's rules. From now on, every post must be tagged. You can see the tags here. It is probably not that big problem since I am the only one posting here. xD
And every post including media such as scans has to be friends-locked (though music will not be allowed at all).