AN HTTPD ゲストブック/コメント集(2002年8月2日12:27)

中田昭雄 2002/08/03 16:59

kim san,
As you say, when Yahoo send error 404, IE with default settings certainly shows the sent message.
I thought it depends on the response code, but it's not right. IE may see some response headers...
I will examine when IE shows its own error message.

kim 2002/08/03 10:36

Nakata san,
Got it! Thank you vey much ^_^
But it raises another question. That is, why my IE can show another servers' error messages, e.g. yahoo, before changing IE setting but not mine? I'm curious why it happens.
By the way, I love your program very much. It is handy and easy to operate. Keep on it!

Akio Nakata 2002/08/02 17:09

kim san,
Internet Explorer shows its own error message by default.

You should set Internet Explorer to show error messages which HTTP servers sent as they are.
Please find an IE option that is related with "HTTP Error Message" or something like that.

kim 2002/08/02 12:27

Hello, Nakata san.

I have problem on setting error messages for my http server. May I ask your help?

In order to setting custom error message, I know I have to type in the full path of the error message file and check the left box. After finish, I typed an invalid path in my browser, but it only shows the default error message instead of the custom one(the one I expect to show).

By checking "trace.log", I know AnHttp had already called the correct error message file, but my browser didn't show it.

Is there something I missed to do? Or, actually my browser doesn't support this function?

My working environment: WIN2000, IE5.5, AnHttp 1.40d

Sorry for using English and thank you for your help.