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Helbreath Portal Character Simulator

Original Author:smith

This tool is based off of Helbreath CharaSimulator V2.01 which was created by Mr. Feri, the webmaster of AmyunPa!(JP), a Helbreath fan site. Some functions were added to Helbreath CharaSimulator V2.01, and was renamed Helbreath CharaSimulator Plus.

Helbreath Portal is hosting this program by request of the author. Used with permission.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This script is no longer being supported by the original author. If there are any problems with it, please feel free to contact the HBP Staff. Additionally, replication or redistribution of this tool is strictly against the author's wishes and will be enforced to the maximum extent allowed by CMS International.


Please RELOAD or CHANGE ACCESS TIME, if a 'JavaScript/JScript Runtime Error' occurs.


- Helbreath CharaSimulator Plus V2.05 -

Directions: Status inputs a direct value or it can be toggled by the '+' and '-' buttons. Once the stats are set, the program calculates all the required information for your character (HP, MO, etc.)
The 'load', 'save', and 'delete' buttons automatically load, save, and delete your defined characters. This function uses the cookies, so that option must be enabled in your browser. For further ifnormation please read the Read Me.

Important: The damage at the time of an initial attack and a critical attack has not calculated correctly. Please look up the damage of an initial attack and critical attack in a reference guide.


- Player versus Monster Simulator -

Directions: Please set the status of your character in the Character Simulator above. Next, select a monster from the monster list. This calculates the data when a player is match against that specific monster. The numeric value in a parenthesis is the data when the moster is attacked from the back.

Monster Data HP
Match Data Physical Hit Rate
Physical Dodge Rate
Magic Hit Rate

- Player versus Player Simulator -

Directions: Please set your character data in the Character Simulator above. Next, set the status of an enemy character. The program then calculates the data pertaining to a PvP fight. The numerical value in a parenthesis are the results when the enemy is attacked from the back.

- Data -

PHY Hit Rate Magic Hit Rate
Dodge Rate Dodge Rate

- Skill Calculator -

Directions: If a value is inputted into the present skill value and a target skill value, the sum total of the required number of times of a success will be computed. If the skill use time is inputted, the required time for completion will be calculated automatically. Required time (reference) is the reference time "at the time of succeeding continuously altogether."

Now Skill Value
Target Skill Value
Skill Use Time Minute(s)
Total of Success Required Times
Required Time (reference) Hour(s)    Minute(s)    Second(s)

- Read Me -

This tool is uses JavaScript and is specifically written for Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla. Responsibility cannot be taken for any faults which are generated by this tool.

How to use Helbreath CharaSimulator Plus V2.05

  • The level limit is 180. Any stats entered which exceed the level limit will be rejected.
  • The maximums of each skill value is restricted by related stats. However, in a game, the sum value of each skill is restricted to 700. This restriction is not imposed on a simulator.
  • Stats are inputted directly or through the use of the '+' and '-' buttons.
  • A 'load', 'save', and 'delete' have been included for your convienence. Cookies must be enabled for this feature to work correctly.
  • The value of a combo bonus and the value of REP is added to calculation of the maximum of the damage given to an enemy.
  • The background color of an arms selector is equivalent to the background color of arms skill.
  • When there is insufficient 'STR/DEX/MAGIC', then the background color of arms, a protector, and magic selector becomes PINK, and an 'X' appears before the name of each item. Moreover, protectors are removed from the object of physical evasion value calculation.
  • When there is sufficient 'STR' for full swing, then magic selector becomes BLUE, and 'Max:' is placed before the name of each item.

This utility has been written by "Smith" ( Any bugs, comments, suggestions, or fixes should be reported to him.

Spelling / Grammar corrections and miscellaneous modifications by Hawk.

Used with permission.