Book your flight. Grab your passport and join us in Tokyo, Beijing & Shanghai. From June 7th - 16th 2009

International attendees confirmed so far:

Organized by Web2Asia, The Founders Fund and Dave McClure. We are inviting international investors and tech entrepreneurs on a 10 day orientation tour of Tokyo, Beijing and Shanghai's Internet, Mobile & Gaming sector.



  • Gain insight into tech & innovation trends coming out of East Asia.
  • Meet the startup & tech community in Tokyo, Beijing & Shanghai.
  • Understand the current investment climate in each respective city.
  • Participate in a pro-entrepreneur and pro-investment initiative during a tough global economy.


Geeks On A Plane is all about leveraging the combined cross border networks of Dave McClure, Founders Fund and Web2Asia to offer attendees an opportunity to accelerate the process of meeting and connecting with key contacts in Tokyo, Beijing and Shanghai's tech and investment sector.


  • In depth crash course on Japan and China's tech sectors. Who are the innovators? Who are the investors? What are the trends?
  • The opportunity to connect with high caliber people in Japan and China's startup and investment community. In one week, you will meet with a number of great people that usually takes foreign companies, entrepreneurs and investors several years, several trips and multiple layers of relationships and introductions to connect with.
  • Accelerate your cross border business strategies. Find local partners. Invest in new technologies.
  • Gain first hand insight into the role that cross cultural understanding and subtle but important nuances plays in doing business in the Far East




Each tour stop in Japan and China will offer the opportunity for our tour attendees to connect with the hottest local tech companies, start ups, entrepreneurs and investors via the following formats:


  • Tokyo 2.0
  • Startonomics conference
  • Startup2Startup dinners
  • Geeks On A Wall (Great Wall of China Hike, Beijing)
  • Barcamp Shanghai
  • TEDxShanghai *invites limited. subject to availability.
  • VIP dinners and cocktail receptions
  • Break out sessions & individual appointments
  • Geeks & Glamour After Party - Geeks On A Plane, TEDxShanghai and the Shanghai International Film Festival. By Invitation Only.



We have a limited number of passes available for international attendees who wish to fly out and meet us there!


Note: You are responsible for your own travel and hotel costs.


Here are the dates for Dave's core geeks as a reference:

Sunday, June 7 - SFO to NRT (SF to Tokyo)
Wednesday, June 10 - NRT to PEK (Tokyo to Beijing)
Saturday, June 13 - PEK to PVG (Beijing to Shanghai)
Tuesday, June 16 - PVG to SFO via NRT stopover (Shanghai to SF via Tokyo)


You can use your own travel agent or you can contact Lisa to see if there are seats still available to join Dave's group on their flights.


Lisa Zablan
Hawaii Aloha Travel
808-237-5267 Direct Line
800-843-8771 ext 27 Toll Free


Locally based investors and entrepreneurs in Tokyo, Beijing and Shanghai

  • Most events on this tour are by invitation only with a number of spaces reserved for locally based investors and entrepreneurs in each city. If you are a locally based investor or entrepreneur in Tokyo, Beijing or Shanghai and are interested in participating, please request an invite below.
  • Provide a 1-paragraph description of your background, or a LinkedIn profile, including one sentence about your current passions / goals in life, technology, or business.
Your name:
Your e-mail address:*
Your message:*
Please enter the code:

Note: Fields marked with * are required.

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