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Effect of Collapsed Ice Sheet Revised

posted: 2 DAYS AGO
comments: 2791
filed under: Science News
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WASHINGTON (May 14) - The global sea level will only rise about 10 feet if the West Antarctic ice sheet collapses.
While that may not sound so great to residents of coastal cities like New York or Los Angeles, it's only about half the previously predicted rise.
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Researchers led by Jonathan L. Bamber of the University of Bristol in Britain report their recalculation of the hazard in Friday's edition of the journal Science.
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However, they add, the maximum increase is expected along the East and West Coasts of the United States, where the water could rise as much as 25 percent more than in other regions.
The West Antarctic Ice Sheet can be unstable and has long concerned researchers who fear it could collapse as a result of global warming.
Previous studies had estimated that failure of the ice sheet, causing it to slide into the ocean, would raise global seas levels by 5-to-6 meters, or 16-to-19 feet.
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But Bamber's team calculated that the entire sheet would not collapse, with parts of it remaining grounded on the continent. Thus, they said, sea level rise would be only about 3 meters, or just under 10 feet.
How fast this might happen was unclear, but an earlier study suggested the melting could take 500 years, which would mean a sea level rise of about a quarter-inch a year.
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The melting would also redistribute the balance of mass between water and land on the planet, potentially affecting Earth's rotation and causing water to build up along the North American coasts and in the Indian Ocean.
The research was supported by the United Kingdom Natural Environment Research Council and the Colorado University Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Science.
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Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press. Active hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL.
2009-05-14 14:22:28
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10:45 PMMay 17 2009

Trekkinbob,To say that Ben Steins movie is anti-science shows your incredible bias. Nothing in Ben Steins movie tries to discredit science. The entire premise is that some in the scientific community are trying to act like the medieval catholic church in silencing the right to challenge assumptions that are unproven. The pendulum has swung fully to one side and the scientists have decided to freeze it in place. You say science is the basis of freedom, so why are so many in the scientific community acting like little Stalins or better said, the scientific equivilent of the Inquisition?



10:44 PMMay 17 2009




10:42 PMMay 17 2009

WWWelling 10:32 PMMay 17 2009 "The fact is that many communists gravitated to the environmental movement after they lost their government jobs in the Soviet Union. Michael Gorbachev believes in the agenda, and I believe him. If you believe in science, and you also believe in freedom, you need to be informed as to the resumes of some of those pushing the environmental agenda the hardest".................What, so you suspect scientists because you think they all may be former communists ? Do you have any idea how ludicrous this sounds ? Even RUSSIAN scientists have disagreed with global climate change hypothesis. Does this make them CAPITALISTS? The fact that the majority of the world's scientists agree that this phenonomenon is probably anthropomorphic is the issue here. The deeper issue is to stop fvcking arguing about it and figure out what the hell, if ANYTHING, we can DO about it.



10:40 PMMay 17 2009

Gabellekennels proves once again the idiocy of the general population. "It'll happen 500 years from now so why should I care?" What if people hundreds of years ago made a decision to harm you today? Grow up and start thinking, fool. It may not affect you, but it sure will affect everybody else who's alive at that time, and since I assume you're probably another straight idiot, your bloodline will be affected.



10:39 PMMay 17 2009

Check out my blog to see why Africa is being destroyed by foreign aid. You will be shocked.



10:39 PMMay 17 2009

Trekkinbob,Many of the changes you describe are similar to the changes seen by europeans who lived during the mini ice age that started during the late middle ages. People saw glaciers advancing in their lifetime that swallowed up whole villages. People who once grew grapes for wine in England saw their vines die right before their eyes, and europe became a beer drinking area instead of a wine drinking area, all within a couple of decades. We are at the terminus of a warming trend that followed a significant cooling trend, and no one knows what the "baseline" temperature is supposed to be, or much less what to do about it. NO SCIENTIST can tell us exactly, or even precisely, or even closely, how to control the earths thermostat. They are guessing as to what will work. In fact, one day they are all for Ethanol, until they see that one gallon of ethanol consumes 142 gallons of fresh water to produce. If there is no agenda, why are so many "scientists" rushing to suggest extreme solut...



10:35 PMMay 17 2009

what i dont get is that it will happen in 500 years big woop well all be too dead to care by then



10:33 PMMay 17 2009

WWWelling 10:23 PMMay 17 2009 I guess people easily forget that "scientists" were some of the great minds behind the eugenics movement of the early twentieth century. Science is nor more immune to manipulation that art is immune to you're on the same team as Ben Stein and his anti-science move "Expelled." You could've just as well have boarded the Titanic.



10:32 PMMay 17 2009

Trekkinbob.... the math is still wrong. volume of ice above sea level spread across all the surface of the oceans isn't enough to get anywhere near this much rise in ocean levels.



10:32 PMMay 17 2009

Trekkinbob,Tell the 80,000 workers just displaced in California over some 2 inch minnow that there is no agenda involved. Tell the hundreds of farmers on Oregon who were denied irrigation water and had to lose their farms because of some sucker fish there is no agenda involved. The fact is that many communists gravitated to the environmental movement after they lost their government jobs in the Soviet Union. Michael Gorbachev believes in the agenda, and I believe him. If you believe in science, and you also believe in freedom, you need to be informed as to the resumes of some of those pushing the environmental agenda the hardest.


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