Mighty Optical Illusions


Every now and then we post amazing set of 3D sidewalk paintings done usually by chalk artist Julian Beever. These things never get old, and always manage to fascinate. I collected dozen of photos never before seen on this site, and integrated them in this article. All look amazing to me, but I liked the "World" one the best. Is it your favorite too? If I missed any of his creations, be sure to notify me, but before you do this, check if I already posted them to the "3D Sidewalk Art" category. Another thing I noticed, is that this particular artist always poses next to his creations (when finished) in a very original way! Stay fresh my friends, and if you liked this article please share it on the net!



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  1. Anonymous Alexandra H. 

    these drawings are absolutely phenomenal. this guy has amazing talent!! can someone tell me where they are? i noticed one of them was of a subway station in manhattan, the union square one. i live in new york city and would love to see them in real life--is that where they are? once again you have provided fantastic illusions!!

  2. Anonymous Yael Kostrinsky 

    my fave was the fifth... it really looks like the girl is in mid-air. its amazing how you have to draw them really streched out and take the piicture at a certain angle.

    YAY FIRST!!!

  3. Anonymous Riffsan 

    Wow! These are really great! I thought the robot one was the best. Cool. Keep up the updates.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 


  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    these are so amazing! the second and third ones are my favorites

  6. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Yay! First
    cool i like the 3rd 1 the best

  7. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Julian Beever is a freaking GENIUS!!!

  8. Anonymous Anonymous 

    sweet pure sweet

  9. Anonymous Me 

    1st? Anyway, I love these, but one is an ad for mountain dew and the other for aveeno, but they are so cool!

  10. Anonymous Zipper 

    Wow, those are incredible.

  11. Blogger Xunto 

    I really love the first, the robot, and the pool!

  12. Anonymous Anonymous 

    sweet paintings. Sure got some talent.

  13. Blogger BamBam 

    Absolutely amazing. Best images on this site so far. Thank you for the pleasure.

  14. Blogger Gonzo 

    Wow awesome!!

  15. Anonymous Surreal_Koala 

    These are unbelievably cool, as always. My favorite, however, it still the Batman and Robin one from the earlier set.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous 

    amazing! is the only word that comes to mind

  17. Blogger purplejo 

    Julian's paintings are absolutely amazing. Hope to see one in real life one day. Check out his website too, very cool stuff!!

  18. Anonymous bobbit 

    these are awsome especiall the one with people climing out of the hole

  19. Anonymous Govinda 

    I'm the first to say this is unreal.Your mind is not in the world, the world is in your mind.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Haha WOW!!! Those are awesome!!!!!

  21. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Wow.. i just love seeing these things ^_*

  22. Blogger Lily 

    It's interesting that you have to be at just the right angle to see it properly, I really like the illusion, nice artwork!

  23. Blogger Julie 

    I love the little girl and the frog! Heck, I love all of them!!! I love seeing new work by this guy. Keep posting!!!!!

  24. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Wow, I have no words. These are absolutely amazing pieces of artwork. Great job. Beyond words of creativity!

  25. Blogger xuezhao 


  26. Anonymous Anonymous 

    That is amazing!! It goes to show there are some really really talented people in the world =)! I've never seen art like it... Love it!

  27. Anonymous smallwunder 

    Fascinating...simply fascinating.

  28. Anonymous reiryan 

    Ay, there not that great. I could do better. Ha

  29. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Absolutely AMAZING!!!

  30. Blogger Bryan Fulton 

    Your work is absolutely amazing! Where are you located I am the Talent Coordinator for All Star Talent and I know we could definitely use your skills around the SC area! Give me an e-mail : Bryan@AllStarTalents.com if you are interested.

    --Bryan Fulton

  31. Anonymous Anonymous 

    these are amazing, wish i could draw like that!! these guys don't get enough credit for things when they are out street painting, but hats off i say!

  32. Anonymous Anonymous 

    These are awesome. Holy JEZ

  33. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Duuuude- that robot holding the mountain dew is sooooo doope. Really sick product placement!

  34. Anonymous le 

    Please, please, tell us where we can see these......not just on a computer screen.

  35. Anonymous RandomBlood 


    i don't know what more to say except I SO WISH I HAD THAT TALENT!!

  36. Anonymous Anonymous 

    these irritate me for some reason but they are really cool! where can i find a picture of one these where the picture has been taken so that it doesn't look "real"

  37. Blogger bennettjamin 

    omfg these are great. These make leanardo da vinchi look like an ametuer

  38. Anonymous Anonymous 

    i was there to see the 3rd one!!!!!!!

  39. Blogger jpople288 

    those are amazing!!! i bet he'd get mad if it started raining right before he finished...

  40. Blogger Flower Power 

    I've seen sidewalk paintings in Bellingham and Port Townsend, these however, take the cake. I love illusions of space--crawling out of a hole for instance. As an artist myself, I wonder how it is to spend so much time and then have the elements take it away. Perhaps it's like the monks making those intricate sand--or is is colored rice--paintings. Bravo!

  41. Blogger Flower Power 

    I've seen sidewalk paintings in Bellingham and Port Townsend, these however, take the cake. I love illusions of space--crawling out of a hole for instance. As an artist myself, I wonder how it is to spend so much time on a drawing and then have the elements take it away. Perhaps it's like the monks making those intricate sand--or is is colored rice--paintings. Bravo!

  42. Anonymous Anonymous 

    these are amazing and very phenominal..i love them all.they all look so realistic..if a can meet the creator of these drawings...i would really want to know how they possibly did these beautiful drawings..

  43. Anonymous seanki 

    freakingly cool!

  44. Anonymous Anonymous 

    My jaws were wide open really unbilieveable....art better than anyother rubbish paintings....keep up the good work.....

  45. Anonymous Anonymous 

    These people are wonderful!! Is there some kind of award we can give!!!

  46. Anonymous Victoria 

    Very good!!!!! I love Optical Illusions!!!!

  47. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I really love all the paintings, Julian is a genius. I'd like Julian visit Latin America.

  48. Blogger suman 

    very very very....................nice

  49. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Simply stunning.

  50. Anonymous Anonymous 

    the mountain dew one is horrible

  51. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Oh wow the artist is so talented,
    i wonder how long this must have taken to draw?

  52. Anonymous Anonymous 

    This man, Great!

  53. Anonymous Anonymous 

    this man so great!

  54. Anonymous Anonymous 


  55. Anonymous Anonymous 

    this is super cl i wonder if i can do this too maybe my art teacher can!!!hi guys now bye bye!!

  56. Anonymous Ben 

    Takes a certain type of mind to be able to visualise something so accurate, whilst having to draw a completely different image on the floor!

  57. Anonymous jerry spinler 

    Mr. Beaver you are f**king amazing!!!!

  58. Anonymous Anonymous 

    they're amazing!

  59. Anonymous Anonymous 


  60. Anonymous Anonymous 

    these were painted by chalks? so after rain all will be gone? Is it that's why many can't locate the painting ??

  61. Anonymous Anonymous 

    These are absolutely AMAZING! I can't get over how cool these are!
    Great Job!

  62. Anonymous Anonymous 

    These chalk drawings are very nice, but they only last as long as weather and pedestrian permit. and he creates these illusions by looking through the scope of his camera after every line he makes to create the optical illusion.

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