You are currently browsing the monthly archive for March, 2009.





There are times I live inside my own self-made fantasy world inside my head. (sigh)

Sorry for posting such a pointless entry.












(To everyone who read my past entries these days, I apologize for getting so easily worked up. I’m sorry if that created misunderstandings. I am happy to receive your comments, and I can’t expect everyone to understand things the same way, so I’ll do my best to be more patient and understanding.

Your encouragements always mean a lot to me, and I don’t know if I would have gotten this far without all the cheers. I think when we’re alone, it’s easy to get depressed and lose confidence. Because of your support, I am able to keep going, no matter how difficult things get.

I will do my best to return your encouragements back to you in the form of singing.

Thank you so much.)


Important notice :

I do not own/use Myspace, YouTube, no Facebook (anymore) nor any other site on the internet to post things/videos.

Just to remind you that if you find a site about me, I am definitely not the owner.

If you want to read a word written by me, it will be here in this blog.

And if you have something to tell me, please leave your comments here on my blog, ok? :)





(To the non-japanese speakers :

I usually try to post in both english and japanese, so I’m sorry about times I’m writing only in one language. Please don’t worry when I only post in japanese, it is not because I’m hiding things from you, but because at that moment, I have something to address to the japanese people.

In this case about the Valkyria event. I forgot my lyrics a few times due to nervousness and so it is important for me to apologize and work harder. It is my duty after all.

Thank you for the support. :)

【東京国際アニメフェア2009/ TVアニメ「戦場のヴァルキュリア」


福山 潤さん(マクシミリアン役)



<東京国際アニメフェア2009 パブリックデー開催概要>
・会場: 東京ビッグサイト 東京国際展示場 東4・5・6ホール他
・日程: 2009年 3月20日(金・祝)~3月21日(土)
・入場料:当日券 / 大人:1,000円 中高生:500円
            前売券/ 大人: 800円 中高生:400円



There might not be anyone from here in Tokyo, but just in case I’ll give the necessary info in english. :)

There is a special event for Valkyria at the Tokyo Anime Fair on the 20th of march, which is next friday at Tokyo Big Sight.
The event starts at 12:30pm and will last for about 30 minutes.

The guests for this special stage events include :

-Yasutaka Yamamoto (director)
-Marina Inoue (voice of Alicia)
-Houko Kuwashima (voice of Isara)
-Jun Fukuyama (voice of Maximilian)
-Sayaka Ohara (voice of Selvaria)

and finally myself, HIMEKA, for the OP theme.

The event is going to be a small talk show and promotion for Valkyria.
And I’m going to sing the OP theme live for the first time.

The Valkyria stage event is free, but the entrance fee to the Tokyo Anime Fair is of 1000 yen for adults.

Here is the website for more information/location etc.:

It’s almost spring~
Take good care, everyone.

~magic sparkles~



今春、「HIMEKA」として、ソニー・ミュージック ジャパン インターナショナルでデビューします!4月から放送を開始するTVアニメ「戦場のヴァルキュリア」のオープニング曲を歌います!この曲を一緒に作ってた人達に、このプロジェクトが出来てくれてる皆さんへ、ありがとうございました!

最近も忙しくなりました。26日はデビュー/ヴァルキュリアのOPの記者発表でした。来てくれて人達にありがとうございました!やっぱり沢山の人の前で、オフィシャルのビデオカメラの前にも私は全然ダメですよ。口下手ですよ。緊張すぎて、普通の話も出来ません。きっと、PRのスタッフも、みんなもがっかりしたと思います。。。。人としては魅力がなくて、すみません。(orz)これから歌で私からの恩返しです。(笑)頑張ります!!応援してくれている人達によろしくお願いします~ ライブの為の練習を沢山すると約束します!!



I’m sorry for being the last one to mention it, but here it is (even though most people already know).

My debut song is going to be the OP theme for the TV animation ‘Senjou no Valkyria’ that will start airing in Japan in april (Based on the SEGA PS3 game (overseas known as : Valkyria Chronicles)) under the artist name ‘HIMEKA’ at Sony Music Japan International. The CD single release is planned somewhere around the end of the spring 2009 (A big thank you to all the people who made this song project possible.

(I just want to apologize if some people who know me personally are offended due to the fact that this is an anime based on war. I am in no way approving of war in the real world, but we all know war exists for real, so I’m happy to be able to sing a song that is all about hope for the future and to keep moving forward.)

It’s nothing new, but I have been busy with all sorts of things lately, and there was the press conference for my debut/Valkyria OP on the 26th… I’m really bad at expressing myself in front of many people and also video cameras for official things. I felt so stupid and ashamed at the same time… T_T I’m sure the PR staff and all the people who came were so disappointed in me. I hope that I can make up for my lack of charisma as a person by singing. I’m gonna keep practicing a lot!

I’m also planning to watch “Senjou no Valkyria”, I can’t wait!!!

 Je suis assez surprise de recevoir pas mal de commentaires de la part de gens qui parlent français. Merci beaucoup!!! J’espère que vous me pardonnez de ne pas écrire en français. Je dois vous avouer qu’après avoir écrit en japonais et en anglais, je suis un peu paresseuse…haha. ^^; Mais vous savez que je vous adore!!!! Je vous promets que je fais de mon mieux avec les ressources qui sont à ma portée. J’espère de pouvoir m’améliorer davantage sur plusieurs plans. ^^ Merci du soutien!!! <3

To Takanori : If you are still reading my blog, I’m sorry for not being able to let you know how to pronounce my real name, but it’s really okay, since I’m going to use HIMEKA as my artist name.  ^^ Thank you for caring as much as wanting to pronounce my name right though! <3

To YOSHI : I remember you!! I’m sorry that my older posts have disappeared. I took a break from my blog between end of march until end of may 2008 and so I wiped all my older posts. I can see everyone’s e-mails when they post a comment in here, so I have your e-mail! Thank you so much for offering help. I’ll remember. :)

noirleciel : I am indeed Canadian. French Canadian. Je suis Québécoise. ^^ Hello fellow Canadian neighbor! ;D I would like to go to Nana’s next live, if possible.  Let’s all cheer for Nana together!!~

To people who asked me who were my favorite Nico singers….mehehe…it’s a secret. ;D

I’m sorry if I missed other important questions, please kick me or remind me if that’s the case! <3

**~Magic Sparkles~**