Flying Car Hits Dutch Sky (and Road)
"Getting high" in Holland just took on a whole new meaning.
Seen for the first time in public, a test version of the PAL-V One flying car took flight this week outside a small Dutch town. Although it wasn't the consumer-focused, 'Tron'-looking product that had been promised for some time, the proof-of-concept vehicle wowed crowds nonetheless.
The Dutch Minister of Traffic Safety and Water Affairs, Camiel Eurlings, who is involved with the project, pointed out that the vehicle will be used as an alternative to helicopters for emergency services -- not to fast-forward us into the 'Jetsons'/'Fifth Element' flying car future as we might all be hoping.
The PAL-V has been in development for six years and uses a free-spinning rotor for lift and a separate propeller for forward propulsion. When driving, the car cruises at speeds up to 120 mph thanks to it's foldable rotor, and it flies at about the same speed. To keep out of the way of commercial traffic, look for this bird at around 4,000 feet.
Now, commence sitting in traffic. *Sigh* [From: Crave]