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Helbreath Nemesis


Welcome testing to Helbreath Nemesis, the best Helbreath server in the world. It doesn't matter if you have been playing Helbreath for ages or if you are just new to Helbreath, we are 100% sure that Helbreath Nemesis is exactly what you are looking for! Only care about PVP? At Helbreath Nemesis you gain experience fast so you can focus entirely on PVP. Hate that private servers go down alot? Helbreath Nemesis has been online for the past 5 years already and it is here to stay for many more! Outdated version? Never at Helbreath Nemesis! We have the latest version of Helbreath up and running for you to play! Don't want to pay for Helbreath? You can play FOR FREE at Helbreath Nemesis!

Obviously the above sounds pretty interesting already, but Helbreath Nemesis offers so much more in addition to the above.

Helbreath Nemesis has the following fully working:

  • Tutular Angels (STR, DEX, INT, MAG);
  • Automatic Crusade (3x/week);
  • Heldenian: Castle Siege Type 1 & 2 (every Sunday);
  • Crafting skill.
  • Dragonia.

If you are curious as to what makes Helbreath Nemesis so unique? We changed the following:

  • Promiseland maximum level increased to level 140;
  • Tower of Hell 3 maximum level decreased to level 160;
  • Changed the defender's teleport of Heldenian Castle War to inside the castle, instead of outside;
  • Droprate was adjusted slightly for better gameplay. Sword of Medusa is disabled and Tiger Worm and Helclaw have different drops;
  • Garden is filled with more creatures and less Unicorns;
  • New characters get 100 Gold per level until level 20. Afterwards they receive 300 Gold per level until level 80;
  • It's not possible to enter enemy buildings. Blocking the buildings is allowed with summoned creatures;
  • Crusade Middleland teleport function cannot be used after getting damage within 10 seconds;
  • Cats and rabbits removed from towns.

In addition, Helbreath Nemesis features the following:

  • Lots of very unique events organized by our event GameMaster Hunter[GM];
  • Active, experience GameMaster staff who are always ready to help you out with a problem or question;
  • Dedicated developers with extensive expertise in Helbreath;
  • Able to find at least the following languages amongst staff members: Portuguese, Spanish, English, Finish, German or Dutch.

Helbreath Nemesis is an official server with normal rates except for experience and gold:

  • Experience rate x25;
  • Gold rate x7.5;
  • Max level 180, stats 200;
  • After level 180, you will receive majestic points;
  • Get DK set without GM help. Use /dkset in Cityhall to fetch;
  • Upgrade your DK weapons to +15 with majestic points;
  • Upgrade your angels with majestic points;
  • Normal skill training required;
  • Slightly above normal drop rate, higher for Heldenian winner;
  • Enemy-kill points x1 (EK x1).
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