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1 :既にその名前は使われています:2009/04/16(木) 23:02:39 ID:v9FqYbKJ
【現在予定されている祭り】4月19日(日曜)午後1時 バス鉱山集合で、ジュノを目指します。

 *注意 江田島ニートラルは、ネ実に張り付いての妨害工作を得意として居ます。

http://dubai.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/ogame/1239083658/483-515 にて自演に失敗し醜態を晒す)

 *江田島に関する過去ログ・テンプレは >>2->>10 辺り

989 :a mere draft/草案 ◆O213ff6XAY :2009/04/27(月) 00:12:18 ID:EG+HT5nr
Warning:Murakumo-Yoichi-SAM Newtral being Edajima the JP BOT KING.

 by FenrirJPs

Have you ever heard of the multi-SAM-Relics-holder called NEWTRAL*?
...No? *http://www.ffxiah.com/player.php?id=151551

Then how about the Nororious BOT KING EDAJIMA, the one who gave the end
to our enjoyable fishing life in XI forever?
('least you know its badly nerfed)

 *it seems like a person called Artanis knows the story (>>926)
 except he believes these BOTs are long gone (which isn't quite true)

 a picutre about this ugly story

990 :a mere draft/草案 ◆O213ff6XAY :2009/04/27(月) 00:15:21 ID:EG+HT5nr
Now that you know about him, if you think he has been sorry for what his
dirty work has caused, then you're wrong. On the contrary, more like he's
been proud of what he's capable of with his disgusting ranks of Edajima-

After the years of our investigations, background about the said character
Newtral, not only being Murakumo-yoichi Sam, but semi-leader of the HN
MLS-TWINKLE, has been studied*. The multiple insider sources has report
ed to 2ch, the jp fenrir community, this character has been under the con
trol of the said BOTs user called Edajima (merely a known name).

 *most of these informations are gathered in this thread, some of them are
 believed to be told directly in XI from the insider.

991 :a mere draft/草案 ◆O213ff6XAY :2009/04/27(月) 00:16:30 ID:EG+HT5nr
You might believe this story or not, but the rumors has been collected for
several years, his name has been found in Shitaraba the fellow site of 2ch
in early year* along with the characters named Newtral Senus Serpico Cro
nos. All these characters owners are believed to be retired and handed the
accounts to the dirty hands of the current Edajima/Newtral(with RMT or not).

And all these characters has been seen being abused to support his every
day work by many people in Fenrir.

 *According to the post (>>526) a LS called teamperorin was their old nest.
  (>>570) is suspecting the Ls called SpiritOfPerori** as the current one.

992 :a mere draft/草案 ◆O213ff6XAY :2009/04/27(月) 00:18:09 ID:EG+HT5nr
Even lately, he's acting very wildly (more like no-lifely) in Fenrir, heavily cam
ping the highly valued NMs, exploiting the SMN 2hrs tricks with the ranks of
his bloody handed galkas(a bunch of own SMNs and CORs), raising the seem
s-like-for-sale-characters such as Nin, Rdm in Korroloka*.

 *after we started our informing movement, they(he) fled to Gustav
  then wandering around in the past areas atm.

We are currently trying to inform so many ppl as we can, and searching for
the informations which might allow us to kick this RMT out of Fenrir n' XI.

Also spamming the STF mailform with the collected knowledges is yet another
subtle work, which we can't truly rely on though.

993 :a mere draft/草案 ◆O213ff6XAY :2009/04/27(月) 00:19:41 ID:EG+HT5nr
Maybe it could be all useless, or maybe not.

The following characters are believed to be the part of Edajima ranks

Edajima, Edajimachine, Edajimajokko, Edajiman,
Edajimanbou, Edajimax, Edajimanmosu, Edaziman,
Edajimaccho, Nakabourintarou, Edajimatrix,
Newtral, Heihachi, Serpico, Cronos, Sapo, Kaolin, Lisu

The rumor has reported us, this said person owns over 20~30 active
accounts, so very likely these list could be a mere part of them.

Now I prepared the template below for the NA-STF and EU-STF.

Please help us with it, together we can accomplish the work against the scumbag.

994 :a mere draft/草案 ◆O213ff6XAY :2009/04/27(月) 00:20:54 ID:EG+HT5nr
Reporting about the matter of the accounts abuse, the person who controls them.

The World: Fenrir

There is a player(we believe he's called Edajima) that abuses the illegal accounts.

The characters(accounts) used: Edajima, Newtral, Cronos, Serpico, Senus, Shishi
The accounts purchased: Cronos, Serpico
Illegally accessed characters: Newtral, Senus, Shishi

Please investigate the characters' chat logs
(We were informed by insider that there are the evidences in the LS chat logs).

995 :a mere draft/草案 ◆O213ff6XAY :2009/04/27(月) 00:21:39 ID:EG+HT5nr
Now what would you think, had I better go with more conversationable tone?


996 :a mere draft/草案 ◆O213ff6XAY :2009/04/27(月) 00:25:40 ID:EG+HT5nr
スコア: 0

This is a bit of a history lesson, but Edajima was one of the clan of bot-
ters used during the height of the hyper inflation of 2005 through 2007
making hundreds of millions off of the rusty cap fishing exploit.
When the exploit was patched, him and his "Edajima" bots moved to other
sources of fishing (black sole was the major due to sushi intro) and sub-
sequently stayed behind the scenes till they got banned.
And the rest they say is history.

997 :a mere draft/草案 ◆O213ff6XAY :2009/04/27(月) 00:27:10 ID:EG+HT5nr
a perma-log of this thread (whole)

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