Satoru Sakai
Phone/FAX:+81-43-290-3193, Zip: 263-8522
E-mail: satorusakai{at}
Map: Room 603, Natural science building 2
Chiba University, Inageku1-33, Chiba city, Japan
update: 2009/04/12

Satoru Sakai (S. Sakai) (酒 井 悟)
                Assistant Professor
, Control and Robotics Lab.,
                Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chiba University, Japan
                Japan &aum,
    Place of birth
                Fukui, Japan
    Date of birth
                October 16, 1974
                1998.3  Bachelor of engineering degree from Kyoto university, Japan
                2000.3  Master of agriculture degree from Kyoto university, Japan
                2003.3  Doctor of agriculture degree from Kyoto university, Japan                                                                 
                2003.4-2005.3     JSPS postdoctral research fellow, Graduate school of informatics, Kyoto university, Japan (Prof. Sugie lab.)
                2004.8-2005.3     Visiting researcher, Faculty of electrical engineering, Twente university, Netherlands (Prof. Stefano Stramigioli lab. GeoPlex Project)
               Research associate, Faculty of electronics & mechanical engineering, Chiba university, Japan (Prof. Nonami lab.)
    Research field
                Robotics, Control systems engineering

Full-refereed papers
    Journal papers 
    S. Sakai, K. Osuka, T. Maekawa, M. Umeda: Robust control systems of a heavy material handling agricultural robot: a case study for initial cost problem,IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol.15, no.6, 1038-1048, 2007
    S. Sakai, M. Iida, K. Osuka, M. Umeda: Design and Control of  a heavy material handling manipulator for agricultural robots,Autonomous robots, Accepted, 2007
    K. Fujimoto, S. Sakai, T. Sugie: Passivity based control of a class of Hamiltonian systems with nonholonomic constraints, Automatica, Revising, 2008     

(in Japanese)
    S. Sakai, Yashuhide Nakamura, K. Nonami: A pick-and-place hand mechanism without any actuators and sensors,J. of RSJ, revising
    D. Nakazawa, S. Suzuki, S. Sakai, K. Nonami: Formation flight control of small unmanned helicopters, Trans. of JSME, submitted
    S. Sakai: An extension of theoretical filed capacity for agricultural robots,J. of JSAM, revising
    K. Fujimoto, S. Matsumoto, S. Sakai: Passivity based energy control of an inertia wheel pendulum via time-varying virtual constraints, Trans. of ISCIE, vol.20, no.10, pp.416-418, 2007 
    S. Sakai, K. Osuka, T. Maekawa, M. Umeda: Robust gain scheduled control of a heavy material handling agricultural robot, vol.42. No.11. pp.1198-1207, Trans. of SICE, 2006
    S. Suzuki, K. Nonami, S. Sakai: Model following sliding mode control of a small scaled unmannned helicoptor, Trans. of JSME, vol.18. No.6, pp.2795-2802,  2005
    S. Sakai, K. Fujimoto: Dynamic output feedback stabilization of a class of nonholonomic Hamiltonian systems,ISCIE, vol.18. No.6, pp.229-236,  2005
    S. Sakai, K. Osuka, H. Fukushima, M. Iida, M. Umeda: A heavy material handling manipulator for agricultural robots (Part 2),JSAM, vol.65, no.4, pp.117-123, 2003
    S. Sakai, M. Iida, M. Umeda: A heavy material handling manipulator for agricultural robots (Part 1),JSAM, vol. 65, no.4, pp.108-116, 2003
    S. Sakai, M. Iida, M. Umeda: Realization errors of high order compensators using common Linux, JSAM, vol. 65, no.6, pp.71-76, 2003
    International conference papers 
    S. Sakai: A partial stabilization of port-Hamitonian systems with natural Casimir functions, Proceedings of IFAC, Accetpted, 2008 (IFAC08 at Soul, Korea)
    S. Sakai, Stefano Stramigioli: Port-Hamiltonian approaches to motion generation for mechanical systems, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp.1048-1953, 2007 (ICRA07 at Rome, Italy)
    S. Sakai, Yashuhide Nakamura, Kenzo Nonami: A pick-and-place hand mechanism without any actuators and sensors, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp.4064-4070, 2007 (ICRA07 at Rome, Italy)
    S. Sakai: Structured singular values analysis of manipulators with passivity based control, Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp.2961-2966, 2006 (CDC06 at San Diego, U.S.A.)
    S. Sakai, K.Osuka, K. Fujimoto: Exact structured singular value of manipulators and quantitative analysis of passivity based control, Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp.2053-2058, 2006 (IROS06 at Beijing, China)
    S. Sakai, K. Fujimoto: Explicit structured singular value analysis of manipulators with passivity based control, Proceedings of the 3rd IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Nonlinear Control, pp.203-208, 2006 (IFAC_LHMNLC06 at Nagoya, Japan)
    S. Sakai, K. Fujimoto: Dynamic output feedback stabilization of a class of nonholonomic Hamiltonian systems, Proceedings of IFAC, Tu-M03-TO/2, 2005 (IFAC05 at Prague, Czech)  
    S. Sakai, K. Osuka, T. Maekawa, M. Umeda: Active Vision of a Heavy Material Handling Agricultural Robot Using Robust Control, Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp.1707-1713, 2005 (IROS05 at Edmonton, Canada)
   S. Sakai, K. Osuka, M. Umeda: Global Performance of Agricultural Robots, Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp.461-466, 2004 (IROS04 at Sendai, Japan)
    S. Sakai, K. Osuka, M. Iida, M. Umeda: Control of a Heavy Material Handling Agricultural Manipulator Using Robust Gain-scheduling and mu-Synthesis, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp.96-102, 2003 (ICRA03 at Taipei, Taiwan)
    S. Sakai, K. Osuka, H. Fukushima, M. Iida: Watermelon Harvesting Experiment of Heavy Material Handling Robot for Agriculture Using LQ Control, Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp.769-774, 2002 (IROS02 at Lausanne, Switherland)
    S. Sakai, M. Iida, M. Umeda: Heavy Material Handling Robot for Agriculture, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp.1062-1068, 2002 (ICRA02 at Washington D.C., U.S.A.)

Inventions and Devices

    A pick-and-place hand without any actuators and sensors, 2006 (Patent pending, #2006-039194), (Patent pending, #2006-225978), (Patent pending, #PCT/JP2007/053333, International  << new )
    A heavy material handling agricultural robot, 1998-2006
    A measurement equipment for barrier-free, 1999

    Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Springer
    (The 3rd IFAC Worskhop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods)

    International federation of automatic control world congress, young author prize, 2005
    Research incentive award of the Japanese society of agricultural machinery, 2005

    Kyoto university venture business laboratory,
Idea contest, Incentive award, 1999

    Bachelor: Study of turbulence structure in open channel flows (Environmental hydrodynamics lab., Kyoto univ.
    Master:    Development and optimal/adaptive control of a heavy material handling agricultural manipulator (Field robotics lab., Kyoto univ.)
    Doctor:    Design and Evaluation of a heavy material handling manipulator for agricultural robots (Field robotics lab., Kyoto univ.)

    GeoPlex Project Home Page
    Prof. Osuka lab.

Teaching materials
    [Japanese (for class students)]    

    [Japanese (for students or practitioners) ]
   Invited session chair, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2007

Agricultural robot スイカ収穫ロボット 農業ロボット 酒井 悟