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Old 02-07-2009, 04:24 PM
dorro113 dorro113 is offline
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Exclamation I seek legal action after my employeer fired me, due to pregnancy. Michigan

I need some advice. I understand that terminating the employee because of pregnancy, or any pregnancy-related conditions. Yesterday, after working at (deleted) since last september I was fired. Here's the story.

I had a 2 week leave, something that I had agreed to because of a call-in. Upon coming back to work last monday. I went in for 2 and a half hours, because they needed extra help, since me and my husband work there and live right down the street, we were always there when the employer needed extra help. I went in and made the sauce, my employer then told me he appreciated me coming in to help. I then was called on wednesday by a assistant manager, asking if I could come in for half of his shift, because he needed to go to court with his son. I was still eager to help him out, and I told him that I would take his shift. I came in and took his shift. Friday, (yesterday).. I called into my work at 10 in the morning, I had a shift 2-11 pm that day. My mother was undergoing heart procedures and I was the only person in the family with a valid drivers liscence, and capable of driving. I called in and I said "Juan (who is a assistant manager) I will be there for my shift today, but my mother is in the hospital, they are doing a procedure on her, she may have to have open-heart surgery, but if she doesnt have to have open heart surgery or get another heart stent put in, she may be realeased today, do you think that if i get a call telling me she can get realesed today that i can leave for a half an hour to pick her up?"
he then told me that that would be fine. I was very prominent on getting to work because my employer told me if I was to call in again that I would be fired. So I arrive at my workplace at 1:55 p.m. And as I go to punch in, he tells me he needs to speak with me. The previous day, I realized that my husband was working a sunday night. Something that was out of the ordinary, because my husband and I are very religious, and he asks for only friday evenings and sundays off, to attend religious activites. Our boss said we could defintley have sundays off, though he did make fun of our religion. My husband then proceeded to ask me if I would call the employer, and ask why it was only him that was scheduled to be the shift manager that night. Our employer stated that it was because one of the assistant mangagers had reserves that sunday, and it was illegal for him to work her that day, and because one of the shift managers was working the opening shift. And because Juan had requested it off on the caleneder. Well at that time I realized that the call wasnt going anywhere, and he had already made his mind up. One of the phones started ringing and I then said to him "I have to get the phone, whatever you say chris" and then hung up the phone. Though I felt like telling him that it was unfair, because me and my husband were the first to write our names off for valentines day, but we didnt get it off. I had been very frustrated with the way that my employer had been running the store, it seemed to be subjected to a lot of double standards, and the schedule always worked in favor to a female assistant manager, who many other co-workers always had a suspicion they were sleeping together, and of course since our employer was already married, and had been known for adultery in the past, it was quite the gossip among the work place. The day that I arrived to work my 9 hour shift. My employer said this to me ( i will remeber what he said to me till the day I die, I had never heard of such ignorance, and prejuidice) "You know yesterday I didnt appreciate you hanging up on me and then gossiping about it ( i then said that I didnt gossip about it, because I didnt). I thought it was really inappropriate, if Luke had a problem with the schedule, he should have called me and talked to me about it, not you, which luke did call and talk to me about it. When I hired you, you were a good worker. But within the last month, since your pregnancy, your attitude has changed, it seems like your not interested in work, or you dont care, and I'm going to have to let you go. You can still get your check, just bring back the work shirts." I then asked him if that ment I didnt have to work that day, and he said that I didnt. I then went and told my husband what he did to me, and how he was discriminating against my pregnancy. While it is true that my attitude has changed, it did not affect the way I performed my job, or the fact that I always been there to help them out when they needed a extra hand. Which I failed to see how I showed that I didnt want to work or anything, because I had already helped them out twice since being back. Of course my attitude has changed since I am pregnant, its hard growing a little person. It takes a lot out of me, but I still did my job, and I didnt let it effect the way I worked with the coustomers.. I feel he did not have just cause firing me, and that it was due to my pregnancy. I seeked help of a attorney and I hope to hear from her on monday. But any input woulud be appreciated.

Last edited by cbg; 02-08-2009 at 11:41 AM.
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Old 02-07-2009, 04:58 PM
Betty3 Betty3 is offline
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Since you have an attorney, it would be best if you waited & discussed your situation with him.

You can't be terminated/discriminated against because of your pregnancy but you can be terminated in spite of it. (if you would have been terminated had you not been pregnant) You don't get any special treatment because of your pregnancy but you have to be treated like any other employee who is not pregnant.
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