Biggest Tech No-Nos 10
Using the smartphone at meals
How would you feel if you were out for a meal and your companion pulled out their laptop to surf the Web or check their e-mail? Well, that's the same thing you're doing when you play on your iPhone or BlackBerry instead of paying attention to others. Yes, there are exceptions based on location, formality, and familiarity, but mind your manners.
Reader Comments (Page 1 of 1)
missa @ Apr 2nd 2009 11:44PM
ed zuckerman @ Apr 7th 2009 6:35PM
You are so 20th century with your remarks about using cap type for email. The problem is you are so young with so little life experience that you lack the understanding and relevance of using cap type for the pure practicality of visually being able to see better.
Thousands upon thousands of people all over the world are growing older each day. Diminishing eyesight is part of the normal ageing process. Your time will come. It should become mandatory to use cap type for email.
If perhaps, you have difficulty expressing yourself with proper vocabulary because you simple haven't come far enough with your intellectual level in life, I would suggest you get started. Expression on the keyboard is pure Bull. Get a life. If you need to be expressive then do it verbally in person or by phone at 2-3 cents a minute. Or perhaps you are like many who sit around there computer all day with all the time to clutter there mind with inconsequential things such as cap type or lower case.
I have typed this accordingly to simply show respect for others. I am sure many people share my opinion. Try sending in 14 point type and capped. See the results. It is only common courtesy to allow your recipient to receive emails that are easy to read. Trust me if you don't overdose, get drunk and kill yourself on the american road or kill yourself bungee jumping or snowboarding you will indeed grow older and come to appreciate my life in cap type. Now go wipe your nose and straighten up and fly rite.