Ted Kennedy | Chapter 3: Chappaquiddick

In 1969, Ted Kennedy had to
weather the death of Mary Jo Kopechne. The presidency, once a promise that seemed easily realized, now appeared impossibly distant.

Jobs »

Line up and good luckLine up and good luck
At job fairs everywhere, the lines are so long that many, as in New Hampshire, left, get turned away.

Cars »

Frontier still on courseFrontier still on course
It's easy to think the Nissan Frontier is past its life cycle, but the power and rugged frame say otherwise.

Homes »

'Giant dollhouse'
'Giant dollhouse'
In Peabody, there are rooms in a variety of sizes and shapes, on multiple levels.


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The weather's getting warmer (sort of), so get out there and start planting with our weekly planner.
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Ship captain from Vermont freed from Somali pirates (AP Photo/U.S. Navy photo)

Ship captain from Vermont freed from Somali pirates

Captain Richard Phillips (right) stands with the commanding officer of the USS Bainbridge after being rescued. Phillips was held captive for five days. (Globe)
Easter around the world

Easter around the world

People across the globe celebrated Easter today with religious services, parades, and egg hunts.

Deputy marshal to be tried in mob case

Once known for tracking down fugitive gang leaders, deputy US marshal John T. Ambrose now faces a trial himself on charges alleging he betrayed his oath and leaked secrets to the mob. (AP)
First puppy makes splash

First puppy makes splash

The Obama family's new puppy Bo, a Portuguese water dog, is a gift from Senator Ted Kennedy, who's a big fan of the breed. (Washington Post)
Gallery Presidential pooches | Video
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The four elements
Photo contest

The four elements

We're looking for a photo that best captures one of the four natural elements: earth, air, fire, or water.
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      Boston.com introduces new forums
      Our forums with features you've requested will make it easier to carry on discussions and interact with others.
      Vote in the March photo contest

      Vote in the March photo contest

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      $2b from stimulus available for child care

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      new england blogs

      Peanut Butter Easter Eggs

      My college roommate used to call Reese's peanut butter confections "staples" of our pantry. Unfortunately for my waistline, she had a point. Here is a homemade version of this classic treat.-- In Our Grandmothers' Kitchens