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In Spotlight This Week: Previous Previous NextNext

  • [info]2009_weddings

    First comes love, then comes marriage, right? Except the old saying leaves out that tricky "planning a wedding" step in between. If you're getting married this year, this community has all the advice, support, and venting space that you need.

  • [info]scriptfrenzy09

    April may be the cruelest month for T.S. Eliot, but for aspiring screenwriters it just might be the kindest. Script Frenzy, a challenge to write a 100-page screenplay in 30 days, starts on April 1, and this community is here to help you get it done.

  • [info]student_travel

    With all those breaks, gap years, and semesters abroad, students have lots of time to travel. Too bad they don't have the budgets to match. Whether you're a student or just lacking in funds, you'll find tips and tricks for travel on the cheap here.

  • お気に入りのコミュニティーをここに。 スポットライトに推薦する
  • View more at [info]lj_spotlight.


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Russia! Magazine
Don't let the language barrier stop you from enjoying Russian LJ. Every week Russia! magazine surveys the Russian blog scene and reports back with the highlights.


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