follows is an excerpt of a Four Part
page) book entitled:
Judaism vs Christianity: The War The Lamb Wins
Talmud: The Reason Why This “War” Must Come
There is a list as long as your leg of
highly organized One World Government conspiracies. Some have been around for centuries, even millennia. Others are more recent. These operations in general are not the
subject of this expose`, but 14 of the main ones with comments are listed near
the end of Part I for those who don’t
know of their existence.
Each one declares that only in a New World
Order can a golden age, a millennial utopia be brought to pass. All who have not been living in a cave
realize that the fulfillment of this single-minded goal is joyously anticipated
far and wide. The Pope says it;
Presidents say it; the media says it; the computerized technology to make it
work is gassed up and ready to go. It’s
just a political and economic (and theological!) hop, skip, and jump away....
Most interestingly,
this precise
scenario was prophesied over nineteen hundred years ago in the New
Testament of Jesus Christ!
That is something to think about, isn’t
There is a MAJOR DIFFERENCE in what the
Bible says about this coming One World Order, however, from what the
Conspirators say about it. That
DIFFERENCE is that this attempt to usher in a One World System is called
something “very good” by the Conspirators, but something “very bad” in the
Indeed, the One World System is flatly
labeled as being a SATAN-INSPIRED plan which God allows to materialize for “one
hour” (2-3 months), then steps in, unmasks and brings to naught. This unmasking reveals the REAL AND
HIDDEN goal behind all the global
conspiracies. That real and hidden goal
is to bring about a One World Government that can establish a One World
As planned by the Conspirators, this One
World Religion will finish the job that is already well-advanced in all top
level political and economic planning.
Once officially launched, the initial goal will be TO EQUALIZE ALL
RELIGIONS, using lovey-dovey, deceptive propaganda, of course. Soon, there will be no Absolute Spiritual
Truth being claimed by any religion, and especially not by Christianity. All gods and all holy books will get equal
billing, sort of like ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, Peru, or wherever
& HERE). Any attempts to extol Jesus and His New
Testament as the only and absolute spiritual Truth will be regarded as a form
of intolerable bigotry to be severely punished by “Hate Crime” laws....
So it is then that the Bible regards all
these One World Government plans as Satan motivated conspiracies designed to
defeat and ultimately eradicate The New Testament of Jesus Christ with its
message that Jesus is the Son of God.
Thus, from a purely Christian, New Testament-based standpoint, while there are many of these conspiracies, they all have one author, namely Satan, the created Adversary and antithesis of God Himself. (See: Satan: What Makes Him Tick?"> HERE & HERE.)
Still, though there are many conspiracies
with one author (and one goal, namely, the eradication of God’s Truth and the
victory of Satan), there is, nevertheless, One Particular Conspiracy
that embodies and yet transcends all the others. It transcends the others not because it is the biggest. No.
In fact, it is among the smallest.
It transcends the others not because it is secretive and has kept its
true purpose and authorship so well hidden and disguised over the
centuries. No. Others have been equally or more adept
at such secrecy. It transcends all the
others not because lying and deception are at the core of its operations. No.
All the others operate the same way.
It transcends the others for one reason
alone. That reason is that God
foreordained that it be this way because this particular conspiracy is special
in His Plans. This particular
conspiracy is going to play an irreplaceable and completely understandable part
in His Perfect Plan (which Plan, I am pleased to report, not only culminates in
an eternal, Satanless New Earth in spite of all efforts to stop it
HERE), BUT also
has room for repentant conspirators!).
This granddaddy of all One World
conspiracies is not new. It is basically
the same one Jesus encountered in the Pharisaic Establishment headquartered in
Jerusalem nearly 2000 years ago. Now,
of course, the present establishment--though spiritually headquartered in the
same place since 1948--is not confined to that tiny geographical area and
limited to doing business on foot or by mules and camels. Rather, today, it is in positions of control
globally and doing business thru state-of-the-art technology capable of
handling its global transactions almost instantly.
This Conspiracy is the latter-day offspring
of the one the Jews brought out of their seventy years of Babylonian Captivity
in 536 BC and then expanded over the next eighteen centuries or so. It is the one codified in sixty-three
volumes of the virtually unobtainable Babylonian Talmud and reinforced in the
Cabala and the Zohar. It is the one
that characterizes God as inferior to Rabbis and--in its demonic accretions
since the first century--oozes hatred for Jesus and His New Testament. It is the one that characterizes good as
evil and evil as good. It is the one
authored by Satan and designed to discredit and ultimately destroy the New
Testament authored by God's Holy Spirit.
As a bit of groundwork for better
understanding the rest of the chapters in Part I, we need now to sample several
teachings from the Talmud.... These
will illustrate the Rabbinic view of God and their hatred of Jesus and the New
Covenant, and their diabolic concept of what is moral and ethical. Once the origin of this devilish hatred of
Truth and fairness is identified, no strain on anyone’s part will be required
to understand why the Talmud-based Pharisaic Establishment of Jesus’ day had to
kill Him (on the mistaken assumption that this would eliminate Him and His teachings). Nor will it be hard for anyone to see why
the Jews have had such a turbulent history.
Their Rabbi-controlled, Talmud-based spiritual leadership has caused
virtually all of the problems the Jews have experienced throughout that history. More, the Rabbi’s Talmud-inspired vision of
being the rulers over a global slaveocracy is a vision that is destined to
bring God’s End Time Drama on stage very, very shortly. This Drama will provide the final lessons of
the struggle of good and evil, lessons that will serve on the New Earth
eternally. (See: Heaven: God’s Love
Story and Hell: It’s Not What You Think It Is and
God’s End Time
Drama: The Sweet and the Bitter.)
According to the Bible, the “war”
prophesied over 1900 years ago by Jesus (Rev.17:14) has to come sometime if the
Bible’s perfect record of prophecy fulfillment continues! It has to come because the teachings of
Jesus given in His New Testament--as many Jews themselves attest--are the
exact opposite of the teachings of the Rabbis given in their Babylonian Talmud. Morally and ethically, they were polar
opposites 180 degrees apart in Jesus’ day.
Nothing has changed. They are
still polar opposites. They are
spiritual oil and water. They cannot
mix. “Judeo-Christian” is a
self-destructing hyphenation.
Thus as we witness the coming together of
the numerous One World Conspiracies, we are simultaneously witnessing the final
stages of the Biblically prophesied, age-old Satanic conspiracy which is the
heartbeat of every one of them. That
ultimate conspiracy has been and now is to rid the world of Christianity’s
claim to absolute spiritual Truth resting ultimately on both the Old Testament & the New Testament of
Jesus Christ.
With that much said--and for the purpose of
alerting even nominal Christians about the utterly anti-Christ, anti-Bible foundations and purpose of Talmudic
Judaism--we cite a few dozen examples
dealing with several subjects contained in these egotistical, arrogant, diabolical
tomes called The Babylonian Talmud:
Mezia, 86a, for a start, we learn that: “God intervenes in a Rabbinic dispute and is logically defeated by
a Rabbi. God proclaims the
Rabbi the victor in the debate.”
In Aboth
1.1 it is said that: “God gave the Oral [Rabbinic] Law to Moses at Mt. Sinai.”
In Gittin
60b we are told that: “God made the covenant with Israel only because of the Oral Law.”
In Baba
Mezia 86a: “A dispute in heaven between God and a group of
21b: “The commands of the Rabbis are more important than
A few examples of the “great wisdom” from
the Talmud will be of interest to most anyone unfamiliar with its sage advice:
Gittin 69a & b tells of: “...the medicinal value of dirt found in the shadow of an outhouse; also of the excrement of a white dog.”
In Moed Katan 18a we learn that: “Not burying cut
fingernails causes miscarriages.”
In Gittin 69b there is given: “Rabbinic cures for anal
worms; also of bladder stones. (For example, you hang a louse
from the male
membrum, then urinate on
In Moed Katan 17a we read: “If one is being overcome by his evil impulse, he should go to a town where he is delivered from his temptations..."
Abadah Zarah 3b tells us that: “God’s activities during
the day, include studying the Law and
playing with Leviathan.”
Blasphemous and mindless Talmudic interpretations of Scriptures
abound. Here are a few examples:
Yebamoth 63a on Genesis 2:23: “Adam had sexual
intercourse with all the animals in
the Garden of Eden.”
Sanhedrin 76b on Exodus 21:12: “A man is not guilty of
murder if he causes a
poisonous snake to kill...a snake should be executed for murder, while the man goes
Sanhedrin 59b on Genesis 1:28; “Fish used to be able to
pull wagons.”
Erubin 18a on
Psalm 139:5: “God made Adam with two faces.”
Berakuth 14a on Proverbs 19:23: “Going seven days without
a dream proves that a person is evil.”
The greatness of Israel is a revealing and
recurring theme in the Talmud. Notice
these expressions on that theme:
In Sanhedrin 11:1 we learn that: “All Israelites are
righteous, and will inherit eternal
Baba Bathra 10b tells Rabbis that: “The deeds of Israel
are righteous, but the Gentiles
are capable only of sin.”
Kiddushin 49b declares that: “Israelites possess 90% of
all wisdom. The other 10% is spread out among the Gentiles.”
Sanhedrin 58b: “A Gentile who strikes a Jew deserves
death. Striking a
Jew is in God’s eyes and assault
on the Divine Presence.”
Sanhedrin 37a: “Whoever destroys a single Israelite, it
is as though he had destroyed
the entire world.”
A few specific examples of the Talmud’s
teachings about Gentiles (i.e., cattle, animals) should open some eyes:
Yebamoth 98a: “All Gentile children are legally bastards,
since Gentiles are only animals.”
Baba Mezia 114b: “Gentile girls are in a state of
uncleanness from birth, and marriage with them is
Baba Bathra 54b: “Property of Gentiles is like the desert; whoever gets there first gets it."
Sanhedrin 57a: “If a Gentile robs a Jew, he must pay him
back. But if a Jew robs a Gentile, the Jew may keep the loot. Likewise, if a Gentile kills a Jew, the Gentile is to be
killed. But if a Jew kills a Gentile,
the Jew is to go free.”
Baba Kamma 38a:
“Gentiles are outside the legal protection of the Law of Israel.
Sanhedrin 52b: “Adultery is not forbidden...with the wife
of a Gentile, because Moses only forbids
adultery with a ‘neighbor’s wife’, and Gentiles are not neighbors.”
Let modern women who are led to combat
sex-based discrimination turn their ire upon
the Talmud. It is loaded! Indeed, here is a major fountain of the
bitter gall women have been forced to drink throughout most of history. Jewish women especially should rise up
against it in righteous fury!
Menahoth 43b: for example, teaches that: “A Jewish male should thank God for not making him a woman or a Gentile."
Baba Bathra 16b: “The birth of a girl is a sad
Aboth 1:5: “It is not good to talk to women, not even
your own wife.”
Gittin 91a: “It is permissible to divorce your wife if
she burns your dinner, or if you see a
prettier girl.”
The Talmud’s teachings on sexual matters
are especially revealing in light of the recent explosion of sexually explicit
stuff on every hand which, as everyone knows, is growing kinkier by the
day. Coupled with the universal
admission of control of the pornography industry and all the media and
entertainment backup required to promote it thru “education”, TV, movies, etc., the
root cause comes into focus. Pedophilia
and sodomy are Talmudic favorites:
Sanhedrin 55b:
“It is permitted to have sexual intercourse with a girl three years and one day old.” (Sexual relations with three year olds are
clearly permitted also in: Yebamoth 12a, 57b, 60b;
Abodah Zarah 37a; and Kethuboth 39a.)
Yebamoth 59b: “Though the hire of a harlot may not be
given to God, yet if the harlot is paid
for bestiality [sex with an animal], her money may be accepted [by God].”
Sanhedrin 54b: “If a man commits sodomy with a boy less than nine years old, they are not guilty of sodomy.”
Sanhedrin 59b: “Sexual intercourse with a boy less than
eight years old is not
Kethoboth 11b: “Sexual intercourse with a girl less than
three is nothing.”
Though other religions have many good
things to say about Jesus, Talmudic Judaism radiates only the most intense
hatred for Him. See if some of the
following helps in understanding the Christian-bashing that is becoming a
national and even universal sport (unless, of course, the Christians are
major promoters of Israel, helping big bucks to flow there from government,
military, and tourists !):
Yebamoth 49b: “Jesus was a bastard born in adultery.”
Sanhedrin 106a & b: “Mary was a whore; Jesus was an
evil man.”
Sotah 47a: “Jesus was excommunicated by a Rabbi; Jesus
worshipped a brick; Jesus
was a magician and led Israel astray.”
Shabbath 104b: “Jesus was a magician and a fool. Mary was an adulteress.”
Sanhedrin 43a:
“Jesus was guilty of sorcery and apostasy; he deserved execution.
The disciples of Jesus deserve to be killed.”
Gittin 56b: “Jesus was sent to hell, where he is punished
by boiling excrement for
mocking the Rabbis.”
Israel-supporting Christians must snap out
of their spiritual blindness toward everything “Jewish” and begin to absorb
what Talmudic Judaism really thinks of them....
Abodah Zarah 16b, 17a: “Jews should stay away from
Christians. Christians are allied with Hell, and Christianity is
worse than incest.”
Abodah Zarah 17a: “Going to prostitutes is the same as
becoming a Christian.”
Abodah Zarah 27b: “It is forbidden to be healed by a
Sanhedrin 90a, 100b: “Those who read the gospels are
doomed to Hell.”
Sanhedrin 99a: “When Messiah comes, he will destroy the
Shabbath 116a: “The Gospels are the falsehood of blank
paper and the sin of blank paper. The Gospels are to be burned; the New
Testament is like blank
(All quotes taken from the Lutheran Church compilation in the Concordia Library. Missouri Synod.)
That will do for this purpose.
The note at the end of this Chapter in the
book says:
“The topics which make up the balance of
Part I will illustrate how the Rabbinic mentality has pulled the Talmudic wool
over most of the world’s eyes--Jews included, of course--with such great
success, and right up to this very hour.
successful or not, The New Testament of Jesus Christ--so despised by the
Rabbis--declares that this wool will be lifted and a ‘war’ in which Jesus is the
‘overcomer’ will follow in "one hour" (Rev. 18:2; 17:`12-14).
Being ever mindful that this ‘war’ is a
Spiritual Battle where the ‘father of lies’ is exposed by ‘Him in Whom there is
no lie’, we can now follow the development of some major Judaist deceptions
which will be brought into the open when that WAR begins....”