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What is PHP?

PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML. If you are new to PHP and want to get some idea of how it works, try the introductory tutorial. After that, check out the online manual, and the example archive sites and some of the other resources available in the links section.

Ever wondered how popular PHP is? see the Netcraft Survey.

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17. P2P Conference 2009
18. pfcongrez 2009

User Group Events

01. Meeting PHP Usergroup OWL
01. PHP Meetup Columbia MD
01. BostonPHP
01. Berlin PHP Usergroup Meeting
02. SDPHP (San Diego, CA)
02. Hannover
02. Meetup Day
02. Omaha PHP Users Group Meetup
02. PHP London
02. The Houston PHP Users Group
02. Boston PHP Meetup
02. Atlanta PHP User Group
02. Manchester UK - PHP Group
02. Sydney PHP Group meetings
02. PHP UG Meetup Auckland
02. Cape Town PHP Users Group
02. Jacksonville User Group
02. Seattle PHP Meetup Group
02. The Copenhagen PHP Meetup Group
02. SF PHP Meetup
02. Knoxville Python & PHP UG
02. Orlando PHP User Group
02. Montreal - PHP Quebec
03. Köln/Bonn
03. Iran PHP developer's meetup
03. South Florida LUG
03. Barcelona - Beers & PHP
05. PHP meeting online in China
05. meeting de LAMPistas en La Paz
07. SW Florida Linux Users Group
07. PDXPHP monthly meeting
07. PHPNW: PHP North West user group
08. Wash DC PHP Developers Group
08. Stuttgart
09. Meeting usergroup Dortmund
09. PHP Usergroup Frankfurt/Main
09. Melbourne PHP User Group
09. Edinburgh PHP Users Group
11. PHP User Group Nanaimo, BC/CA
11. PEA meeting from phpchina
14. Hamburg
14. Dallas PHP/MySQL Users Group
14. Dallas PHP Users Group (DPUG)
14. Austin PHP Meetup
14. OKC PHP Meetup
14. PPHPUG Meet & Greet
15. Miami PHP User Group
15. Broward Php Usergroup
15. Nashville PHP Users Group
15. Chicago PHP User Group Brunch
16. TriPUG
16. OINK-PUG (Cincinnati, Ohio)
16. Utah PHP Users Group Meeting
18. Kansas City
18. Miami Linux Users Group
18. Twin Cities PHP
18. Los Angeles LAMPsig
21. Madison PHP User's Group
21. PHP Brisbane Meetup Group
25. Sacramento PHP Group
25. Miami Linux Meetup
25. PHP RIO Meetup
25. 1o Encontro do PHP MG
27. Long Island PHP Users Group
28. New York
28. AzPHP
28. Malaysia PHP Meetup
28. PHP Usergroup Karlsruhe
28. PHPUG Wuerzburg
28. DCPHP Beverage Subgroup
29. Irish PHP Users Group meeting
30. Arabic PHP Group Meeting
30. Malaysia PHP User Group Meet Up
30. Sandy PHP Group


01. PHP Training - Chennai - India
01. Formation PHP Expert certifie
01. PHP Grundlagen in Giessen
01. PHP Certification Training
01. PHP Programming Course - Houston
01. Treinamento - PHP Essentials
02. Curso de PHP Avanzado en Bilbao
04. PHP & AJAX -Construindo Websites
05. Ahmedabad PHP Group Training
06. MySQL Spain
06. Curso PHP Madrid
06. PHP E-Learning/Germany
06. Curso on-line ActionScript / PHP
06. PHP & MySQL Training in Kassel
06. PHP & MySQL com Dreamweaver MX
06. Curso on-line de PHP
06. PHP & MYSQL-Construindo WebSites
06. PHP Training Heilbronn
06. Formation Zend Framework
06. PHP Techniques
07. Curso on-line de PHP-MySQL
07. PHP Class at CalTek
07. PHP Certification Training (UK)
07. PHP. Level 1 Training
08. UK Object Orientation Workshop
09. UK Smarty Templating Workshop
13. PHP para Expertos Curso on-line
13. Curso PHP y MySQL
13. Curso PHP Zend Certified Enginee
14. Formation PHP bases a maitrise
15. PHP Code Camp Series: Quality
15. PHP. Level 2 Training
16. Chennai PHP Training
20. PHP & MySQL Training / Gießen
20. PHP Intro Course South Africa
20. PHP Programming
21. Cursos de PHP en Bilbao
22. Introduction to PHP
23. PHP Brasil - Training
23. PHP. Level 3 Training
23. PHP 5 Programming
27. Basic PHP Course
28. UK PHP Training
28. UK PHP Zend Certification
Upcoming conferences:

Google Summer of Code 2009


Once again we are happy to announce our involvement with the Google Summer of Code project. Be sure to check our program at this years GSoC.

We invite everyone to look at the list of ideas for this years GSoC, and get involved. Students are welcome to propose their own ideas, and we will consider all applications that are received before the April 3rd deadline. So, thanks to everyone involved and we look forward to seeing many students join us on this great adventure!

PHP 5.3.0RC1 Release Announcement


The PHP development team is proud to announce the availability of the first release candidate of PHP 5.3.0 (PHP 5.3.0RC1). This release marks the final phase in a major improvement in the 5.X series, which includes a large number of new features, bug fixes and security enhancements.

The key features of the PHP 5.3 branch include:

This release also drops several extensions and unifies usage of internal APIs. Users should be aware of the following known backwards compatibility breaks:

All users of PHP, especially those using earlier PHP 5 releases are advised to test this release as the final release of PHP 5.3.0 will eventually obsolete the 5.2 branch of PHP.

For users upgrading from previous PHP 5 releases there is an upgrading guide available here, detailing the changes between those releases and PHP 5.3.0.

Please also note that we are aware of issues surrounding float/integer handling in some edge cases (some of which have been introduced in PHP 5.2.0), as well as a crash bug in NSAPI, that will be fixed in PHP 5.3.0RC2. These issues however do not prevent wide spread testing of PHP 5.3.0RC1 as users can now rely on the feature set and implementation decisions no longer being changed.

For a full list of changes in PHP 5.3.0, see the CVS NEWS file.

5.2.9-1 (for Windows) released


The PHP Development Team would like to announce the availability of a new Windows build of PHP - PHP 5.2.9-1

This release focuses on fixing a security flaw introduced by the cURL library (CVE-2009-0037). Please see the following for a full description:

Please note that the cURL related function is disabled when open_basedir or safe_mode enabled.

Note: Only the Windows packages are affected.

PHP 5.2.9 Released!


The PHP development team would like to announce the immediate availability of PHP 5.2.9. This release focuses on improving the stability of the PHP 5.2.x branch with over 50 bug fixes, several of which are security related. All users of PHP are encouraged to upgrade to this release.

Security Enhancements and Fixes in PHP 5.2.9:

  • Fixed security issue in imagerotate(), background colour isn't validated correctly with a non truecolour image. Reported by Hamid Ebadi, APA Laboratory (Fixes CVE-2008-5498). (Scott)
  • Fixed a crash on extract in zip when files or directories entry names contain a relative path. (Pierre)
  • Fixed explode() behavior with empty string to respect negative limit. (Shire)
  • Fixed a segfault when malformed string is passed to json_decode(). (Scott)

Further details about the PHP 5.2.9 can be found in the release announcement for 5.2.9 the full list of changes is available in the ChangeLog for PHP 5.

Windows PECL binaries


Due to unfortunate circumstances Windows binaries for PECL extensions will no longer be available on

Work is being done to incorporate Windows binaries for PECL extensions into and will hopefully be ready during the 1st quarter 2009

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