Here is a quick overview of the other major 2012 predictions:
- Nibiru - This is a popular theory that involves a planet with an elliptical orbit. This planet is supposed to pass through our solar system every 3600 years. There are a lot of holes in this argument and we feel it should be dismissed as a bad theory. The main part of this theory is based on an ancient drawing. There are people who feel this drawing has been misread.
- Nostradamus - While Nostradamus is well known for all of his predictions, we feel that some of the quatrains are a real stretch. Especially the drawings that were recently presented on the History Channel. If you watched the program about the "Drawings of Nostradamus". The interpretations of these drawings were wild and very difficult to believe. Nostradamus was so vague, that most of his writings could have meant numerous things.
- Web Bot- The idea that a spider (web robot) can search through Internet text information and conclude that something bad is going to happen in 2012 is completely ridiculous. Any type of web spider or robot that scams the Internet is going to find a ton of information about the year 2012. That is all this web bot is finding and to conclude that it's an oracle of some kind is ridiculous. We really feel that the web bot wins the award of the biggest 2012 Hype Prediction out there.
- Mayans - The Mayan calendar ends on 12/21/2012. Or in some European countries that would be written out as 21/12/2012. Either way it means December 21, 2012. The Mayans were a scary group of people. There is not doubt that this end date worries us. According to "interpretations" they received their information from an outside source. (UFO or Alien). The "Kukulcan" (as he was called) provided the Mayans with their astronomical information. Who was this guy? The Mayans described him as a tall white man who came from the sea. Some people argue that the Mayans were only predicting the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new one. But, maybe the Mayans knew the date that Wormwood was going to hit the earth?
- Polar Shift - Some people feel for various reasons that the earth's polar caps will make a sudden shift. This event would cause a huge change in the way the earth looks. Land masses would change dramatically. Where there was once water would now be dry and areas of land might be completely flooded. This sudden shift of the polars has been proven by a lot of people to not be "so sudden". Many scholars believe that the shifting of the polar caps takes place slowly over a very long period of time. This is also another theory which a lot of times involves the planet Nibiru. If Nibiru (Planet X) did exist then the gravitational pull from it moving through our solar system might cause the polar caps to shift.
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"Let’s pray to God that the 2012 comet is located and destroyed!"