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Hiyoko Kobayashi

Hiyoko Kobayashi is an excellent female mangaka with a beautiful big boobs ecchi drawing style of illustration, famous since her first manga Dispatch till her latest unfinished manga Hiyoko Brand. Peridot is a fun manga and its first 4 volumes have been completely translated into English. Hiyoko Voice is her most popular art book for its nearly full color, illustrating some elite pictures in her previous manga books as well as new stories.

Hiyoko Kobayashi Profile

  • Name: Hiyoko KOBAYASHI (こばやしひよこ, 小林雛)
  • Profession: Hentai Mangaka
  • Sex: Female
  • Circles: Piyokoya (ぴよこ屋), Okuzuke
  • HP:

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Hentai Manga by Hiyoko Kobayashi

Hiyoko Brand 13 (おくさまは女子高生13) (J)

Hiyoko Brand 13 Thumbnail 1 Hiyoko Brand 13 Thumbnail 2 Hiyoko Brand 13 Thumbnail 3 Hiyoko Brand 13 Thumbnail 4 Hiyoko Brand 13 Thumbnail 5 Hiyoko Brand 13 Thumbnail 6


(980×1450, 190P, 65.5MB)

Hiyoko Brand 12 (おくさまは女子高生12) (J)

Hiyoko Brand 12 Thumbnail 1 Hiyoko Brand 12 Thumbnail 2 Hiyoko Brand 12 Thumbnail 3 Hiyoko Brand 12 Thumbnail 4 Hiyoko Brand 12 Thumbnail 5 Hiyoko Brand 12 Thumbnail 6


(1000×1500, 160P, 51.6MB)

Hiyoko Brand 11 (おくさまは女子高生11) (J)

Hiyoko Brand 11 Thumbnail 1 Hiyoko Brand 11 Thumbnail 2 Hiyoko Brand 11 Thumbnail 3 Hiyoko Brand 11 Thumbnail 4 Hiyoko Brand 11 Thumbnail 5 Hiyoko Brand 11 Thumbnail 6


(950×1400, 174P, 61.0MB)

Hiyoko Brand 1 (My Wife is a High School Girl, Okusama wa Joshi Kosei, 我的太太是女子高中生, おくさまは女子高生1) (EN, CN, J)

Hiyoko Brand 1 Thumbnail 1 Hiyoko Brand 1 Thumbnail 2 Hiyoko Brand 1 Thumbnail 3 Hiyoko Brand 1 Thumbnail 4 Hiyoko Brand 1 Thumbnail 5 Hiyoko Brand 1 Thumbnail 6


(740×1100, 119P, 33.2MB)


(754×1100, 118P, 20.3MB)


(1241×1747, 118P, 45.6MB)

Hiyoko Brand 2 (おくさまは女子高生2) (EN, CN, J)

Hiyoko Brand 2 Thumbnail 1 Hiyoko Brand 2 Thumbnail 2 Hiyoko Brand 2 Thumbnail 3 Hiyoko Brand 2 Thumbnail 4 Hiyoko Brand 2 Thumbnail 5 Hiyoko Brand 2 Thumbnail 6


(740×1100, 161P, 35.4MB)


(1040×1500, 85P, 51.2MB)


(969×1400, 165P, 48.5MB)

Hiyoko Brand 3 (おくさまは女子高生3) (EN, CN, J)

Hiyoko Brand 3 Thumbnail 1 Hiyoko Brand 3 Thumbnail 2 Hiyoko Brand 3 Thumbnail 3 Hiyoko Brand 3 Thumbnail 4 Hiyoko Brand 3 Thumbnail 5 Hiyoko Brand 3 Thumbnail 6


(740×1110, 64P, 15.3M, Incomplete)


(1051×1500, 143P, 70.6MB)


(810×1200, 167P, 47.6MB)

Hiyoko Brand 4 (おくさまは女子高生4) (CN, J)

Hiyoko Brand 4 Thumbnail 1 Hiyoko Brand 4 Thumbnail 2 Hiyoko Brand 4 Thumbnail 3 Hiyoko Brand 4 Thumbnail 4 Hiyoko Brand 4 Thumbnail 5 Hiyoko Brand 4 Thumbnail 6


(1050×1500, 150P, 80.5MB)


(800×1200, 163P, 51.9MB)

Hiyoko Brand 5 (おくさまは女子高生5) (CN, J)

Hiyoko Brand 5 Thumbnail 1 Hiyoko Brand 5 Thumbnail 2 Hiyoko Brand 5 Thumbnail 3 Hiyoko Brand 5 Thumbnail 4 Hiyoko Brand 5 Thumbnail 5 Hiyoko Brand 5 Thumbnail 6


(1000×1500, 76P, 47.5MB)


(810×1200, 163P, 57.8MB)

Hiyoko Brand 6 (おくさまは女子高生6) (J)

Hiyoko Brand 6 Thumbnail 1 Hiyoko Brand 6 Thumbnail 2 Hiyoko Brand 6 Thumbnail 3 Hiyoko Brand 6 Thumbnail 4 Hiyoko Brand 6 Thumbnail 5 Hiyoko Brand 6 Thumbnail 6


(820×1200, 163P, 54.6MB)

Hiyoko Brand 7 (おくさまは女子高生7) (J)

Hiyoko Brand 7 Thumbnail 1 Hiyoko Brand 7 Thumbnail 2 Hiyoko Brand 7 Thumbnail 3 Hiyoko Brand 7 Thumbnail 4 Hiyoko Brand 7 Thumbnail 5 Hiyoko Brand 7 Thumbnail 6


(851×1230, 184P, 119MB)

Hiyoko Brand 8 (おくさまは女子高生8) (J)

Hiyoko Brand 8 Thumbnail 1 Hiyoko Brand 8 Thumbnail 2 Hiyoko Brand 8 Thumbnail 3 Hiyoko Brand 8 Thumbnail 4 Hiyoko Brand 8 Thumbnail 5 Hiyoko Brand 8 Thumbnail 6


(851×1230, 181P, 54.3MB)

Hiyoko Brand 9 (おくさまは女子高生9) (J)

Hiyoko Brand 9 Thumbnail 1 Hiyoko Brand 9 Thumbnail 2 Hiyoko Brand 9 Thumbnail 3 Hiyoko Brand 9 Thumbnail 4 Hiyoko Brand 9 Thumbnail 5 Hiyoko Brand 9 Thumbnail 6


(960×1400, 182P, 78.1MB)

Hiyoko Brand 10 (おくさまは女子高生10) (J)

Hiyoko Brand 10 Thumbnail 1 Hiyoko Brand 10 Thumbnail 2 Hiyoko Brand 10 Thumbnail 3 Hiyoko Brand 10 Thumbnail 4 Hiyoko Brand 10 Thumbnail 5 Hiyoko Brand 10 Thumbnail 6


(950×1400, 183P, 62.1MB)

Hiyoko Color (Piyoko/Ya) (J)

Hiyoko Color Thumbnail 1 Hiyoko Color Thumbnail 2 Hiyoko Color Thumbnail 3 Hiyoko Color Thumbnail 4 Hiyoko Color Thumbnail 5 Hiyoko Color Thumbnail 6


(716×1011, 18P, 2.91MB)

Hiyoko Voice (CN, J)

Hiyoko Voice Thumbnail 1 Hiyoko Voice Thumbnail 2 Hiyoko Voice Thumbnail 3 Hiyoko Voice Thumbnail 4 Hiyoko Voice Thumbnail 5 Hiyoko Voice Thumbnail 6


(1241×1747, 129P, 53.4MB)


(1241×1747, 118P, 45.6MB)

Dispatch!! 2 (でぃすぱっち!! 2) (J)

Dispatch 2 Thumbnail 1 Dispatch 2 Thumbnail 2 Dispatch 2 Thumbnail 3 Dispatch 2 Thumbnail 4 Dispatch 2 Thumbnail 5 Dispatch 2 Thumbnail 6


(822×1200, 214P, 50.0MB)

Dispatch!! 1 (でぃすぱっち!! 1) (J)

Dispatch 1 Thumbnail 1 Dispatch 1 Thumbnail 2 Dispatch 1 Thumbnail 3 Dispatch 1 Thumbnail 4 Dispatch 1 Thumbnail 5 Dispatch 1 Thumbnail 6


(828×1200, 236P, 50.4MB)

Peridot 1 (EN, J)

Peridot 1 Thumbnail 1 Peridot 1 Thumbnail 2 Peridot 1 Thumbnail 3 Peridot 1 Thumbnail 4 Peridot 1 Thumbnail 5 Peridot 1 Thumbnail 6


(750×1100, 222P, 43.4MB)


(831×1200, 215P, 37.2MB)

Peridot 2 (EN, J)

Peridot 2 Thumbnail 1 Peridot 2 Thumbnail 2 Peridot 2 Thumbnail 3 Peridot 2 Thumbnail 4 Peridot 2 Thumbnail 5 Peridot 2 Thumbnail 6


(750×1100, 212P, 40.0MB)


(831×1200, 210P, 37.0MB)

Peridot 3 (EN, J)

Peridot 3 Thumbnail 1 Peridot 3 Thumbnail 2 Peridot 3 Thumbnail 3 Peridot 3 Thumbnail 4 Peridot 3 Thumbnail 5 Peridot 3 Thumbnail 6


(750×1100, 203P, 35.4MB)


(829×1200, 198P, 33.9MB)

Peridot 4 (EN,J)

Peridot 4 Thumbnail 1 Peridot 4 Thumbnail 2 Peridot 4 Thumbnail 3 Peridot 4 Thumbnail 4 Peridot 4 Thumbnail 5 Peridot 4 Thumbnail 6


(750×1100, 210P, 37.3MB)


(831×1200, 206P, 33.6MB)

Peridot 5 (EN, J)

Peridot 5 Thumbnail 1 Peridot 5 Thumbnail 2 Peridot 5 Thumbnail 3 Peridot 5 Thumbnail 4 Peridot 5 Thumbnail 5 Peridot 5 Thumbnail 6


(765×1100, 227P, 43.4MB)


(829×1200, 228P, 39.0MB)

Peridot 6 (EN, J)

Peridot 6 Thumbnail 1 Peridot 6 Thumbnail 2 Peridot 6 Thumbnail 3 Peridot 6 Thumbnail 4 Peridot 6 Thumbnail 5 Peridot 6 Thumbnail 6


(763×1100, 226P, 44.3MB)


(829×1200, 230P, 37.5MB)

Hentai Doujinshi by Hiyoko Kobayashi

Circle: Okuzuke

Cherry Girls Preparation (J)

Cherry Girls Preparation Thumbnail 1 Cherry Girls Preparation Thumbnail 2 Cherry Girls Preparation Thumbnail 3 Cherry Girls Preparation Thumbnail 4 Cherry Girls Preparation Thumbnail 5 Cherry Girls Preparation Thumbnail 6


(693×1008, 24P, 2.12MB)

Hardcore X (J)

Series: Dead or Alive 2

Hardcore X Thumbnail 1 Hardcore X Thumbnail 2 Hardcore X Thumbnail 3 Hardcore X Thumbnail 4 Hardcore X Thumbnail 5 Hardcore X Thumbnail 6


(554×800, 18P, 1.14MB)

URA!! Dispatch! and URA!! Peridot (J)

URA Dispatch and URA Peridot Thumbnail 1 URA Dispatch and URA Peridot Thumbnail 2 URA Dispatch and URA Peridot Thumbnail 3 URA Dispatch and URA Peridot Thumbnail 4 URA Dispatch and URA Peridot Thumbnail 5 URA Dispatch and URA Peridot Thumbnail 6


(734×1127, 42P, 9.17MB)

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17 Responses to “Hiyoko Kobayashi”
  1. anton Says:

    this is goood!!!

  2. hiro toyo Says:


  3. budi Says:

    haiiii kobayasi can i kknow u can u help me site or web to download free hentaii adult comic who has a full storiesss tahanks

  4. X-Dreams Says:

    Hiyoko Kobayashi Is Great Mangaka Please Add More Hmanga But With Long hair Or adult woman Like Peridot/Dispatch

  5. Admin Says:

    All her “Long hair Or adult woman Like” mangas have been shared here. Hiyoko Brand is her newest manga series. :D

  6. hentai lovers Says:

    I mostly like peridot and dispatch but I bit dissapointed cause they’re not complete. please add hiyoko kun manga. thanks

  7. Says:


  8. Bey Says:

    i donno what to say.. i love both u and u’re art he !! you’re da MAN !!! great work!!

  9. Che Ronaldo Says:

    May i have the download of manga Dispatch 3, because in my country there is no one distribute it any more, i’m feeling very desperate for this 4 years, i’m just crazy about atsuko kirishima san

  10. H-Zip Admin Says:

    According to the artist’s HP, Dispatch only has two volumes in total.

  11. Che Ronaldo Says:

    Thanks, i appreciate that

  12. DanBalle Says:

    The best i have seen in a long time

  13. BeachBoy Says:

    Hiyoko Brand will continue translation?? hope can see the full set with CN version… will it?

  14. IKA Says:

    hope that all of this will be transtated into English.

  15. caspian Says:

    I can’t find any translations of Dispatch. Hiyoko Brand and Peridot has some chapters translated by some groups, any body know where to find Dispatch translations? Even text only?

  16. mon Says:

    THX for give

  17. Paul Says:

    All, and not just some, of Hiyoko Brand 3 can be found in English here:

    Some of part 4 has been translated, too.

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