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The Race Card

Objective View: Black Face

Black people, you mad?

click the pic to read this blog post that I cosign.  I just wish he just came out and called us Black folks angry and sensitive though.

I have a feeling that if Obama wasn’t running for the H.N.I.C. title, this character might have been blown out of porportion on some Al Sharpton sh*t.

I could care less about a Jack Black or a Ben Stiller.  The only reason I’m going to see this movie is to see Robert Downy Jr. and the way he rocks a Black Face.

fast forward to the 45 second mark…

I’ll keep it real…

I get a kick out of seeing White folks imitate Blacks. I don’t mean in an offensive way either.  We [1] are used to being made fun of whenever we are being portrayed.  We are used to the negative connitation associated with someone from another race with lighter skin putting on brown paint to act out an ignorant condesending portrayal of a group of oppressed folks.

That’s not what I’m talking about though.  I look at White folks (hell, why not throw Asians in the mix, too?) as portraying the “truth,” if you will, about Black culture.

So not all Black folks are like this, but when the media wants to portray a Kneegrow that is what people who aren’t exposed to Blacks receive.  That’s the image they adapt into their brain.

But when White folks do an imitation correctly,  it’s kind of funny.  Peep this scene right quick with Tracy Morgan and Alec Baldwin.

What’s wrong with this clip?  I, for one, think Baldwin nailed that Red Foxx imitation.

So when I see blog posts and chit chat about this “black face” that Robert Downey Jr. is doing for the movie, I have to tell people to rewind the tape.  I know those same people probably laughed OR didn’t see a damn thing wrong about this movie with the stereotypes assigned to the characters.

The funny part about this whole post/movie, the actual Black character plays a typical A.B.M. (angry Black man) about the Black face and losing the part to a white man…which sounds like half of the people who feel away about the Downey’s character.  Bummer.

AND if Black image and Black integrity in media is so important to these people (perhaps you), why aren’t they protesting ol’ cotton picking shuck n’ jiving ass Flavor Flav?

[1] When I say “we” I’m referring to people who rock the same complexion as mine, but I am actually talking to everyone who knows what I truely mean.

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5 comments for “Objective View: Black Face”

  1. I think you’ll probably get a kick out of the film. There is a black actor in the group that constantly gives Downey a hard time about the fact that he is in “blackface.” The joke is about how far actors will go to “get into” a role for a film. Plus RDJ does an awesome job.


    Posted by ScreenRant.com | August 12, 2008, 10:40 am
  2. Dayum! You went in! I didn’t even realize that you’d posted this much. I guess I did miss an e-mail along the way. I’m writing a “That’s Kinda Racist” blog right this minute and I’m gonna talk about the whole “Black face” thing regarding Robert Downey Jr.


    Posted by Dart_Adams | August 13, 2008, 11:37 am
  3. nice post mo - you are the TRUTH. i am sad now that i never watched 30 rock. keep it up i like your style. bb

    Posted by becky | August 18, 2008, 11:25 pm
  4. Robert Downey Jr. did his thing point blank.
    Tom Cruise KILLS!!!

    I don’t even trip about this issue at all. Clearly they were not trying to offend.

    Posted by VEe! | November 11, 2008, 4:31 am
  5. [...] minstrels. Ted Danson pulled a dumb trick when he wore black face to honor Whoopi Goldberg in 1993. Robert Downey Jr.’s role in Tropic Thunder was satire against the practice of blackface. And here’s a really awkward video where a Japanese [...]

    Posted by Hollywood’s yellowface. « theMaykazine | February 21, 2009, 12:59 am

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