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Bbhart2408 02:09:08 PM Mar 25 2009

<<CATCHjr 05:22:42 PM Dec 25 2008Report This!The Amish folks have it all figured out in my opinion.>> You have to watch out for those Amish gang bangers!

ToteIt1 11:43:50 AM Mar 25 2009

WOW, what a surprise! The cities with the highest black population have the highest crime

LaRryly1 01:39:52 AM Mar 25 2009

I'm surprised that i live in Oakland and i don't usually see motor vehicles stolen.

CSHAFFERMD 02:02:47 PM Mar 23 2009

Racial profile the citys and states you will see why these are the highest crime citys.....look at the world areas with the same is no secret it is fact..not suppose to discuss the problem it would make the liberal type very think it is bad now wait till King Obama get his way with gun permits...bolt your doors America he is coming for you!!!

SuperiorsCabinet 01:36:36 PM Mar 23 2009

Whats truly amazing is how many of you think your immune to this garbage. I've known hundreds of people that wouldn't hestitate to bust your head open because you spilled their soda. And no they don't care about you falling out of your wheel chair while they are doing it. Or about you being only six years old. Or that your retired on a fixed income. Only care about that precious soda you spilled. And the $1.50 you give them to replace it will get you another beating for being disrespectful.I remember working with a guy that bought a new car and the something went wrong with it. Nothing major. He put the beatdown on the sales dude right in the middle of the dealership the next day though. Hilarious.Another guy accidentally steps on this dudes hand coming down a ladder and immediately was helped down express style from 8 feet up. Watched a 50 year old man deck some kid because he didn't like the way he drove his car.Nothing gets someones attention like a shatered jaw or a crushed skull

Jesusjammer26 01:21:31 PM Mar 23 2009

ignorant to say that less gun control will stop crime. Obama was right "holding onto their guns and their religion" And yes I am a Christian___________________________________________________Do a study and you will find that areas with self defense laws and high levels of ownership of firearms and education have lower crime rates. (Jacksonville FL is a good example) When the only people that have the guns are the criminals and the state the citizen is in trouble. I am not for no holds on gun control but a person's right to own and use a firearm in the event of self defense is something that obama and all the nut jobs in DC have no right to touch. Anther reason is the decline in family values in the nation. You get the family back on track and things will start to turn

SuperiorsCabinet 01:21:30 PM Mar 23 2009

They left out DC and a picture of the con-man in the whitehouse!!!This is what happens when police use rubber bullets. For some reason when some teen gang banger or rapist goes out and commits a crime we are supposed to lock them up with three square meals a day, free cable TV, a Gym pass and they are supposed to get all better. This makes them ready for their return to society. Because all ex-cons get out and get a free room, three meals a day free, free education, and a Free membership to the Washington Athletic Club.Yeah thats reality all right. Most have are better off locked up than they are out on the streets. Its why they don't care. It's just an inconvenience to be unable to come and go as you please and nothing more.Better to give them the beat down they deserve every day and execute at will! This way they can't breed more.

Jesusjammer26 01:09:43 PM Mar 23 2009

too all the people who think Jacksonville is bad need to eat crow and shush with their crazy comments peace out

Dawnn1987 01:03:07 PM Mar 23 2009

nah **** that im black and im gonna say it. half of these places majority of the crime dwellers are black and its really sad it has to be this way. when will you idiots wake up and stop acting like a bunch of damn monkeys?

Jlcolon2006 12:58:49 PM Mar 23 2009

Sunshine1first, first and formeost if you arent a resident of Philadelphia, your comments are misguided and ignorant at best. Yes we have had numerous police shootings in the city over a three year period!!! Yes we have crime here just like every other major metropolitan city in the country. We are not a bad city but we are a city that comes together in triumph and tragedy. Unlike most cities in America who have forgotten whats it is to be know your neighbors name , to look out for the kids in the neighborhood. You want to talk about the negative of the city but what about the positive. The fatc that we are the only education mecca in country that has over 45 University in the area is never mentioned, the fact that we have one of the most successful afterschool programs in the country is never talked about. The fact that we have the best childrens hospital in the world.

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