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monman129 monman12...
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About tha case of the Calderon family in Japan?

I have read in the newspaper that the Calderons are fighting over the decision of the Minister of Justice of Japan to have them leave Japan. I am very confused about this because there are two reasons for them to actually have to leave Japan.First is that they used forged passports and they overstayed their visas. In Japan overstaying a visa is a crime but using forged passports is a very serious crime anywhere in the world. Why do some people defend these people who commited a serious crime and covering it up with the child's right issue?For the good of all specially to the Filipinos who took pains and time to earn their visas in Japan.They are mocking the hardworking Filipinos who have visas.And the child Calderon is weaving lies to have them stay in Japan even if her parents commited a crime. This is not fair.She is even telling the mass media she could not speak Tagalog. Her parents cannot even speak the lowest level of the Japanese language how can the calderon child not know her suspect parents own language. They use Tagalog inside their house.We Japanese people are already tired of this mockery of the Calderon family. We think they are also giving a hint that the Philippines is not a good country to live in because they are still clinging to the idea of staying in Japan even if they commited a serious crime.What are your opinions? Tell me .I have some Filipino friends but they are good Filipinos and they are ashamed of what these Calderon are doing to the image of the Filipinos here in Japan.
  • 2 weeks ago

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WW2 the said Japanese children are very much different from Noriko Calderon because those Japanese children are half Filipinos so they were attended to by their mothers who were Filipinos. Calderon is 100 percent Filipino so she should at least show respect for her country. If she is a half Japanese I would not contest her appeal for her whole family to stay. Her parents used forged passport which is a criminal liability anywhere in the world.And plus for being overstays gives them a very difficult position for the govt. of Japan to let them stay.We are all civilized people who knows what is right and what is wrong.Calderon parents did not teach their child what is right instead they are teaching her to be a perfect liar which we Japanese know.Noriko is a big liar.Excuse me good Filipinos out there but its the truth.The Calderons are giving the Philippines a very bad image.I liked the Philippines before but because of the Calderons I have second thoughts.

1 week ago

bluemoonmemory by bluemoon...
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(Why do some people defend these people who commited a serious crime and covering it up with the child's right issue?)

Because there are always antiestablishment people who want to interfer with public order by using(or as a cover as) ignorant(or innocent) people in everywhere particularly in rich society.

(They are mocking the hardworking Filipinos who have visas.)

I totally agree with your opinion. My Filipino associates all have same opinion, too. They made criminal case such as immigration with unjust fake passport intentionally without dispute and must pay for it.

A baby born in Japan shall not be any reason to let them be allowed all to keep staying in Japan as real honest immigrants at all.

(She is even telling the mass media she could not speak Tagalog. Her parents cannot even speak the lowest level of the Japanese language how can the calderon child not know her suspect parents own language. )

I know the child lied. She speaks Tagalog because she IS Filipino who has Filipino mother and father who speak Tagalog. I don't have any sympathy to her either as she is liar. Very sad liar. She didn't commit any crime but liar is liar.

But she is also one of poor puppet handled by peope behind the scene.

Japanese government anyhow seemed to succeed in their persuasion with sort of compromise. The parents will be deported as scheduled but they will be granted to comeback soon more earlier than regular fine term like 5 years detention outside Japan.

The scenario would be soon dispatched. The child will meet her parents in Japan soon who have special visa legally.

(What are your opinions?)
Illegal aliens must pay for it anyway no matter how it is unlucky or unfair to others who still keep going illegal status on.

Justice is sometimes too cruel or inhuman but it is still justice as justice.
  • 2 weeks ago
100% 3 Votes

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Other Answers (5)

  • Parikh by Parikh
    Member since:
    June 08, 2008
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    131 (Level 1)
    • 2 weeks ago
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  • German C by German C
    Member since:
    February 04, 2009
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    30 (Level 1)
    They all are going to die a horible death
    • 2 weeks ago
    0% 0 Votes
  • Kaku R by Kaku R
    Member since:
    April 27, 2008
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    128 (Level 1)
    I hope they get deported and take their kid with them back to the Philippines. There is nothing wrong with immigrants but there is something very wrong with people who come into countries illegally. They have no right to stay, the daughter is their responsibility not that of the Japanese government. If she's sent back to the Philippines then she will learn Tagalog because she will have no other choice.
    • 2 weeks ago
    0% 0 Votes
  • Hello! ^^. by Hello! ^^.
    Member since:
    June 18, 2008
    Total points:
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    God they are shaming the name of my nation. If they do get deported back to the Philippines I hope they'll land in jail, face some form of punishment or something.

    What they did is just damn embarrassing.
    They made a circus out of the whole fiasco.
    • 2 weeks ago
    0% 0 Votes
  • nyantarothecat by nyantaro...
    Member since:
    October 27, 2008
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    Many persons say their stay is illegal. Yes, it is an act against the provisions of law.
    But do you think 20 years is a very long time?
    They have been living in Japan in calm and openly 「平穏かつ公然に」. The society, locals, school and neighbors, has been accepting them for 20 years. And, 20 years is enough time for the authorities to arrest them.
    Don't you think this case may be a kind of virtual prescription(実態上の時効)?
    • 2 weeks ago
    0% 0 Votes
  • shiraz6537 by shiraz65...
    Member since:
    February 22, 2009
    Total points:
    128 (Level 1)
    Do you know what happened after the ww2 in Philippines? many Japanese kids were left in the Philippines, these kids were not allowed to stay in Philippines legally,but weren't deported to japan. local people raised them, some of them were naturalised, in Japan,many Japanese were starving, Philippines was one of the country that gave food aids to japan. Filipinos were that generous people, now it's your turn, your country is one of the richest country in Asia, this parents were from ton do, manila, where more than half of the people cannot get medicare, 20% kids suffer from malnutrition, only the desperate future is in stored for them, your people are not generous enough to give one child a bright future in your country?

    additional comment
    conman129 doesn't know basic facts about what happened during WW2. Japanese kids I meant were not half Japanese born from a Filipino mother,
    there were many Japanese immigrants in Mindanao island. many of them were Japanese married couples. they had kids, but after WW2, they escaped to Japan because anti Japanese sentiment prevailed thoroughout Philippines, and their kids were left there, same thing happened in China, do you know the fact? and do you know many Japanese stay illegally in US,and other countries including Phlippines ? how many people blame them for staying illegally?

    what image, what sentiment about philippines you are going to have is none of our business. but that Filipino girl went through judicial proceedings, that 's why your government gave her the permission to stay in Japan. or are you going to deny that democratic procedure? that conflicts with civilized behavior .
    • 1 week ago
    0% 0 Votes

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