


【東京国際アニメフェア2009/ TVアニメ「戦場のヴァルキュリア」


福山 潤さん(マクシミリアン役)



<東京国際アニメフェア2009 パブリックデー開催概要>
・会場: 東京ビッグサイト 東京国際展示場 東4・5・6ホール他
・日程: 2009年 3月20日(金・祝)~3月21日(土)
・入場料:当日券 / 大人:1,000円 中高生:500円
            前売券/ 大人: 800円 中高生:400円




There might not be anyone from here in Tokyo, but just in case I’ll give the necessary info in english. :)

There is a special event for Valkyria at the Tokyo Anime Fair on the 20th of march, which is next friday at Tokyo Big Sight.
The event starts at 12:30pm and will last for about 30 minutes.

The guests for this special stage events include :

-Yasutaka Yamamoto (director)
-Marina Inoue (voice of Alicia)
-Houko Kuwashima (voice of Isara)
-Jun Fukuyama (voice of Maximilian)
-Sayaka Ohara (voice of Selvaria)

and finally myself, HIMEKA, for the OP theme.

The event is going to be a small talk show and promotion for Valkyria.
And I’m going to sing the OP theme live for the first time.

The Valkyria stage event is free, but the entrance fee to the Tokyo Anime Fair is of 1000 yen for adults.

Here is the website for more information/location etc.:


It’s almost spring~
Take good care, everyone.

~magic sparkles~



今春、「HIMEKA」として、ソニー・ミュージック ジャパン インターナショナルでデビューします!4月から放送を開始するTVアニメ「戦場のヴァルキュリア」のオープニング曲を歌います!(作曲家、作詞家、プロデューサーの常田さん(スキマスイッチ)、そしてこの曲を一緒に作ってた人達に、ありがとうございました!そうですね。。。アニマックスにも、アニプレックスとA-1 Picturesの皆さんにもありがとうございます!!!)

最近も忙しくなりました。26日はデビュー/ヴァルキュリアのOPの記者発表でした。来てくれて人達にありがとうございました!やっぱり沢山の人の前で、オフィシャルのビデオカメラの前にも私は全然ダメですよ。口下手ですよ。緊張すぎて、普通の話も出来ません。きっと、PRのスタッフも、みんなもがっかりしたと思います。。。。人としては魅力がなくて、すみません。(orz)これから歌で私からの恩返しです。(笑)頑張ります!!応援してくれている人達によろしくお願いします~ ライブの為の練習を沢山すると約束します!!





I’m sorry for being the last one to mention it, but here it is (even though most people already know).

My debut song is going to be the OP theme for the TV animation ‘Senjou no Valkyria’ that will start airing in Japan in april (Based on the SEGA PS3 game (overseas known as : Valkyria Chronicles)) under the artist name ‘HIMEKA’ at Sony Music Japan International. The CD single release is planned somewhere around the end of the spring 2009 (A big thank you to the composer, lyricist, producer Tokita-san (Sukima Switch) and all the people who made this song project possible. And also to Animax, to Aniplex and A-1 Pictures staff, thank you!!!)

(I just want to apologize if some people who know me personally are offended due to the fact that this is an anime based on war. I am in no way approving of war in the real world, but we all know war exists for real, so I’m happy to be able to sing a song that is all about hope for the future and to keep moving forward.)

It’s nothing new, but I have been busy with all sorts of things lately, and there was the press conference for my debut/Valkyria OP on the 26th… I’m really bad at expressing myself in front of many people and also video cameras for official things. I felt so stupid and ashamed at the same time… T_T I’m sure the PR staff and all the people who came were so disappointed in me. I hope that I can make up for my lack of charisma as a person by singing. I’m gonna keep practicing a lot!

I’m also planning to watch “Senjou no Valkyria”, I can’t wait!!!



I would also like to state one thing. For all the people who don’t know/understand why I’m going as ‘HIMEKA’, I’m sorry if you feel offended. Even before I came to Japan, I thought and calculated possibilities and I can assure that I am not doing things without thinking them well first. I already knew that I will get asked the question over and over again in Japan, ‘Why HIMEKA??’, and then the foreign people as well wondering if I’m just pointlessly trying to be japanese. You see, this name hasn’t only been a handlename that I use online for many years. Back in 1996, I was still ‘writing’ stories, and Himeka became a really important character of my main story. I have always been imagining stories since my youngest age, but that one story became so connected to my life in many different ways, Himeka also being a character that I started looking up to, being together all my deepest ideals of who I wished I could become. I know I’m far from being as great as she is, but that is because I want to become that way and inspire and help other people; then not letting go of that ‘impossible’ dream of singing in japanese, it feels really natural for me to use that name as an artist. Plus, since I’m going to sing anime songs, I think it’s still forgiveable to use a fictional name. Also, I would like to draw a line between my real name/real life and my singing career. I have no problem with my personal name and I would never want to change it. But I would like people to respect the fact that I am me as me, and then HIMEKA is the singer. And so I hope people will respect my privacy and not touch my life as ‘Catherine’, as much as that is possible. I am just like everyone else, a simple human being, I’m nowhere near perfect, I have a lot of flaws, and so I hope you will remember that. I’ll do my best in my singing career, but I’m sorry if I end up not meeting up your expectations.

Also, one thing you need to know is : I am not owning nor managing any sort of page for music outside of this blog. I won’t use the internet under a ‘HIMEKA’ identity anymore and I’m not posting songs nor videos nor pictures anywhere, and if I use another name, I am not going to make myself public or known. In other words, I am not going to be out there openly anymore. So if you see anyone making pages about me or using one of my names (artist or real one), I just want to warn you that is it -NOT- me. ^^; If you want to see words written by me, come to this blog. It’s the only place managed by me. :)

Je suis assez surprise de recevoir pas mal de commentaires de la part de gens qui parlent français. Merci beaucoup!!! J’espère que vous me pardonnez de ne pas écrire en français. Je dois vous avouer qu’après avoir écrit en japonais et en anglais, je suis un peu paresseuse…haha. ^^; Mais vous savez que je vous adore!!!! Pour les fans de Valkyria, j’espère ne pas vous décevoir avec le générique d’ouverture. XD ;; Si c’est le cas….euh……..JE M’EXCUSE… *sniff* ;____; (qui ne peut pas pardonner une face qui pleure, hein? :P haha…je blague) Je vous promets que je fais de mon mieux avec les ressources qui sont à ma portée. J’espère de pouvoir m’améliorer davantage sur plusieurs plans. ^^ Merci du soutien!!! <3

To Takanori : If you are still reading my blog, I’m sorry for not being able to let you know how to pronounce my real name, but it’s really okay, since I’m going to use HIMEKA as my artist name.  ^^ Thank you for caring as much as wanting to pronounce my name right though! <3

To YOSHI : I remember you!! I’m sorry that my older posts have disappeared. I took a break from my blog between end of march until end of may 2008 and so I wiped all my older posts. I can see everyone’s e-mails when they post a comment in here, so I have your e-mail! Thank you so much for offering help. I’ll remember. :)

noirleciel : I am indeed Canadian. French Canadian. Je suis Québécoise. ^^ Hello fellow Canadian neighbor! ;D I would like to go to Nana’s next live, if possible.  Let’s all cheer for Nana together!!~

To people who asked me who were my favorite Nico singers….mehehe…it’s a secret. ;D

I’m sorry if I missed other important questions, please kick me or remind me if that’s the case! <3

**~Magic Sparkles~**





Hi everyone.
I’m sorry for disabling the comments on my previous entry. I hope you understand.

I’m sorry for not saying so earlier, but the recording of my vocal has been successfully completed on January 31st. It was an interesting experience, and I hope to be able to improve next time I get to record, now that I understand how things work a little more.




To reward everyone for their hard work, we had yummy pizza! I decided willingly to eat very early that day before leaving the dormitory to make sure I would sing at my best at the recording. So let me say that I was very much starving when the pizza arrived!!

So now that the song has been recorded, it’s all over, you think?
Actually, there is so much left to do to prepare my debut.
I’m going to be busy again this week.



A few days ago, there was a meeting with PR people.
Everyone is working hard on this project.
So I’m going to work hard too!

I had a visit of a really nice office full of anime DVDs and CDs. Hehehe… I decided to move there!!! ….Okay, I WISH. ;D




The other day, I met with Yuki that I didn’t see in a while. We ate together and ended up stopping at a nearby Game Center, and she caught herself a cute kitty plushie! And haha, she also caught a Nico Nico Douga TV cellphone strap thingie. XD Isn’t that nice?

Talking about Nico… there’s one of my friends who showed me a lot of Nico singers who do mostly covers of Vocaloid original songs. There’s so many talented people!! <3 I became a fan. :D Keep up the good work everyone~ I’ll be listening!!




I hope everyone had/has a great CHOCO DAY. Yes, that’s how I decided to rename it. Because there shoudn’t be such a holiday that is only meant for couples! So everyone, eat lots of chocolate today!! Since it’s CHOCO DAY, it doesn’t need to be any special type. Any chocolate is allowed! <33 I send you all my love~

I actually received a really cute Nana Mizuki Valentine card from the fanclub through mail yesterday! It really brightened my day. ^^




I actually have one favor to ask everyone. I want to apologize for taking down my YouTube videos. It was requested to me by the company people. The reason is : In Japan, laws are very strict on copyrights, and these songs were not written by me but were covers. In Japan, you can’t just cover songs without having the permission from the original composer, etc. As an amateur, it didn’t seem like a big problem, but now that I’m becoming a singer that belongs to a company, it could be a problem. It’s my own fault that I uploaded a lot of things in the past 2-3 years, so I am sorry for asking this of you all now. If you own mp3s or videos that I have uploaded in the past, I will be very happy if you treasure them forever on your computer or ipod. But I would appreciate if you are one of the people who uploaded any of those on public sites on the internet, that you remove them would help me greatly.

I just want to let you know, all of you, that your support up till now has meant a lot to me. I know that the people who shared my amateur mp3s and videos meant to do good and let other people know about me. I really appreciate what you all did for me up till now. If you choose to also support me as a professional artist, I really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Without listeners, I couldn’t be a singer, so let’s create a beautiful dream world together~

Thank you so much. I’m really going to do my best.

~Magic Sparkles~


Je t’aime beaucoup, Grand-maman. Je m’excuse de ne pas avoir pu te dire quoi que ce soit depuis si longtemps. J’espère juste que tu ne souffres plus. J’espère aussi que quelque part dans cet univers, peut-être que tu pourras m’entendre chanter. Merci pour tout. Je suis vraiment heureuse de pouvoir être en vie partiellement grâce à toi. Maintenant, tu peux te reposer, tu as vécu de ton mieux. Je m’excuse de ne pas pouvoir être là pour te rendre hommage dans la ville où tu as vécu et est décédée.

Repose en paix.







My grandmother (dad’s mother) passed away yesterday.
I just learned about it today through my uncle.
She wasn’t doing so well since the past few years.
I won’t elaborate.

I’m very sad I’m in Japan while it happened.
I didn’t talk to her in a long time.
I hoped she could hear me sing.
She was a really nice person.
We went to my grandparents’ house a lot when I was a kid.
I heard she spoke fluent english, which is pretty rare for someone her generation, in Quebec. But I never spoke to her in english, so I never heard her.
She made the best brownies in the world. TRUST ME.
I always wanted to see a picture of her when she was young. Everyone in the family said she was a really beautiful woman in her young days. I wanted to see…
I hope my grandfather is going to be okay….now that he’s all alone. I’ll pray for him.

I wish I could have thanked her.
I have a lot of memories that I’ll always carry with me.
All the people we meet in life make a change in the way we become.
If my grandma didn’t exist, I wouldn’t exist either.
So I wouldn’t be able to sing for anyone.
I am grateful I was given life.
We will all eventually die, as human beings. So that’s why it’s important to cherish the things and people we love, everyday.

My grandparents on my mother’s side both passed away a long time ago. And so did my mom, 8 years ago.

But I think no matter if you have blood relatives or not, your family is the people who are dear to you. So please never forget that. Your relatives, close friends and even pets…everyone who is important to you, always cherish them. And let them know you care. Because you never know when they will be gone. People have strong hearts, but the human body is a fragile thing that decays. No one is an exception.Don’t go to sleep without making up with people, as much as you can.

I had a lot of things I needed to post about, but I hope you’ll forgive me for making a separate entry for the sake of my grandmother. I promise to update tomorrow.

Everyone, be well and healthy

~Magic Sparkles~






日本武道館は満員でした。みんなはライブの始まりから最後まで三時間ぐらい立ちました。凄いでしょう??!盛り上がりました!! ≧∇≦ノ↑↑↑↑


Hi all!

I’m sorry I haven’t done any updates lately.
I’ll make a really quick one before going to bed.

On the 23rd, I went to see Nana Mizuki’s concert by myself.

Nana is GOD. XD

I had so so so much fun. She sings live so perfectly. It’s unbelievable.
The Budoukan was full. And people were standing the whole concert for 3 hours.
I was even moved to tears at some point. It was one of my dreams to see her live someday, since years ago. :)

I even talked with a guy sitting next to me on my way back home. We agreed that Nana = GOD. Haha.




バイオリンとピアノだけと友に歌うことがいいと思いますよ。マジで。XD (残念。。サビはもっと楽器がありますけど!!!)

And so….the recording for my debut song has started on the 26th!

All the instruments have been recorded.
I really shed tears when the strings played. It was so beautiful…
I’d be happy to just sing with violins and pianos, honestly!!!



Mr. Tokita (of Sukima Switch), the producer of this song. :)
He’s really a nice hard working person and fun to talk to!

All the staff people are really nice and it was fun to be able to see them again.



On the 27th, I also had to do some…….interview……sorta. I’m so ashamed of myself. I really become completely different in front of cameras or audience if I have to talk. My japanese is really not great, but if I have to talk to a camera and know it’s gonna be on TV and remain somewhere, I don’t dare speak because I don’t want to say all those grammatical errors. T_T;;; So I just look stupid like I don’t speak a word. XD At least I know that I suck, but my level is……..well…….what you can see in this blog, so…erm. Yeah. I’m really doing my best to learn more vocabulary and improve my grammar. T_T Please be patient with me.

(Why are interviews always mostly about feelings/impressions on stuff? How would I know how to answer to that. It’s like alien language to me… XD lol~)



And yes…I wasted my time attempting to take my own picture on the 27th while the electric guitar was being recorded. *lol* What a shame.




P.S.: 今日は誰かの素敵な歌声と恋に落ちてしまいました。。。〃∇〃ふふふ

So…I’ve done intensive practice in the past few days, by myself. I don’t even dare say how many times in a row I sang this song. But I’m getting used to it so it’s making me happy.

It’s already past midnight now, so I should go to bed. Today, january 31st, is the day I record the vocals for the song. I’m very nervous but I’ll do my best!

P.S.: Today I fell in love with someone’s voice… *_*








Holiday Seasonはどうですか?



Hi everyone!!
I hope you’re all having a fantastic holiday time!
I don’t really celebrate Christmas, but I was very happy to get all the happy wishes from you all!!!

So I have to say this has been the busiest week I’ve had in a while. Entertainment wise especially.

I don’t have many pictures from the previous days, but I took a bunch yesterday, to make up for it!
I’m very short on money these days, so I’m extremely grateful for having all these fun things happening, even though I feel I didn’t deserve it…

喜多先輩に参加した「アニソン X’mas サミット~アニソンHolly X’mas in TOKYO INTERNATIONAL FORUM~」イベントに行きました!(ありがとうございました、本当に!!)(http://sp.eplus.jp/event/2008/11/xmas-holly-xmas.html)



So on the 21st, I went to Senpai’s (Shuhei Kita)’s Xmas anime song live event (Thank you so much!!). There were a lot of great anime song singer classics there!!! (http://sp.eplus.jp/event/2008/11/xmas-holly-xmas.html)

They sang popular anime song themes along with an orchestra. It was sooo beautiful!!
I only got to see the first part of the concert though, unfortunately. But I was very satisfied. :)


On the 23rd, we had another meeting with Tokita-san (from the Sukima Switch duo). Finally, things are progressing little by little. We’re soon going to make a test recording for the TV size version of the song (for the animation studio).


On the night of the 24th, even though I was a bit busy, my roommates were gathering in the kitchen, eating homemade cake, so I joined them for a little bit.



On the 25th, I had an interview for a website article, I’ll let you know when it gets published. :)
I hope I got understood even though my japanese is so bad….^^; Everyone is being patient with me. I have to work hard!! Unrelated to the interview, we did a mini test photo session. It was so stressful for me… (lol)


On the 26th’s evening, I had a end-of-year dinner with the people from the same management company. I met a lot of nice and fun people. We ended the night at karaoke. :)


夜は急にコンサートに誘われました!梶浦由記さんのライブでした!*O* 嬉しすぎ。実は今年、日本に来てから三回目でした。長い話ですけど、すみません。。。(笑)だけど、本当に感謝しています。梶浦さんに羨ましい。。。こんな音楽の天才がいるなんて。。。無理かもしれないけど、私はいつか梶浦さんが書いた曲を歌いたい。。。ちっぽけな私の夢です。

そして、FictionJunction YUUKAのYuukaさんはソロで行く、フルネーム「南里侑香」で!(。。。私の日本語は正しくないと気がします。。。(汗))良かったですね!


続いてはメイン:梶浦さんも(ピアノで)、またWAKANAとKEIKO、そしてKAORIとYURIKO KAIDAと一緒に梶浦さんの素敵な曲を歌いました。セルフカバーもしました!!次のアルバムでそんな形でするらしい。楽しみにしています!!


On the night of the 27th, I had another unexpected concert to attend. Yuki Kajiura’s. I was so happy… To be honest, it was my 3rd Yuki Kajiura concert since I arrived in Japan. It’s a long story on how I even got to go each time, so I won’t talk about it, but I feel so lucky and grateful I had these wonderful opportunities. I envy Kajiura-san for being such a music genius. It might be a crazy dream but I hope someday I can sing a song written by her.

It looks like a Fan Club will finally be opened!
And then, Yuuka (mostly known as the Yuuka from the FictionJunction YUUKA project) also appearead as a special guest around the end and announced she would go solo next year, under her full name Yuuka Nanri.

The Kalafina girls were pretty as ever and sang wonderfully…

Then the concert continued with WAKANA and KEIKO along with the talented KAORI and YURIKO KAIDA, girls who have been doing a lot of projects for Kajiura-san. They did a lot of self-covers that seem like they will get released on an album next year.

Anyway….it was truly a wonderful concert. I even cried a little…>_<
I’m thankful for having a chance to go.






On the 29th, I went to the Comiket 75! It was my first japanese ‘convention’ experience. One of my friends really wanted to go to get things, so I tagged along. It was SO crowded. A sea of people (me who prefers calm, empty places….). But I didn’t die. :P

There was a whole area just for the Touhou doujin tables!!!
And the industry booths were upstairs. Even Nico Nico Douga has a booth… I had no idea.
Then my favorite time was in the cosplay area. I saw a lot of cute/gorgeous cosplayers!! I wanted to take more pictures. I’m sorry I’m only going to share a few (the ones I asked the permission to post).

There were a lot of Touhou cosplayers. And Haruhi. A lot of vocaloids (not just Miku). Gundam people. Macross Frontier. Bleach. Even Ranma 1/2?! Vampire Knight… Clannad…Sailor Moon…to only name a few. There was also a lot of cosplays from series I didn’t know.



I got really excited when I met a Rika and Hanyuu together!! 「Higurashi no Naku Koro ni/When they Cry」They were so cute. ♥♥
(I saw a Shion in her Angel Mort waitress outfit later too but didn’t get a chance to take a picture…T_T) I also saw 2 different Satoko’s, but they were in the comic area so we couldn’t take pictures there…. *cries*
Aren’t they cute? :D



Hatsune Miku!!! ♥♥
Just too cute. I love Miku.




Then haha, I’m sorry, the rest I’m posting is Macross Frontier!!!
I recently watched the whole series and fell in love with the characters, so I just had to take pictures of a few of them. (The songs from the series are so good, I’m thinking of buying all the singles and albums once I have the money)

The two great singers of Macross Frontier, Ranka Lee and Sheryl Nome!! ♥♥



Another superrrrrr cuuuute singing Ranka!!! ♥♥



And finally, another pair of Ranka and Sheryl.

大丈夫だったけど、隣の店で水樹奈々のプロモビデオがありました。新しいDVD、Live Fighterの。:D いい偶然でしたね!


Afterwards, one of my friends needed a few more things and we ended up going to Akihabara. He made my other friend and I wait for a long time outside of the store, but right next to it was the promotion of Nana Mizuki’s new DVDs! What a nice coincidence.


By the way, I received my Nana Mizuki concert ticket on the 24th!! This one I got from my own hard efforts..haha. I’m so excited!! I can’t wait to go next month!! ♥♥



There was also a promotion bus for a game/series called Chaos;Head at the Comiket site, but there was also the same bus in front of us outside the store at Akiba. I thought they were following us. Haha…just kidding. But I watched this series. I thought it was a bit too quick/short, but I kinda liked the concept.


Then we ended up eating at a restaurant in Shinjuku where they had a huge salad bar. *_* I was able to eat a lot of yummy veggies and was happy….
I gotta be thankful to my friends.






Yesterday night (30th), I met with Nano and we went to a coffee shop to talk a little bit and we ended up going to the game center and took a LOT of purikura too!! Nano worked hard to get the both of us matching plushies!! They’re just TOO cute. I get all happy when I look at it now. I still didn’t give him a name. *^-^* ♥♥(Haha…we got a bit of help from a game center employee….*coughs*)
We talked about a lot of meaningful things in the meantime. :) About life and this year…
I’m wishing good luck to Nano for the upcoming year. I hope we can both be in the world of music together soon. :) ♥♥

Someone recognized me. O_O He asked me if I was Catherine and said he watched the Anisong Grand Prix on TV. Waaaah. XD ;;; I was so embarassed.

I unfortunately caught another cold. I hope it goes away soon…. T_T *HEALING POWER MAXIMUM!!* lol

This year was both good and bad, but I’d say overall, it was better than worse.
I might not have luck in everything, but this year was the luckiest one for me in….. 20 years?
I am so grateful I have something ahead of me for the upcoming year. I’m really looking forward to it. Thank you to all the people who have been supporting me so far and intend to keep doing so. I will do my best with my debut next year!






もうすぐ2009になります。皆さんはいい目的を決めましたか? :)



My goals/resolutions/want-to-do list for 2009 :

-I want to improve my japanese
-I want to eat better/lose a few pounds/be more healthy

-I need to buy a new wallet (mine is from 1990 or so…) x_x;

-I want to go to the amusement park
-I want to go to the zoo
-I want to go to the aquarium
-I’d like to go back to Montréal for a week if it’s possible
-I want to participate in a holiday/end of year singing event
-I’d like to try to write a song myself

-I want to take good care of my friends
-I want to be more positive
-I want to worry about details less

As I’m typing this, it’s almost 2009 here in Japan. Did everyone decide on goals for the new year?
I hope you’re all having a good time. Take good care,

Love and magic sparkles~


My Last Iced Cocoa of the year :


~BONNE ANNÉE tout le monde!!! ~


Joyeux Noël!
Merry Christmas to whoever celebrates it!
I wish everyone a great holiday season!

Yes. That’s all I have to say. (lol) ^_^

I’m sorry for not doing/making anything special for your sake. Please forgive me.

I swear I think of you all though!! Be happy!! <3

Magic Sparkles~




Satoshi-kun (from the Grand Prix finals) had things to do in Tokyo so we met up today.
Afterwards we went karaoke with Shimizu-kun (also from the Grand Prix finals) and Nano!! Yuki and Suu were gonna come too but they had to cancel due to various reasons. I really wanted to see them, but there’s always next time, right? :) ♥♥♥♥

It was really fun. Thank you.
Afterwards, Nano suggested we take purikura.
All the pictures are so silly, I wasn’t sure which one to pick to post here. XD

Hahaha. Okay, that’s all.

Goodnight all. Be well, stay warm and healthy!!

*magic sparkles*



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