Koko Soko

Here’s an edit.

Also, let me use this space to say THANK YOU MC SMILE for not letting Konami butcher this song like they did with Golden Sky. The cut couldn’t have been better. And the default hard steps actually kick a little ass. Bonus points to the step artist for including the gallops.

Block Fort

A conversion of a Postal 2 map that was probably a conversion of a UT2004 map that was probably a conversion of a UT map. Or something.

Either way, the map itself is originally from Mario Kart 64, therefore it kicks ass.

This map utilizes a variety of custom vehicles. If you’ve been cruising the various Onslaught servers still up, you probably have the necessary files already. If not, post what files you’re missing and I can have them uploaded.

Download: ONS-BlockFort-Beta1.zip (2.63 MB)

No update this week due to flagrant computer errors


As promised, a lazy simfile update. This weekend was hell so I didn’t get a chance to work on anything good.

For this update, I changed the banner and background (the old ones were shit ugly), removed the old Standard and Challenge steps (they’re included as edits now), moved the Heavy steps to Challenge, and made a new Double Challenge chart, to make this simfile officially complete (as far as nonstop megamix songs go).

Doo-Be-Di-Boy (KCP Mix)

As promised: updated version of Doo-Be-Di-Boy (KCP Mix) by SMiLE.dk. New challenge steps (10 footer!), and a full set of doubles charts. New background, banner, and BGchanges. In short, everything that needs to be done to upgrade this file to “complete” status.

Doubles steps added. This file is considered “complete” now (as a “From Nonstop Megamix” file, it will only have Challenge steps)

Doki Doki updated with a new background image. Old image included too, just in case you actually prefer it over the old one.

New Year Resolution: One updated or new stepfile a week. I guess we’ll see how long I can keep that up.

Some files might be temporarily offline for a few days.

My car was broken into today, and some things were stolen. Specifically, some CDs were stolen.

These were not your average, everyday run-of-the-mill CDs, the shit that you pick up at your local record store and listen to maybe once or twice. In fact, you couldn’t even get these CDs at your local record store.

My Smile.DK collection was stolen. Including their original album, autographed by Veronica and Hanna themselves. It’s irreplaceable… I’ll be damn lucky if I find another one on eBay, but if I wanted that one autographed I’d have to fly out to Washington State next April. I don’t have the fucking money for that.

They also got my Cardcaptor Sakura and Excel Saga soundtracks, my Mannheim Steamroller collection, a couple of Mozart CDs, and two Super Eurobeat CDs. I could replace the Mannheim Steamroller and Mozart CDs, but I spent tons on the soundtracks and the Smile CDs, so I probably won’t bother to replace them.

Still… I’m not happy about this. To the scumbag(s) who ripped me off five days before Christmas, you can kiss my ass. I hope your spend your Christmas in a jail cell.

Luckily, I had most of the stolen CDs ripped to my computer (all but the Excel Saga and Super Eurobeat), so I can just burn new ones. Hell, I don’t really even care. If all of them except the original autographed Smile CD were stolen, I wouldn’t be as angry… but there’s no way I’ll be able to replace that. I do still have the jewel case, and that was also autographed… so I guess it’s not that bad.

I’m just glad they didn’t take the car. That would have REALLY sucked.

Single challenge only. (From Nonstop Megamix style)

Doubles steps later.

Coming sometime with doubles steps and new Challenge chart

Postal 2 AWP Service Patch

I thought I released this before, but apparently I didn’t. This new patch for Postal 2 AWP includes two new difficulties, three new cheat codes, and some other stuff…

Nightmare Mode
Nightmare Mode is the next step above They Hate Me. In They Hate Me, everyone hated your guts and would try to kill you, but only certain people had guns… in Nightmare Mode, EVERYBODY has a gun (like in Hestonworld) and hates your guts (like in They Hate Me). So you’re running around dodging gunfire all the time. But there’s more… All those fast food bags and donuts and pizzas you like to carry around? Well, you can’t carry them around any more. You have to eat them on the spot. You can still keep your health pipes, though. And last, but not least, in case you thought about abusing the save button… you can only save once per level. That’s it. That doesn’t include the autosave either, but it means you can’t go around spamming quicksave and expect to survive.

Really Fucking Hard Mode
And if Nightmare Mode isn’t tough enough for you, try this level. This difficulty level is even harder than Nightmare, and it combines all of the conditions of Nightmare with the overpowered weapons from Insane-O. So you’re not running around dodging gunfire — you’re dodging gunfire, rockets, grenades, molotov cocktails, and even the occasional mini-nuke. If you can clear this difficulty level without cheating, you are a true Postal 2 god (or goddess).

School Level
The school map now plays a bigger part in your quest. On Wednesday, voting day is no longer held at the Cock Asian — you’ll have to go to the school to cast your vote. By the way, the school has a strict zero tolerance policy on weaponry, and they enforce that with a metal detector…

Three new cheat codes
HereKittyKitty — Gives you a cat launcher!
AntiBullet — “Anti-bullet time” speeds things up a bit.
Goodies — Shows the location of powerups on your radar.

And the little things
Little things like the characters looking a bit different each time you start a new game. Certain things happening in areas where they don’t normally happen. And an easter egg that’s damn near impossible to find.

Download: http://www.moddb.com/mods/awp-a-week-in-pa…p-service-patch

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