Japanese vs American Graphics

When Hirameki ported the game to the US they attempted to tone down a lot of the game images. Here you will find side by side comparisons of the images. Click on the image so see a larger version.

A lot of the images are very violent and graphic in nature. Don't look if blood and guts gross you out

American Version Japanese Version
American image darkened so that you can no longer see Lillith's spine
American image darkened to make the image appear less bloody. Also, cross bars removed so the stake is no longer a cross (which makes no sense since they left the cross bar in the first image above)
Image darkened to hide spine
The image to the right was removed from the Hell Fire Club sequence in the American game completely and replaced with a red brick wall.
This image was cropped in the American version so that we cannot see where Dashwood's hand and leg are
Same as above, image cropped. It also appears that some of Dashwood's spit was removed from Georik's face (look under his lip on his chin in the Japanese image)
Fog used in the American version to cover up the blood and the woman to the lower left.
Both images in this sequence have been darkened in the American version, I guess to make it look less bloody.
This sequence is lightened in the American version to hide the violence
American version darkened to hide the true extent of what's been done to Lucifer/Georik
American image is cropped so that we can't see where Bruno's hands are. The fact that St. Germant is chained up seems to have been minimized as well but this could have just been from cropping out the good parts.
In the American version the covers have been (poorly) edited to cover the goodies
This pathetic edit just makes me laugh. Georik's coloring isn't even right! Don't these people know why we fan girls play these games? We want out hot man on man action damnit!
To be continued ~.^